If you were to do any kind of statistical research into Network Marketing, you would probably find some shocking results. The failure rate is over 95%, lots of people find themselves filing for bankruptcy and some are left with nothing but a garage full of unused products to show for their time and energy. All of this leaves bitter and skeptical feelings of Multi-level Marketing, but most of the blame is being misdirected. It is not the company who supplies the products who are at fault, it is mostly due to separate organizations who misuse the internet as a way of convincing people to grow a business. Although everything looks good on paper, these online "turn-key" Monavie Training tools focus more on playing a numbers game and less on providing proper education. If you ever find yourself being lured into an online business system that sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Here are some reasons why most online systems do not work for the average distributor.
Reason #1: Over-Priced Leads
Let's start out with a bang. This is the main reason why you should turn 180 degrees around and run as fast as you can from these online systems. Here's how people get into financial ruin. The plan they have laid out for you revolves around you purchasing "quality" leads from the online business system. They will tell you it's a numbers game, meaning, the more you buy, the more money you will make in return. This would make sense if the leads were cheap and there actually was such a thing as "quality" leads. But since the leads are sold to you at an inflated price, people are led to believe that it's a good buy and it isn't long before your deep in debt.
You should not have to spend big money to start a business from home. Leave that stuff for the aspiring McDonald's franchise buyer. The kind of leads that are generated through these systems are available on the internet to anyone for pennies on the dollar. You just have to know where to find them. Never sign up for an online Monavie Training system that tells you the more you spend, the more you make...especially if there is no guarantee. Bottom line...if you are spending more than 25 cents per lead, then who is really making the money? The lead company, the online system or you? It is definitely not you. Most of the leads stink whether they cost 25 cents or $25.00. The best leads you can have are the ones you generate yourself by using proven Monavie training techniques.
Reason #2: Designed To Benefit The Top Leaders
Most of these online business systems are designed by top Monavie distributors and have nothing to do with the company as a whole. These people are successful Monavie Business distributors who have figured out a way to make supplemental income by "providing" you with their Monavie training business plan. The more people they enroll, the more money they make. Why else would they invite people outside of their downline to join in? An alliance is made with a lead-generation company and the creators of the online Monavie Training system and both parties make an enormous profit selling you their cheap leads at inflated prices. Aside from that, they also make money from collecting monthly "fees" for their system which they will explain covers the use of their websites and Monavie training which are already set up. Just think about it. If a low estimate of 100 people each paid $50 a month just to be a member , that is an extra $5,000 a month! For what? If they are only interested in your success, why do they even need to collect a membership fee? Should not the extra income from your soon-to-be exploding business benefit them enough?
Reason #3. Website Mis-Usage
Since most of these Monavie training systems require you to pay a monthly fee to use their awesome websites, they have probably spent some good money to make their system look pretty through the help of a graphic artist and web designer. This may make the site look really cool, but it doesn't mean it will cause your Monavie business to explode. The way a website works successfully depends on the kind of people who look at it and how you get them to look at it. The kind of people you want are those who already have a want, need and desire for what you are offering on that site. You do not get them there by spending tons of dollars on leads and then telling them to "take a look at it." They are not qualified because they have not done enough to want to be there. If you had a convenience store out in the middle of the desert, it doesn't matter what it looks like when that thirsty person searching for a cold beverage walks ten hot miles to find it. They are going to want what you have regardless.
Reason #4. Teaches You To Lead With The Business
One of the reasons there is a 95% or more failure rate in Network Marketing is because people join without a passion for the Monavie products they are selling. You simply cannot be successful if you don't believe in your Monavie products, and if you are only joining Monavie to make money, it's the wrong reason. Many of these Monavie training systems push "Work From Home" leads that provide you with contacts who want to make money working from home. When you spend all of your time and money on people like this, your business will not move forward. Sure, you'll probably find a few people a month to enroll in your Monavie business and attempt to follow your Monavie Training system, but they won't be grounded on the products and they will soon quit. This Monavie training system is wonderful for the distributor who can convince their already huge downline to keep spending the money to enroll these types of people. They make money without purchasing the leads because the money passes up. It is the new person spending money to get these contacts through the Monavie Training system who suffer financially.
Reason #5. It Takes Focus Away From Company
Whenever an onlline business system focuses on you spending all of your money on advertising, websites and lead-generation, it not only takes a toll on your checkbook, but on your commitment to the parent company Monavie you are distributing for as well. Many times these Monavie Training systems focus on their own trainings to build their credibility with you, and you begin to focus on the wrong things. You would not be in business without the products from Monavie who allows you to sell them, and if you spend all of your money on your online business system, you have no money left over for personal inventory and product usage. When you use the products and are passionate about them, it will come across in what you say. If you always have products on hand, people will want what you have without waiting for the someone to ship it to them. When was the last time you went into a shoe store and bought a pair of shoes that were in a catalog because the owner did not have anything on the shelves?
If you truly want to grow a work from home business through Network Marketing, the first thing you must do is find a product you are passionate about. Something that you would still take or use even if you could never ever make another single cent from selling it. The second thing you must do is promise yourself to never ever join a Monavie training system where you are told that in order to succeed you must continually invest money for marketing leads and membership fees without have any kind of written guarantee for success. Focus on educating yourself through proven Monavie training on how to market a product, not just simply selling it. There are thousands of people out there who want what you have. In order to be successful, you must learn how to find them and help them through proven Monavie Training.
So, the answer to that 6 figure income from home is not just about your product, service or compensation plan. Ultimately it's about you, your mindset and your ability to position yourself as a true marketer through proven Monavie training. You see... understanding the power of mindset and positioning are the true reasons behind success in Network Marketing. This is how I turned my business around after much trial and error and I continue to help others to do the same.
Much can be learned from the costly mistakes of others before you who have not used proven Monavie training.
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