
Supersize Me

Upon a closer look, everything in live relates back to marketing. There is not one sector in human society which is not influenced by marketing.

Marketing in itself is neither bad or good, a bit like money, it is "Neutral". However, marketing in the hands of "profit above everything" individuals or companies, can have the most detrimental, devastating effect on our society.

I could mention a few, but it would sound like I am writing an article about the conspiracy theory. Being concerned about general Health, and the ongoing epidemic of Obesity with its related health issues, makes me pick just one marketing campaign, which is the now famous term "Supersize" - and related Supersize Me.

Now, where is that term coming from?

Or even some other interesting questions, did they know, or should they have known what negative effect that had on the general population's health?

Back to the first question, if I am not very mistaken, the term supersized is a marketing technique that was coined in the mid-90s by McDonald's.

Staff would ask "Would you like that supersized?"


"Would you like to supersize that?", after taking an order.

The idea behind this promotion is that for an extra few cents a customer could dramatically increase the size of their meal.

This marketing campaign was extremely successful, to put it mildly.

No doubt, commercially this is an extremely creative way to coerce someone to buy more. The customers have a positive feeling, because it seems to be good value. Unfortunately, that type of value is not very good for your hips. I guess we could ask, should a business have a conscious regarding their customers health.

I guess they would argue, that they can't afford a conscious, and that they have to keep up with their competition, and finally they would argue, that the customers are responsible, the business just sells something.

From a health point of view, individuals, concerned interest groups and the government have to come up with a marketing concept, which makes the mention of the term > "Supersize Me" - a extremely negative term, and let it backfire and fly in the face of the originators.

Partly that has happened with the release of the movie > "Super Size Me" , a film by Morgan Spurlock, is generally credited with associating the term Supersize with obesity.

After its release, the term adopted this negative connotation.

Unfortunately the fall out is still with us, and lots of food items, have become bigger and stayed that way.

The next marketing campaign should be based on a term like " Under Size Me".

After all, healthy Diet concepts are really not that hard to understand, if you know the basic about: food, energy and conditioning, you should be fine and have no trouble staying on a healthy weight, and those basic principles should be taught at school.

When I grew up, my grandmother always used to say, stop eating before you are full, and you will always be healthy. That's what I would call under-sizing.

Diet Principles may be easier understood, if you know how farmers fatten their animals; by feeding them lots of grains, or the technical term, carbohydrates.

Don't read me wrong, it's not that carbohydrates are bad, it simply that most have too much of it.
Did you know that:

Carbohydrate is just a fancy word for Sugar.

See below the outline of a basic good balanced diet.

That will take care of the "Diet", now, what about Energy?

The basic equation - energy in - energy out - is well known and understood, and makes perfect sense, in simple terms, don't eat more than you require. for your normal daily activity.

And finally the term "Conditioning", which may be harder to come to terms with than the other two.

We are all conditioned, one way or another, to food we grew up with, behaviour we adopted, such as comfort eating, and to make matters worse we have to throw in, addictions - allergies (yes you crave food you are allergic too) and other cravings.

To write about conditioning, may well mean to write a whole book, (Sorry no time to day ) but here it is in a nutshell.

Just be aware that you have been conditioned, and that taste is part of this conditioning, so are eating habits. Once you know that, it may be easier for you to not have certain foods to eat. Believe me, your life doesn't depend on it. Just think, if you would have been born into a different culture, you would eat now totally different food.

With other words, statements, such a; I can't live without my coffee" are conditioning. Believe me, you can, and while we are at it, here is another one, there is nothing wrong with healthy, wholesome foods, it actually tastes delicious, once again it is just a stupid marketing ( conditioning) campaign that health food tastes bad.

Take back control over your live, who is in charge here, the fast food industry or You?

Here is your strategy:

Adopt a good diet, it's easy, lots of veggies, yes lots ... some fruit, some lean protein, and moderate amounts of grains, such as Pizza - Bread - Cake - Pasta.

Stay active, Exercise, do some cardiovascular exercise - some weights, some stretches, do it every day. I do 100 squats while my soft egg is boiling, and I do some push ups too.. Yes, move .. become aware that you can do exercise everywhere.

Re-condition yourself, according to what you want out of live, if you like to feel fit and healthy, eat healthy, it's your responsibility, and if you can't do it yourself, get a group together.

Have a look at the diet now ...

A Carbohydrate - Protein - Fat Ratio controlled Diet

A deeper understanding, backed by scientific data, of how food affects our metabolism has changed the way we think about diet.

Diet affects the processes of aging and of many disease states such as:
Obesity, Arthritis, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, blood sugar problems, skin problems and chronic fatigue.

Applying simple dietary rules has brought pronounced results for people who have been trying to lose weight for years. Food has a strong influence on the chemistry of the body.

The balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat in our diet ...

..... determines the amount of glucose (sugar) reaching the blood.

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Acrostic Poems - 8 Top Topics For Acrostics

Acrostics are funtastic and help to concentrate on a topic in a wonderfully novel, personal and creative way. So super power your imagination and get your brain to love learning by using these flexible learning tools. Creating a piece of acrostic poetry is a highly effective method to really engage learners in the learning process. Acrostic poems consist of a composition of phrases whereby the initial letter spells out a particular word or phrase. An acrostic poem, therefore, might consist of four lines, the first beginning with the letter 'L', the second 'O', the third 'V' and the fourth 'E'. This would hopefully be an acrostic poem about some aspect of love. Beautiful poetry can be created in this way about any number of subjects.

The writing of acrostic poetry can be a marvelous learning exercise as students focus creatively on the nature of their theme. What might be an appropriate subject for the creation of acrostic poetry? Here are some suggestions:

1) An acrostic for a name: a student's own name or the name of a famous person: Mom, Grandma, Dad, Grandpa, Jesus, Shakespeare, Washington, Einstein, Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King. Acrostics for names make fantastic and emotional or amusing notes for birthdays and special occasions of people you love.

2) Acrostics for organizations: UN, NASA, Shell, McDonald's, BP, WalMart. Whether you want to make a political or promotional statement or just amuse your friends creating an acrostic using the letters of a company can be a great way to draw attention.

3) Acrostics for positive words: ace, adore, dynamic, energy, fizz, fresh, magic, munch, paradise, plum, soft, solar, spice, strong, tasty, trust, vital, zest, peace. A lovely way to give yourself a positivity boost is to generate a poem using a positive word as the basis- you'll be concentrating on this word as you make your poem and your brain will react accordingly: you will naturally become more positive as you create your poem.

4) An acrostic poem for a place of interest Eg Pyramids, Venice, New, York, London, Stonehenge, America, Europe, England, US, Sydney, Canada, Moon, stars, Pacific, Nile, Mississippi. An excellent method for synergising the important aspects of a place. As with all of these suggestions it might be interesting to consider the 5 W's who, what, where, when, and why; Who were the Aztecs? What occurred at Stonehenge? Where is the Mississippi? When is the moon brightest? Why were the Pyramids built?

5) Acrostics for beautiful things: flower, love, family, child, wife, husband, earth, sea, forest, pictures, stars, Internet, talk, sharing, snow. The stuff of wonderful poetry for hundreds of years!

6) An acrostic poem for actions: play, draw, sleep, jog, walk, want, try, succeed, help. To focus on what you hope to gain or the important characteristics of doing a particular thing an acrostic poem using the requisite verb as basis might be just the trick.

7) Acrostic poems for special times: Christmas, Mothers' Day, Easter, Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter, five a.m., evening.

8) Acrostic poems for feelings or ways of being: able, cheerful, courageous, confident, determined, delighted, eager, energetic, excited, joyful, playful. An effective form of therapy might be to explore your feelings relating to a particular sphere of emotion. Again the W's might come in handy: What makes you happy? Where are you most excited? When are you filled with joy?

All of these make highly engaging acrostic topics and no doubt you can imagine countless more; one reason acrostics are loved by poets, word fans, crossword hackers, puzzle lovers and students and teachers of all kinds. When you generate an acrostic poem you can make your theme clear, by emphasizing the initial letters which spell out the theme, or you might choose not to, being coy about your acrostic poem or perhaps sewing your hidden word or phrase into the second letter of each line. You may wish to use only one word per line: you might use a complete and beautifully constructed phrase, or even an entire paragraph.

Acrostic poetry can be formal or informal, many people take it very seriously: elements of poetry composition such as the use of iambic pentameters and so forth can be just as easily applied within the structure of an acrostic. Less formally some poets use the form for play and relaxation; many use it to produce personalized and loving messages. In part due to the flexible nature of acrostic poetry it is often chosen by teachers to introduce learners to the joys of writing whilst providing a practical, constraining structure; the skeleton, if you will, which students can flesh-out and create something delightful; or a creative monster! Kids of course, love generating acrostics and often do so with great panache.

Acrostic poetry has been generated for centuries to spell out religious messages and pieces of knowledge useful to know and meditate upon; it is even cited as relating to the origin of symbolizing Jesus Christ with an image of a fish. The reasoning behind this relates to story-telling: some structure to a story helps us to understand, remember, and recall and telling stories is one thing we humans are very talented at and have been for some time!

In sum Acrostics provide an excellent medium to think about and present a topic in a creative way. Acrostics can be applied to abstract concepts or otherwise, they can be usefully generated for names, organizations, positive words, places of interest, beautiful things in general, actions, special times (Christmas acrostics and Mothers' Day acrostics) Spring and Winter and of course to feelings. Acrostics can be used in acrostic puzzles and games and the generation of acrostics is a great creativity enabler and brain expander as well as being a hugely fun educational tool. For the acrostic poem-maker many enjoyable hours await!

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How to Implement Your Marketing Strategies

Researching the latest and greatest ways to implement effective marketing strategies is usually not the problem when it comes to failed marketing campaigns. The actual implementation itself is generally what holds people up.

Many small business owners take the time to do their research, but then when it comes time to try out a new marketing strategy, all of a sudden there are a million more important things to do. Then they whine when their marketing efforts are working.

Many marketers and small business owners are just scared of the effort and pain associated with trying something new. Of course, you've heard the saying "No pain, no gain," which applies to marketing too.

You can search for kooky marketing ideas that will get your business noticed, but until you actually do one of those ideas, you won't get any results. This may seem like common sense, but it seems as though some marketers think that knowledge is power - knowing how to do something is not the same as executing it.

Jay Levinson, the pioneer of guerrilla marketing, suggests people do three to five things related to marketing per day. Studies show it takes 3 weeks to develop a habit. So if you can incorporate a marketing action into your life for 3 weeks, you'll make it a habit to implement marketing every day, and it won't be so hard to try something new.

How to get started implementing
First, you need to manage your marketing activities. Write down what you want to do and when. Make a chart to keep track of your initiatives. You can also use your marketing plan as a reviewing tool to see how many marketing projects you've implemented. You could also use a checklist to keep track of what you need to do and by when to implement an activity.

For instance, if you plan on mailing out product catalogs every quarter to update your selection, plan on calling the catalog printing company to make sure they'll be ready to print when you are.

Set up an accountability system. This can be part of your chart where you keep track of initiatives. Or you can set up a simple Excel spreadsheet that lists the date, action, cost, personnel used, target completion date, date completed and results.

By managing your activities and being accountable for them, you're well on your way to actually putting the marketing strategies in motion.

It's important to note that the planning isn't actual implementation; it's what happens before implementation. You can't say "Well I wrote down my plan for next month, so I'm already implementing my strategy." That's not how it works! Nice try, though.

Successfully implementing a marketing activity requires:
o Focus - on the task at hand and the end results
o Attention to detail - you need to make sure you do everything that is planned and leave nothing out
o Managing - make sure everyone who has a task is working on that task
o Delegating - do what you know how to do best and outsource the rest

Implementation is key to your success. If you can implement some kind of marketing effort every day, no matter how small, you'll be that much closer than your competitor to getting that new customer.

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For Instant Hemorrhoid Relief Learn the Latest Tips and Tricks

Hemorrhoids are a common ailment, but many people aren't willing to talk about it. Because the subject is so embarrassing, hemroid sufferers tend to suffer in silence, even though relief is not that difficult to obtain. In almost all hemoroid cases, there's no need to visit a doctor. In fact, you may not even need to purchase medication. A few simple actions you can take at home will provide quick hemorroid relief. Add a few lifestyle changes, and you may never be troubled by hemorrhoids again. Let's take a look at the latest tips and tricks for hemorrhoid relief.

Avoid the pressure. Hemorroids occur when the blood veins around your rectum and anus become swollen and inflamed. The number one reason behind the swelling and inflammation is higher than normal pressure, usually due to constipation and straining during your bowel movement. The trick is to transform your difficult and strenuous bowel movements into soft and easy bowel movements. Fiber and fluids are the best way to accomplish this. Eat more fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and drink more fluids (water is best). Once you start to ease the pressure of difficult bowel movements, you'll begin to get some hemroid relief. While you're waiting for the fiber and fluids to work their magic, try lubricating your rectum with a small amount of petroleum jelly.

Take warm baths. Warm baths are an excellent way to accomplish hemorrhoid relief. It's best if you can soak in the warm water several times a day. It should provide some immediate relief from the pain and itching, and increased blood flow to the area will accelerate healing.

Don't scratch. The itching of hemoroids can be distracting and even maddening at times. Scratching may provide some quick hemorroid relief, but in the long run it will do more damage and may inflame and irritate your hemorrhoids even more.

Try witch hazel. Without a doubt, the external application of witch hazel is the hemroid relief tip suggested most often by hemorrhoid sufferers. Witch hazel actually helps blood vessels to shrink and contract back to normal size. And here's another tip: try putting the witch hazel on ice before you use it. Getting the witch hazel as cold as possible before applying it seems to multiply the hemoroid relief effect.

Take stoneroot. If you would like to try an herbal remedy for hemorroid relief, you should give stoneroot a try. Among herbal formulations, stoneroot seems to be the most effective. It normally comes in capsule form that you can take once a day (or as directed by an experienced alternative health practitioner).

Be gentle when cleaning. If possible, use toilet paper that has moisturizers or lotions added. Try to avoid any toilet paper with added perfumes or dyes. A really good tip for making your toilet paper more gentle is to dampen it with water before use. That can help soothe the irritation and help keep you clean without risking more inflammation.

Choose creams. Over-the-counter medications may provide some basic hemorrhoid relief, but they won't really have a lasting effect on the cause of your hemroids. Creams are probably better than gels. The only exception may be aloe vera gel, which can provide good hemorroid relief. Don't bother with the suppositories--they treat the wrong area and probably won't help with the itching, burning or pain.

Lose weight. If you're overweight, it could be contributing to your hemoroids. Losing weight and being more active will provide lasting hemorrhoid relief. Reduce your salt intake as much as possible. Having extra salt in your system will cause you to retain fluid. Extra fluid will inevitably lead to bulging veins, which is just the opposite of what you need if you're looking for hemroid relief.

Follow your urges. When you have the urge to use the bathroom, don't delay any more than necessary. Also, don't try to go when you don't have the urge. That will just lead to extra straining and make your hemorroids worse instead of providing hemroid relief.

You can find hemorrhoid relief by following the tips and tricks above. But if you don's see improvement or if the bleeding worsens, don't hesitate to seek a doctor's care.

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Langston Hughes - Salvation

Langston Hughes creates a past experience into a true to life drama of guilt, deception, and grief, in "Salvation." He reveals the story of how he was forced into receiving Christ by his peers, relatives, and preacher. Helpless and alone, he struggles against overwhelming odds. After a long-winded sermon the children of the congregation are asked to come forward and accept Jesus.

Instead of moving forward, Langston waits for the Lord to come to him. When nothing happens, Langston goes forward anyway just to please his aunt and the church. In the end be is not only grief-stricken, but has Lost all belief in God.

Group pressure forced Langston into doing something that was totally against his good judgment. When Langston's friend Westley went forward the pressure increased twofold. Not only was he exposed to the persuasion of the church, but he realized that if Westley did it, it might be admissible. A similar situation might be Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

When Adam saw that Eve had taken of the fruit and was unharmed, he too ate of the tree of knowledge. Westley certainly hadn't been struck dead, so why not give in to save further trouble? If he didn't get saved everyone would turn against him. In a sense the congregation became his God because they pushed him into going to the platform.

The author gains the respect of the reader by telling the story from his point of view and in his own voice. He tells the story truthfully as accurately as he can remember it.

The highly vivid descriptions of the church, the preacher, and his aunt, help keep the momentum of the story rolling. Langston provides the main character an audience and the reader a bit of human excitement. He recreates the true drama of facing an opposing force without any outside help.

Although Langston Hughes believed in the reality of Jesus, he was deceivingly forced into doing something completely against his will. He fooled everyone by making an insincere decision. His emotions and feelings come out in the end of the story. Langston could hear himself thinking during the ordeal and he knew that he was alone. His final decision was based on what was sufficient for the congregation, not himself.

"Salvation" is an awesome portrayal of what true salvation is all about. It is a heart decision, not just walking down an aisle. It was Keith Green, the Gospel Artist, who once said: "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger." Endquote!

It is my sincere desire that those who don't know the Lord who read "Salvation" may understand what it really says in I John 1:9: If we confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, we shall be saved."

Notice, confession is from belief in the heart, not out of peer pressure or submission to what everyone else wants you to do. I sincerely believe "Salvation" by Langston Hughes makes those who have merely walked down an aisle, not because they wanted to find Jesus, think twice.

When one truly finds Christ, it'll be from the heart, not from anything else.

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Choosing Colors For Your Restaurant

Every restaurant needs a color scheme. Colors must be chosen for your walls, decor, tables, linens, the exterior, signage, logo, basically everything, but what colors are best? How do you choose? Let's take a look at some choices:

Red - Red is a color that is bold, noticeable and gives a sense of urgency. However, it can also be a color that symbolizes anger but also love. Red is a good color for many ethnic restaurants, since red is a dominant color in so many country's flags.

Green - Green is a color that may signify good luck, nature and money. Green can also symbolize jealousy. Green is usually a good choice for an accent color.

Blue - Blue symbolizes peace, calm and serenity. Blue can also make a person feel cool, cold or disconnected. Blue is a nice color for a restaurant that is laid back.

Yellow - Yellow is a color that can signify happiness, joy and summer. Yellow can also symbolize cheapness or stinginess. Yellow is usually good as an accent color or as a background color.

Orange - Orange can mean excitement and enthusiasm. Like yellow, orange is usually a good accent color.

Purple - Purple symbolizes passion and creativity. However, purple also means death in some countries and in some religions. Purple is usually used as an accent color.

White - White symbolizes cleanliness, clarity and purity. White is always a good choice for table linens and textiles. White is also a great color to make your guests feel like there is more space in your restaurant.

Black - Black can signify excitement, class, boldness and be futuristic. Black can also signify sadness, evil and anger. Black is perfect for an accent color or as a compliment to a lighter color.

These are the basic colors that you will work from to create different shades and mixtures of colors for your restaurant.
Pastels and lighter and darker versions of these colors will allow you to put together the perfect color scheme for your particular restaurant and allow you to attract more customers. If you notice the colors of many fast food restaurants, including McDonald's and Burger King, you'll see they all choose from the same color scheme, which consists of browns, reds, oranges and blacks. These companies have poured money into researching the effects of color on diners, and have found these colors to be the most conducive to buying and eating food. A higher class restaurant may want to take this into consideration and use these colors as accents to your chosen color scheme.

Whatever colors you choose, they should compliment your setting, theme and most of all, your menu and food.

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7 Step By Step Golf Swing Tips - Hitting Iron Shots

Here's 7 simple way to improve your golf swing with the iron -

1. Whether you are using a driver or an iron, make sure your setup posture is absolutely correct!

Feet shoulder width apart with a 5 iron - the front foot flared out towards the target about 20 degrees, and the back foot is "square". The Upper half of the body should be bent over enough to let your arms hang naturally down from your shoulders.

With your setup the key is to get into a stable and relaxed position.

2. Bend your knees at a slight decrease, where it will give you some flexibility.

3. At stance position, your elbows and arms should be as close together as possible - right elbow pointing directly at the right hip, and the left elbow pointing at the left hip.

4. Ball position - Play your short irons with the ball positioned in the center, middle irons an inch forward and the long irons another inch forward. Ball positioning can make a big difference to your golf impact.

5. At the top of proper back-swing, your left heel should lift slightly off the ground (for a right hander) - unless you are very flexible, in which a full turn is without this. At the top of the back-swing, your left arm should be fairly straight.

6. From the top, start down by pushing off your right foot - with your weight left, turn your hips through, making way for your arms to swing through impact.

7. Good iron contact comes from a descending strike. To hit down on the ball, your weight has to be moving forward to the target.

Cooking Network Foods Food Recipes DVD


Sympathy Messages

The loss of a loved one. It is often difficult to find the right words to express your sympathy to someone during this time of sorrow. A floral tribute and supportive message can offer much support to those grieving such a loss. Here we list some suggestions, perhaps to inspire you as you offer your condolences with your floral tribute.

~Our deepest condolences

~With Sympathy

~Our thoughts are with you and your family.

~In Loving Memory

~You are in our thoughts and prayers.

~Fondest remembrances

~Thinking of you and offering you hope and comfort.

~May you find peace and love in the memories you cherish.

In the weeks after...

After the initial outpouring of support, even weeks after the service, encouraging words can provide continued comfort. Consider sending a floral arrangement, a green or blooming plant, or even a gourmet or fruit basket to the family's home with a supportive message. Here are a few suggestions for you;

~Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts

~I have been thinking of you

~Hope this brings sunshine to your day

~Let's get together soon for lunch, give me a call.

~Just as you have been for us, we are always here for you.

Overall, an uplifting and sensitive message is most comforting. Avoid words like "sad" or "I know how you feel". Messages offering your heartfelt support and friendship with your floral tribute will be appreciated. Your local florist can offer further suggestions about sending a floral tribute.

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A Psychological Profile Of Janis Joplin

"The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation." ---Alfred Adler

Biographical Overview

Janice Joplin was born January 19, 1943 in Port Arthur Texas to Seth and Dorothy Joplin. Janice was the first born child in a family that would eventually include a sister Laura, who was born 6 years later, and a brother Michael, who was born 10 years later. Janice's early family life was relatively normal, and as a child she was exceptionally curious and bright. Janice often made up stories as a child and began writing plays while in the first grade, and even at a very young age her creative talent seemed to be developing.

One early story recounted in Myra Friedman's (1973) book on Janis, recounts how Seth would take the Janis and eventually her siblings down to the post office to look at the pictures of the wanted men as a form of entertainment. Given Janis's later utter and total disregard for the law and conventionality in her life, one wonders if Janis didn't develop some kind of sympathy for the "outlaw" from these early experiences, as she certainly began to view herself as existing outside of the bounds of normal society.

In Janis's words, "The whole world turned on me" when she entered High School, and these years seemed to have an especially profound influence on Janis as well as her later work. Port Arthur was in many ways a rough and even violent city, and as a port town had a number of bars and houses of prostitution to service the men who came to work there. Janis witnessed extreme racism while growing up in Port Arthur, and her tolerance and acceptance of people from other races quickly earned her the nickname "nigger lover" which was one of many that she would eventually acquire in Port Arthur. During this period Janis also gained weight and developed bad skin, and she was often also called a "pig" by the other children in the school.

Following High School Janice enrolled at Lamar State College which she found was much like her High School in Port Arthur, as she again experienced a great deal of rejection here and eventually dropped out. With her parent's blessing, Janis moved to Los Angeles to live with one of her aunts. Janis eventually moved out of her aunt's home into a place of her own in Venice Beach and it was during this trip that she began to seriously use drugs including heroin. Having nearly died during her experiences in Venice Beach, Janice again returned to Port Arthur, and eventually decided to return to school, this time at the University of Texas in Austin.

It was during this period of her life where Janis began performing seriously as a musician. She had discovered the blues through listening to records by Odetta and Bessie Smith, and Janis showed an amazing ability to imitate these singers, which was a lifelong talent she had developed even as a young girl. Janis would often play in coffeehouses and other campus spots around Austin, and it was during these formative years where she was able to put together her blues, folk, and rock influences into her own integrated and unique sound. Janis's favorite place to play was the legendary Threadgill's where she became close friends with owner Ken Threadgill who was a very positive force in Janis's life.

Although Austin included many more anti-establishment types than Port Arthur, Janis was still ridiculed and mocked at the University of Texas, and her sense of inferiority as a result of this reached its pinnacle when she was nominated for the "Ugliest Man on Campus" award while attending school in Austin. This was the final blow to Janis in Texas, and shortly after this even she packed her bags and moved to San Francisco to pursue a career as a singer.

Janis moved to Haight Ashbury in 1966 which at the time was the epicenter of the 1960's. Bands such as the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane were also coming up at this time, and the music and freedom made the Haight in the 1960's for many a magical time and place to be. Janis found an incredible sense of belonging with Big Brother during this time, and their early work as a band represented the raw energy and improvisational nature of rock and Roll that people were beginning to take notice of.

Janice soon began to outshine Big Brother however, and although they were a highly energetic live band, their improvisational style did not translate well in recording sessions. Janice on the other hand took a great interest in the recording sessions, and was committed to recording an album that demonstrated Big Brother's and more importantly her own unique style. With Albert's encouragement, Janice eventually left Big Brother, and this act was seen by many in the band, as well as many of Janice's personal friends, as an act of selfish betrayal.

Janice next formed the Kosmic Blues Band, which she spelled with a K in honor of Franz Kafka, who was one of the many novelists that Janice loved to read. The band was supposed to mark a return to Janice's blues roots, but her first gig in Memphis, a city rich in the blues tradition, was a disaster as the new band received a very lukewarm response from the Memphis crowd. During her time with Kosmic Blues, Janice, already a regular heavy drug user became more enamored of Heroin. Janice's Heroin use continued to increase throughout her time with the Kosmic Blues band, and by the time it came to play at Woodstock in the summer of 1969 she was most likely addicted to the drug. In one particularly disgusting story, Janice's friend and lover Peggy Caserta (who would later go on to write "Going down with Janis" recounts how Janis snuck into the portable toilets to shoot Heroin prior to her performance at Woodstock. In any case Janice's performance at Woodstock was not thought to be one of her best, and it was at this juncture of her career where her Heroin abuse and continued heavy drinking seemed to adversely begin affecting her music.

Realizing that the Kosmic Blues band was not working, Janice also left this band, and in the last year of her life formed her final band that was known as Full Tilt Boogie. It was also during this period that Janice formed a friendship with Kris Kristopherson who would eventually become her lover, and who also wrote Janis's seminal hit Me and Bobby McGee which is the song she is most known for today. During this last phase of her life, Janice began referring to herself as "Pearl" which to her represented the tough- talking highly sexed festive side of her nature.

One significant event that occurred at the end of her life was Janice's ten year High-School reunion. Janis announced her plans to attend the reunion on the Dick Cavett show while also telling the host Dick Cavett that during her time at Port Arthur that her classmates "laughed me out of class, out of town and out of the state, man". Janis wanted to return to Port Arthur to show those that had picked on her and ostracized her that she had made it after all, while also still craving acceptance from the town that she thought her fame would bring her. Janis was drunk most of the time during the reunion, and because she had made several negative remarks about the town in the national press, her visit did not achieve what she had hoped, and once again she left Port Arthur feeling rejected and unloved.

Upon returning to San Francisco Janice's Heroin usage had increased significantly, and it was also during this time that she met and quickly became engaged to a man named Seth Morgan who was from a wealthy east coast family. By all accounts Seth was a dishonorable man, and his stormy relationship with Janis did not appear to be based on any kind of fidelity from either party. During Janis's last months in San Francisco she also reconnected with Peggy Caserta whose appetite for Heroin nearly matched Janis's. Peggy and many others of Janice's friends continued to use Heroin with her in her last month, but Janice was using the drug alone in a seedy hotel when she eventually died from an overdose on October 4th 1970.

Janis's death deeply saddened her friends as well as her fans, but many, including Janice herself, did not expect her to live a particularly long life. Her rampant alcohol and Heroin use had set her on a collision course with death that seemed inevitable, and with this in mind, many people considered the idea that Janice Joplin's death was not in fact an accident but rather a suicide. While a coroner's report showed that the Heroin Janice had used that night was especially pure, one can certainly speculate that Janis Joplin contributed greatly to her own demise. Despite the fact her death was eventually ruled an accident, it is clear that Janis Joplin's sad and unhappy life ended as a direct result of her own actions.


Gender Role Preparation perceived through Gender Guiding Lines and Role Models

One of the ways a child makes his or her way in the world begins with an acceptance or a rejection of their gender guiding lines. In this regard, Janis Joplin's relationship with her mother becomes fascinating to analyze, as Janice and her mother's interactions were often characterized by a battle of wills and a great deal of turbulence. Janis's mother, who was a Sunday school teacher, expected Janis to conform to the rules, wear dresses like the other little girls, while also making the family proud with her accomplishments. In this regard Mrs. Joplin had high expectations for her daughter concerning both conformity and accomplishment, and this seemed to send a mixed message to Janis that affected her future ambitions and desires.

Despite Janis's rejection of the maternal guiding line, she did identify strongly with her father who was an intellectual man who enjoyed reading and was much more accepting and permissive of Janis than her mother. Janis seems to have strongly identified with her father instead of her mother, and this speaks directly to her eventual embrace of many more traditionally masculine qualities in her life.

Janis eventually almost totally and completely rejected her mother's wishes that she be like the other girls, and therefore rejected the female guiding line in the family which also seemed to have an effect on her sexuality. Although Janis talked a few times of achieving married life with a "white picket fence" she found belonging by wearing pants and acting like one of the boys, and for Janis this included sleeping with by her own account "a couple of hundred" women throughout her life, including one in her High School years.

Much has been made of Janis's sexuality, and one feminist writer attributed Janis's drug use and lifelong pain as resulting from being unable to fully come out and experience life as her lesbian self. In essence she made Janis a martyr for lesbian causes, and this idea is provocative and interesting to consider with regard to Janis. It certainly must have been difficult for Janis to reject the feminine guiding line in the family without it having some affect on her sexuality, and therefore it seems highly plausible that Janis may have been predominantly attracted to other women. On the other hand Janis did also sleep with a great many more men than women in her life, but her inability to sustain lasting relationships with these men may speak directly to Janis's confused and even tormented sexual feelings. Although she often bragged about her conquests with men, one could see this as a dramatic overcompensation for her lesbian feelings, as well as a compensation for her rejection by the boys of Port Arthur when she was young. As a star Janice spoke often about her increased access to "pretty young boys" and one wonders if her often false bravado when speaking about men may have simply been attempts to deal with feelings of childhood rejection and inferiority.

When children reject their parental guiding lines, they may often turn to role models to guide them. In Janis's case because such a role model was not available in Port Arthur, she found this guidance through emulating and studying the music of Bessie Smith, who had died several years before Janis was born. Bessie Smith was and is one of the most influential Blues singers in American history and Janis felt a kinship with the blues where she was drawn not just to the music but also to the sadness and pathos that produced the music. Janis remarked often throughout her career that singing the blues required suffering, and Janis used this belief to justify and rationalize her Heroin abuse.

Janice did draw strength from visualizing the blues singers that had come before her however, and the anguish and pain in her voice while she was singing appeared to be a true representation of Janis's often tortured life. Much like the Blues singers she was emulating, Janis did use music to make sense of painful feelings, and the power and influence of Blues singers like Bessie Smith provided for Janis a roadmap of how to process these feelings. Bessie Smith was in fact such a powerful influence on her, that Janis contributed half the money for Bessie Smith's memorial so she could be properly honored and remembered.

Interpersonal Style perceived through Experience of Family Atmosphere

One thing that Janice seems to have inherited from her mother was a sense of frugality which Dorothy had developed from her experiences seeing her family farm lost to the depression. Janice was not particularly generous with money over the course of her career, and despite her blatant disregard for the rules, friends who went through Janice's possessions (Friedman 1973) following her death found several "meticulously organized checkbooks, all balanced to the penny." Janice also always scoured for the cheapest item when she was grocery shopping, and would spend extra time comparing differences in price on items although money was really no object in this instance. Considering Janice's otherwise highly disruptive life, this seems almost miraculous, and certainly speaks to the fact that Janice respected at least some of her family's established values.

Another instance where Janice seems to have rejected her mother's guidance was in the area of spirituality, where Dorothy who was a Sunday school teacher, tried to instill in her children ideas consistent with conventional morality. Janice wildly rejected this idea, and adopted an extremely hedonistic attitude where if something felt good to her she was quick to do it. Janice often expressed this philosophy of the immediate throughout her life, and this ran directly opposed to the family's religious convictions that there was a life after this one where we received our final rewards.

The family's experiences with music are also important to consider with regard to Janis's interpersonal style. At one time Dorothy was such a talented singer that she received a full scholarship for her musical abilities to Texas Christian University. Dorothy continued to sing in the church choir when Janis was little, and the family had a piano to celebrate Dorothy's love of music. When Janis was young Dorothy had one of her vocal cords severed in an accident during a surgery, and Dorothy could no longer sing as a result of this experience. Seth then sold the piano and this seemed to convey an unusual message to Janis about music, and may have a relationship to Janis's fear, repeated often throughout her career, that she would loose her voice and therefore her career.

Janice's eventual embrace of music could be interpreted a couple of different ways. First, that she carried on the family torch passed down from Dorothy, or second, that she took to music because it was something her mother could no longer do. Considering how stormy the relationship was between Janis and her mother, and the fact that Seth sold the piano because it was too painful to have around for Dorothy, it seems possible to speculate that Janis's music was in some ways a reaction against her mother. The kind of music Janis did go on to produce was certainly far different than the music Dorothy studied in school and perhaps Janice's embrace of music could be interpreted as both an ode to, as well as a reaction against, Dorothy's love of music.

Perspective on the World perceived through Experience of Psychological Birth Order

Janis was the first born child in a family of three, and this also influenced her perspective on the world. First born children are often the responsible and conservative children in the family, and can become in many ways like second parents to the other children. In Janis's first 6 years of life she behaved much like you would expect an oldest child to behave, as her mother reports she learned to sit and cut her food and eat and talk like an adult at a very early age with amused and surprised Dorothy. Janice was also very well-behaved and had excellent manners, and her mother reports that her behavior was nearly beyond correction in these early years.

Things changed when Laura was born when Janice was six, as not only was Janis now dethroned as the only child, but Laura had health complications which took up even more of her mother's attention. Interestingly Janis did not at this time become a jealous and overbearing sibling, but instead became very attentive to Laura and cared for as a kind of surrogate parent.

A fascinating switch in the psychological birth order perspective did happen later however, when Janis began to get jealous that Laura appeared to do things that met her mother's high expectations whereas Janis consistently let her down. Children often find belonging in families by engaging in behaviors that are different than their siblings. In the case of the Joplin's this happened much later when Janis was in High School, where Janis was now finding belonging as the misbehaving child where Laura assumed the role of the responsible one. Normally this dynamic is exactly reversed, but in the Joplin's case Laura now assumed the vantage point of the first born child and Janis as the reckless and wild second born.

This pattern continued throughout the rest of their lives, as during her periods of conservative behavior Janis would often ask for Laura's assistance picking out the proper clothes and seek her advice on style and other matters. Although Laura was six years younger, she seemed to eventually surpass Janis emotionally as well, and her story is very much intertwined with Janis's even today. Laura eventually earned a PHD in education and became a motivational speaker. She also wrote a book called Love, Janis which provided letters Janis had written home to the family throughout her career, and this book, which was later made into a Broadway production, helped a lot of people reach a greater understanding of Janis Joplin's inner world.

Self Assessment perceived through Genetic Possibilities

It is impossible to talk about Janis Joplin without talking about her physical appearance, as this was at the root of a great deal of Janis's inferiority and perhaps even a partial explanation for her extreme talent. Although Janis was by all accounts an average looking girl growing up, she went through a particularly awkward stage in High School where she gained weight and also developed skin problems. In Texas in the 1950's this must have been particularly difficult, as beauty was certainly a cherished value for women in this time and place, and a person's self-worth could easily become tied to their appearance which seems to have happened to Janice. Rather than attempt to play a game she felt she could not succeed at, Janice instead chose to respond in the exact opposite manner, and she made her personal appearance a very low priority.

This is classic safeguarding behavior where a person creates a sense of rejection themselves before others have a chance to reject them. In Janis's case she would put on a brave front when others would call her a "pig" in High School, but then go home and cry about this rejection. It must have particularly painful for Janis to be nominated for "Ugliest Man on Campus" while at the University of Texas, as this was a place where she had finally found some belonging and had experienced some success as a singer.

Being constantly rejected for her appearance, Janis only felt beautiful in her life when she was performing. It was on the stage where her wild sexuality and charisma finally shined, and this for Janis meant the stage became the only place where she every truly felt accepted. Janice spent the rest of her life following High School chasing the "pretty boys" and this seems to be overcompensation for the rejection she felt from the popular boys both in High School as well as at the University of Texas. She made much of her one night stand with New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath, even announcing their affair over the microphone while doing a New York concert, and also bragged about sleeping with Jim Morrison, Dick Cavett, and many other men which may have been simply further attempts to prove that she was indeed wanted by the "popular" crowd.

This certainly seemed to be a large part of her motivation to return to her High School reunion where she hoped to show those that had rejected her how she had made it. When Janis was again rejected at her High School reunion it seemed to bring all of her intense feelings of inferiority back to the surface, and have at least some relationship to her final and fatal Heroin binge.

It is also interesting to consider Janis's engagement to Seth Morgan with regard to the timing of her reunion. Seth, whose east coast pedigree led Janis to believe that he was in fact one of the "popular" boys she had always sought after had also assured Janis he did not want any of her money, and even signed an agreement that assured this. For Janis this may have been a last grasp at fitting in and dealing with the feelings of inferiority her reunion stirred up, and a final attempt at finding the belonging that she so desperately craved.

Openings for Advancement Perceived through Environmental Opportunities

It is impossible to attempt an understanding of Janis Joplin without also understanding the times she came of age in. The 1960's was a period of great revolution and change, and provided the perfect backdrop for Janis to unharness her raw energy and power through her music. Prior to the 60's women had no such opportunity, and the classic model of the Rosemary Clooney type lounge singer was a paradigm that Janis helped change and recreate for many future generations. The fact that Janis came along concurrently at the height of the woman's movement was also significant, as she became for many a symbol for women's sexual freedom and experimentation that had previously been taboo. Had Janis come along in another era, her brazen sexuality would not have been well received, and Janis was a direct benefactor of as well as a contributor to, the women's movement.

Range of Social Interest perceived through Other Particularities

In Adlerian psychology, a person's mental health can be measured by examining a person's social interest in other human beings. In Janis Joplin's case her early inferiority produced such violent insecurity that she had a very difficult time getting close to others and maintaining intimacy in her personal relationships. Although Janis was often taken advantage of by others in her life, she relished in thinking of herself as a victim as it confirmed her existing feelings about herself.

For Janis the circumstances of her life must have contributed greatly to her confusion about other people's motives concerning their feelings for her. Before she was famous she was mocked and ridiculed by nearly everyone she came into contact with, excepting a few select friends she made along the way. She felt inferior in her home life and that she wasn't living up to her mother's expectations as to what a woman should be. Then when she became famous suddenly the whole world took an intense interest in her, and it is easy to see why she would doubt the motivations behind this interest given her prior experiences.

No where was this more evident than at Janis's reunion where she wanted to show the people who had mocked her how important she had become, while also badly seeking their acceptance. For Janis the Thomas Wolfe axiom that "You can't go home again" seemed especially appropriate, and all of these conflicting cognitions and emotions must have created a great deal of psychic turmoil in Janis which she numbed by using Heroin.

In this regard, Janis remarked to Myra Friedman (1973) that "her only true friends were the junkies she used to hang out with" and this is a telling statement that speaks directly to the fact that drug addicts often gravitate to each other in a kind of shared misery. The fact that Janis made this remark seems to confirm her low opinion of herself, and how this low opinion affected her interactions with others. Because Janis was so in need of love from others, she surrounded herself with sycophants who would often tell her whatever she wanted to hear, which was a fact Janis was well aware of.

Although many singers from this era including Janis's one time lover Country Joe McDonald became very involved in political causes in the 60's, Janice's message seemed to be more about freedom through breaking off the shackles that society imposed. Perhaps because the 60's were such a time of freedom, many serious addictions such as Janis's were overlooked under the guise of free living. The dream of Timothy Leary and others like him that drugs could be a mind expanding tool has not been realized, and many such as Janis developed severe and pathological addictions as a result of this idea. This was the paradox of the pairing of drugs and freedom, as, although the drugs were meant to free a person's mind, they often made them virtual slaves to their addictions as was the case in Janis Joplin's life.


Janis Joplin's life was clearly very sad, and demonstrates the pathology and sadness that exists in someone who, despite achieving considerable wealth and fame, never learns to overcome feelings of inferiority towards the self. Alfred Adler's quote "The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation" seems especially relevant to Janis's life. In many ways Janis positively channeled and compensated for her feelings of inferiority through her work on the stage, but when the music was over Janis was always left with the same uncomfortable feelings. Several of the books on Janis's life describe how despondent she would be following a performance, and this may be because the stage was the only place she truly found the love and acceptance she so desperately craved.

Many factors contributed to Janis's inferiority, and the stars all aligned in a very unique way to create the life that was Janis Joplin's. Her early and continued rejection by the other children, particularly in High School created a lifetime of negative feelings about her physical appearance, and these feelings were probably exacerbated through her interactions with her mother who wanted her to be more like the other children. Because Janis was not like the other girls, she assumed many masculine traits, and somewhere along the way her feelings about sexuality became very confused. Although there is significant evidence to demonstrate a genetic link to homosexuality, there are also almost certainly environmental factors which can contribute to this, and Janis Joplin's life seemed to be an excellent example.

Despite Janis's sexually ambivalent feelings, she many times remarked about a mythical "white picket fence" kind of life that she longed for that would bring her some consistency and stability. But Janice was also terrified of giving up her stardom, as this was also the only thing she had to cling to that gave her a sense of accomplishment in life. She had created the "Pearl" image and now she had to consistently live up to it, and this required a pace that no one could possibly maintain.

Janice was also a product of her times, as more than any other decade before or since, the 1960's were a time of great change, paradigm shifts, and revolution, and Janis helped define these times while also being swept away by them. The music of the 60's reflected a large break in society where kids were expected to "never trust anyone over 30" that never quite considered what happened when they reached 30. For Janis, her reckless lifestyle, intense feelings of self-loathing, and raging feelings of inferiority eventually overwhelmed her, and her death at the age of 27 was truly tragic considering the further contributions she may have gone on to make.

The Food Revolution


Franchises -- Advantages and Disadvantages

Want to own your own business? Don't want to start from scratch?

Franchises are a way to get into business quickly, with a brand name, proven methods of operation and a support structure. Franchises are everywhere. Familiar names include Dunkin' Donuts, Curves, Mail Boxes Etc. and McDonalds, to name a few.

"Buying" a franchise is legally complicated. As a franchisee, you pay money for the right to use the franchisor's Trademarks, systems and methods. Many franchises are legitimate and successful. Unfortunately, there has been a history of problems with franchises. As a result, franchising is heavily regulated at both the state and federal levels.

The legally required franchise documents are intended to provide full disclosure to the prospective purchaser. In reality, the franchise documents are voluminous, full of legalese, extremely one-sided in favor of the franchisor, and packed with restrictions and fees.

Advantages of buying a franchise include:

- Quick startup

- Help with site selection

- Brand name and recognition in the marketplace

- Training and support

- Customized accounting system

- Exclusive territory

- Marketing assistance

- Access to markets and suppliers

Disadvantages of buying a franchise include:

- Up-front fees (substantial initial investment required)

- Ongoing fees (usually royalty payment is a percentage of revenues)

- Fees for marketing and related services

- Restrictions on activities (you can only offer approved franchise products and services)

- Monitoring (the franchisor monitors your books, bank accounts and operations)

- Termination criteria

- Renewal requirements and fees

- Restrictions on transfer

A franchise is a major investment.

It's important to carefully investigate the opportunity. A common misconception is that franchises are really "turnkey" operations. Purchasers think that they just "buy" the franchise and it runs itself. This is incorrect. It's important to clearly understand what you are buying, how hard you will have to work and what income is realistic.

Here are some tips to evaluate a franchise opportunity:

1. Check to see if there are lawsuits against the franchisor.
Litigation is required to be disclosed in the franchise documents.

This will give you important information about what's gone wrong for others.

2. Talk to/visit existing franchise owners.

There should be a list of existing franchise owners in the franchise documents.

You can stop by and visit as a customer, and observe their operations.

You can also call up and ask questions, such as:

- Are you satisfied?

- Did you receive the support promised?

- Were there any surprises?

- Have there been any problems?

- How were the problems resolved?

- Are you making the money you expected?

- Can I visit and observe your operations?

3. What are the fees?

Franchise terms vary. It's important to understand the fees.

Make a list of fees:

- What's included with the initial franchise fee?

- What's the royalty? Is it a percent of "gross" or "net" sales?

- Is the royalty a fixed percentage or does it decline over time?

- Are there service fees? Training fees? Marketing fees? Advertising fees?

4. What's your territory?

Draw a map with clear boundaries:

- What is your defined geographic territory?

- How close can another franchise like yours be located relative to your location?

5. What's your competitive advantage?

- What sets this franchise apart?

- Does the franchise include key technology or methods?

- Can it be easily copied?

6. What are the restrictions?

- Are you limited as to what you can sell?

- Are you required to buy from specific suppliers?

- What are the reasons for termination?

- What is the scope/term of the non-compete?

- What are the requirements for renewal?

- Can you transfer ownership?

In conclusion, buying a franchise may or may not be a good choice for you. Before signing a franchise agreement, check it out carefully and make sure you understand what the documents say. The advice of a business attorney knowledgeable about franchises can help you understand the legalese and make an informed decision.

Food Recipes DVD Caramel Recipe Books Cooking Network Foods


Factors Affecting the Target Market Segment

Regardless of how segmentation is incorporated into marketing activities, experienced marketer usually execute segmentation to enable him provide higher values to his potential customers. He will be able to know which specific customers he is serving and will be able to address their needs and concerns.

After segmentation, what the marketer needs to do next is targeting his efforts and focuses on the identified market segments. He will create a marketing campaign that will fulfill the needs as well as the market condition of his targeted market group.

Target market segment are affected by two salient factors:
1. How suitable the segment is to the product manufacturer objectives, resources as well as capabilities and
2. How attractive the target market segment is.

In determining the suitability of the segment to the manufacturer, the marketer needs

- to ensure that the product manufacturer will be able to provide superior values than competitors to the customers.

- To evaluate the impact of serving the segment with respect to the manufacturer reputation and dignity.

- To access the distribution channels that will serve the targeted market sections.

- To determine the capital buoyancy of the manufacturer to serve the market group.

And in determining the attractiveness of the target market section, the marketer will have to evaluate

- the percentage number of the customers with respect to the broad market (size of the segments) that will be served.

- Sales potential for the product manufacturer in the segment.

- Profit margin expected from the segment.

- Growth rate and competition in the segment.

- Required market share to break even

- Attainable market share when promotional budgets and expenditures of the competitors are provided.

- Loyalty of the existing customers in the segment.

An experienced marketer would know that satisfying the broad market is tasking and not profitable at all. In fact it will be less stressful and more profitable if just a smaller market segment where there is little or no competition is concentrated on. This also gives the manufacturer the opportunity to develop their products to have a greater advantage over competitors.

The Food Revolution Food Recipes DVD

Cam Gigandet Workout and Diet - Never Back Down Workout

Cam Gigandet workout and diet program for the film "Never Back down" got him into incredible -- muscular and lean -- conditioning. Read this article and discover the "Secrets" of how he got his phenomenal body.

As movies go... "Never Back down" is not exactly an Oscar-winning film however, the conditioning that the villain in the film had (Ryan McDonald) was award-winning.

The type of physique he displayed is the body... that women really love. Six pack abs, lean yet muscular -- it's a very similar look to what Brad Pitt served up in the movie "Fight Club."

Secrets of the Never Back down Workout

In order to develop that lean muscular look that Cam Gigandet had here's what you need to do:

Cam Gigandet Workout Routine Schedule

Monday - Chest

Tuesday - Back

Wednesday - Shoulders

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps

Friday - Treadmill 45 minutes

Sat/Sun - OFF

That is what his workout schedule looked like.

The goal of this workout was to get Cam as ripped as possible. While the above schedule only reflects one 45 minute cardio workout, for most guys if your body fat is not already in the single digits you will need to do cardio 5 to 6 days per week. Use a high-intensity interval training protocol to get the maximum fat burning effect.

The Cam Gigandet Diet

His nutrition program was a typical bodybuilder's diet. High protein and low in carbohydrates. If you're looking to get lean and ripped you will need to increase your protein intake to approximately 1 to 1 1/2 g per pound of bodyweight and you will need to restrict your carbohydrates. That means no carbs after 6 PM and you will need to eat clean.

Here are some good food choices:

Skinless chicken breasts

Salmon, Tuna, Trout (these are all high in omega-3's which is a good fat.)

Baked potatoes, Brown Rice, Yams, oatmeal etc. should make up the bulk of you're carbohydrate foods

Most individuals don't have a lot of time to workout. Exercise routines like this Cam Gigandet Workout are usually very intensive. The actors don't have a lot of time to get in shape and therefore they train -- many times for 2 to 3 hours (including cardio.)

However, you can get a great workout in the comfort and convenience of your home using resistance bands, dumbbells, or Isotonic/ isometric exercise equipment. Don't use the excuse that you don't have time stop you from having that lean, muscular, six pack abs showing body that you want.

Caramel Recipe Books Meat Recipes Books


Dallas Cowboys Pro Football Hall of Fame Inductees

The Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League have a proud and successful history. Known as "America's Team", they are a favorite among football enthusiasts in the State of Texas, North America and globally, as well. The team is also very well known for its cheerleaders, the world famous Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. Through the years the Dallas Cowboys organization has produced a number of talented players who have become legends of the game and have been inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

The Dallas Cowboys have had a great deal of success on the field since becoming an NFL franchise in 1960. Indeed, the Dallas Cowboys are one of the most successful teams in the history of the National Football League and hold numerous league records, thanks to their many great players, coaches and club officials. Additionally, they have been crowned Super Bowl Champions five times.

To date the Dallas Cowboys franchise has sixteen players inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame with ten of the inductees having played the majority of their career, if not all, with the Cowboys. The current Dallas Cowboys inductees are: Herb Adderley, Troy Aikman, Lance Alworth, Mike Ditka, Tony Dorsett, Forrest Gregg, Michael Irvin, Tom Landry, Bob Lilly, Tommy McDonald, Mel Renfro, Tex Schramm, Jackie Smith, Roger Staubach, Randy White, Rayfield White.

As can be imagined, only the best of the best make it into the Pro Football Hall of Fame after close scrutiny and careful consideration. The procedure for choosing inductees is meticulous and well defined. Currently the Pro Football Hall of Fame has a 40 member Board of Selectors that consists of one media representative from each pro football city, one representative of the Pro Football Writer's of America (PFWA) and seven at-large delegates. All appointments to the board can be terminated only by retirement or resignation insomuch as the member attends meetings regularly. The one exception is the PFWA representative who is appointed for a two-year term.

During the time of the Super Bowl the board meets to elect new members. They can choose between three and six inductees. Each candidate and his credentials are carefully reviewed and scrutinized. An eighty percent approval rate by the board must be reached before the candidate can be elected. A scale of negative votes is used to eliminate candidates.

When the board meets to make their selection they will receive the biographies of 17 final candidates. Of those 17 candidates two candidates will be from the pre-1982 era (chosen by the Senior Committee which is made up of members from the overall committee), ensuring that older players will be considered along with the younger players. The 15 other finalists are those that have survived a preliminary mail ballot screening by the Board.

There is fan involvement, too, as the original list of candidates will have been partly supplied by the fans. Fans can nominate any qualified person connected with pro football in any capacity by writing to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. One of the qualifiers is that a player must have played at least five seasons to be eligible for consideration. For a non-player, there is no mandatory retirement period, but a coach must be retired before he may be considered. Every nomination received by a fan is forwarded to the Board of Selectors.

Being enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame is no easy feat. With their successful past and promising future, there is no doubt that the Dallas Cowboys franchise will see many more inductees into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Caramel Recipe Books Steak Books


Elevator Speech Examples - The FIVE MOST Common Mistakes

As a small business you need an elevator speech. Whether you actually call it an "elevator speech" a "30 second introduction" or an "infomercial" is irrelevant. When you are asked "what do you do?" then your answer is your elevator speech whether you like it or not.

This needs some thought and practice to avoid these most common mistakes. Beware! Succinctly getting your message over in a way that grabs attention is not always as easy as "just telling others what you do".

Mistake 1 - Talking about yourself

Eh? How are you going to tell people about what you do without talking about yourself? This is THE MOST common mistake as a result. It sounds like a list of what you do. For example "We do this..." or "I am an internet guru" or "I am a professional with this, that and the other service"

The downside to this is twofold. Firstly, people don't really care about all your services, accolades and self-appointed titles. They are trying to decide quickly if you are someone who may be able to help them, or are worth chatting to further as a networking partner.

Secondly - it is so common that your message will sound very similar to other people in the same niche. When that happens it is hard to grab attention.

The solution is to change your mindset and put yourself in the shoes of your ideal client and think about the CHALLENGES they face and how you solve them. Use that as the lead into your elevator speech. In other words: "I work with (this type of client) struggling with (this type of problem).

Mistake 2 - Expecting others to "get" you

The most common example of this is assuming people will understand AND be interested when you label yourself or your company - "We are tax attorneys" and leaving at that. Here's the thing: people often either don't get what you do (perhaps they have never heard of it) or they assume they know what you do and it is different from the reality.

In either case it would be nice to think your listener would stop you and ask you to elaborate. They won't. They will be confused, embarrassed they don't understand or disinterested and move on.

Avoid labelling yourself - stick to the formula above and talk to THEIR challenges.

Mistake 3 - Irrelevant information

You must have heard how this sounds: "We have been in business 75 years and are based on main and 35th street, just opposite from the big new McDonald's that has opened there........"

This is a variation on talking about yourself but is specific and common enough to warrant it's own category. Again, unless this is of specific importance and relevance to the audience (you are a retail outlet or restaurant in which case location is important) then it is just noise to the audience.

The solution is simply to cut it out of your intro - it wastes time and adds little value. Again, stick to your target audience and what concerns them. That is the litmus test of all your intro material.

Mistake 4 - Trying to be cute

Tricky one this. There is a lot of advice out there recommending a tag line to keep you memorable. This can certainly work but for every funny play on words there are countless groan inducing puns or worse, tag lines that really don't make sense.

It is the same advice as humor in a presentation. It can be great, but you really have to know what you are doing and so few people do it well. There is a very fine line between being witty and offending. Also a clever play on words can confuse.

If you have a clever tag line that works, by all means stick with it. However it isn't necessary and don't waste time thinking one up. Just stick with your message that you help a certain audience with a specific problem of problems.

Mistake 5 - Not trying

This might be harsh when considering an elevator speech but, let's face it, sometimes people give up with their elevator speech and sometimes they will tell you about it:

"Well, I'm really nervous/not good at this so I will just tell you about the company"

At other times it is basically being unprepared and it can be embarrassing to watch someone stumble through an elevator speech without a clear goal or plan. Don't let it happen to you!

You should ALWAYS be prepared to introduce yourself - there is no excuse for being caught off guard and certainly not to give up on the whole thing and muddle through.

These mistakes are on display at every networking event. You can avoid them, and therefore stand out by sticking to the simple formula mentioned above. An Elevator speech doesn't need to be rote, learned by heart or formulaic. You can use different words and gear it to your audience as long as you have thought about it beforehand, and keep these mistakes in mind!

Meat Recipes Books


Fast Food Market Forecast - The Subway Example of Strategic Product Positioning

The United States fast food market has seen a healthy rise in growth within the last three years which forecasts can be sustained. The fast food market is forecast to maintain its current growth expectations, with an anticipated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.3% for the five-year period 2005-2010. This is expected to drive the market to a value of $57.6 billion by the end of 2010. Drivers of growth include increasing numbers of Americans in the workplace, which reduces the amount of time spent on preparing meals at home. In 2010, the United States fast food market is forecast to have a value of $57.6 billion, an increase of 12.1% since 2005.

Forecast Volume

In 2010, the United States fast food market is forecast to have a volume of 37 billion transactions (Figure 1). This represents an increase of 5.3% since 2005. The CAGR of the market volume in the period 2005-2010 is predicted to be 1%.

Success Factors

Success factors for fast food franchisees will include products and marketing targeted to healthier menu selections, brand consistency, low start-up costs, franchisee support, and consumer convenience. Subway ® represents a poignant example of a fast food franchisee ready for success in the future fast food market. Their strategies transcend the fast food market and apply to many other markets and products.
SWOT Analysis

Subway sandwich shops are well positioned to leverage their strengths and address reasonable threats, weaknesses, and opportunities. The table below highlights these Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.


Size and number stores and channels

Menu reflects demand for fresh, healthy and fast.

Use of non-traditional channels.

Partnering with the American Heart Association.

Worldwide brand recognition.

Customizable menu offerings.

Low franchisee start up costs.

Franchisee training is structured, brief and designed to assure rapid start-up and success.


Décor is outdated.

Some franchisees are unhappy.

Service delivery is inconsistent from store to store.

Employee turnover is high.

No control over franchise saturation in given market areas.


Continue to Grow Global Business.

Update décor to encourage more dine-in business.

Improve Customer Service Model.

Continue to expand channel opportunities to include event wagons.

Improve franchisee relations.

Experiment with drive-through business.

Expand packaged dessert offerings.

Continue to revise and refresh menu offerings.

Develop more partnerships with movie producers and toy manufacturers to promote new movie releases through children's menu packaging and co-branding opportunities.


Franchisee unrest or litigation.

Food contamination (spinach).


Interest Costs.

Economic downturn.


Law Suits.

Competitive Analysis

Subway is not without competitive pressures. Chief competitors include Yum! Brands, McDonalds, Wendy's, and Jack in the Box. Yum! Brands are the world's largest, with 33,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. Four of the company's highly recognizable brands, KFC, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver's and Taco Bell, are global leaders of the Mexican, chicken, pizza, quick-service seafood categories. Yum! has a workforce of 272,000 employees and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky.

McDonald's Corporation (McDonald's) is the world's largest foodservice retailing chain with 31,000 fast-food restaurants in 119 countries. The company also operates restaurants under the brand names 'The Boston Market' and 'Chipotle Mexican Grill'. McDonalds operates largely in the US and the UK and is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois employing 447,000 people.

Wendy's International (Wendy's) operates three chains of fast food restaurants: Wendy's (the third largest burger chain in the world), Tim Horton's, and Baja Fresh. Wendy's operates over 9700 restaurants in 20 countries, has been included in Fortune magazine's list of top 500 US companies, is headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, and employs about 57,000 people.

Jack in the Box owns, operates, and franchises Jack in the Box quick-service hamburger restaurants and Qdoba Mexican Grill fast-casual restaurants and is headquartered in San Diego, California.

Target Markets

The increase in sales of the sandwiches has been a result of decreases in consumer interest in hamburgers and fries and increases in demand for healthier options. Sales of sandwiches are growing 15 percent annually, outpacing the 3 percent sales growth rate for burgers and steaks.

Current Marketing Program

A new breed of restaurant is making big gains against the market-saturated hamburger establishments. Termed "fast-casual," these restaurants are dominated by Mexican chains, and sandwich restaurants offering fresh-baked breads and specialty sandwiches.

Responding to evolving consumer expectations for health, fresh, custom-made sandwiches; Subway's marketing program addresses these expectations through a number of approaches. The most notable were the television commercials featuring Jared. These commercials emphasize the healthy aspects of a Subway sandwich by highlighting the 245 pounds Jared lost by eating a Subway sandwich diet. Subway also markets through a national sponsorship in events such as American Heart Association Heart Walks and local events such as triathlons, and children's sports teams.

The Subway example represents marketing and product strategies that are classic examples of focusing on market demand, consumer trends, product leveraging, and innovation. The marketing strategies of creating clear brand recognition, brand and product association, and market demands, have strategically positioned Subway to advance market share into the near future. These marketing strategies are also repeatable fundamental marketing strategies transcending the fast food market. Does your marketing strategy bind brand recognition to products that support your market's future direction?

Culinary Institute Books Cooking Network Foods


Quizno's Sandwich Company

Quizno's is the second leading sub shop company today; Subway is the first leading shop. Quizno's does have other competitors such as Blimpie's and Jerry's Subs; however, Subway is Quizno's primary competitor. The Subway website reads, "Subway is the world's largest submarine sandwich chain with more than 30,000 restaurants in 87 countries." (Subway History 2009). Rebecca Steinfort, the Chief Marketing Officer for Quizno's said, "Our main competition is Subway, which is an 800-pound gorilla" (York 2009). Subway began back in the 1960's, according to the Subway official site page. The site reads that, Subway was started in New York by Fred DeLuca and Dr. Peter Buck; Subway has been in business for over forty-three years (Subway, 2009).
Size and Trend of Industry

According to the National Restaurant Association, the quick-service restaurant industry is very profitable; the profit revenues represent 47.5% (or $511 billion) of the food dollar. The quick service industry in the U.S. receives profits of up to 120 billion. The convenience of quick-service has proven to be a substantial success for this industry. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, between 2000 and 2010, the consumption and spending on fast food is expected to increase six percent mainly because of the new-age families that spend more time engaging in activities outside of the home. According to an affiliate of the Dun & Bradstreet Company, Hoover Incorporated, many households favor convenience over cooking, which prompts quick-service restaurants to place their franchises in more unorthodox locations such as inside airports or gas stations. According to Hoover's Inc., fast-food chains in the U.S. are looking to accommodate the increase in consumer spending by targeting international markets, particularly in China (Advertising Age 2009).

The company seeks to be the number one sub shop choice. In its attempt Quizno's has made tremendous progress through its interesting, yet questionable advertising techniques. In Quizno's advertising techniques, they have created ads that are targeted primarily to men and women between the ages of 18-34 years of age. According to an article from the Mcclean Marketing Group titled "Quiznos sponge monkeys revisited - Buzz isn't enough," the restaurants' target audience is 18-34 year olds and its spots are created with this audience in mind. In the past, Quizno's had used a commercial ad, created by the Martin Agency, which used a sponge monkey as the spokes person. When the ad was created, the idea was to create an eye catching and interesting commercial that would stand out from its competitors. In a Washington Post News Week article, the sponge monkey in the commercial is described as, "A small, furry creature, wearing a bowler hat, levitates as he sings an ode to Quizno's subs" (Stevenson 2005). Other past marketing techniques used by Quizno's included the Quiz Kidz program, "in which a special menu was developed for the little ones and initially launched with a "kids-eat-free" promotion." This Business Network article also mentions the purpose of the Quiz Kidz program, which was to attract parents who would, instead of a sub, enjoy a salad or pasta. Overall, the sponge monkey commercial was a success in grabbing the attention of viewers; however, it had drawn in a vast number of complaints from customers who felt the commercial was unpleasant and tasteless. On the other hand, the Quiz Kidz program was a success due to its family oriented approach. According to this Business Net article, the Quiz Kids program increased "evening and weekend business, it nearly tripled sales." These are the major past marketing activities that have been presented by Quizno's. (Edwards 2009 p. 2).

The current marketing activities that Quizno's is currently using include delivery and catering services; Quizno's has also altered its menu to surpass Subway's five dollar foot-long deal. In doing so, Quizno's is currently offering the four dollar Torpedo sub which claims to be a better tasting sub for a lower price. In the attempt to promote the lower priced sub, Quizno's has taken the sexually suggestive approach in its current commercial ads. Advertising for the Torpedo sub was created by the advertising agency Nitro. The commercial ad is focused on the Torpedo sub; however, in the commercial an actor and a voice over is used; the actor and the voice over both say sexually suggestive phrases such as, "Put it in me," and "Say it Sexy." This commercial has also drawn up much attention for Quizno's however it has stirred up many complaints as well. (Ehrke 2009)

In addition to the captivating commercials and lower priced subs, Quizno's has developed and implemented the "Million Sub Giveaway." In this tactic, Quizno's is offering free subs to customers who agree to share personal information; mainly their email addresses. According to an "Advertising Age" article titled, "Quizno's throws Subway curve with Sexy 4-dollar foot-long," "Quizno's offered a "Million Sub Giveaway," "which is an online effort that e-mailed a coupon to the first million customers to give their names and e-mail addresses." These marketing activities are fairly new to the public, and are continuing to be promoted on national and international levels (York 2009 p. 7).

According to Advertising Age, in 2008 Quizno's spent $90 million on advertising via the Nitro Group, with the total profit/revenue at an estimated $1.9 billion. In contrast Quizno's competitor spent over 300 million dollars on ads (York, 2009 p. 10).

Franchising a Quizno's. According to the Quizno's internet homepage, in order to franchise a Quizno's certain criteria must be met. To buy a Quizno's franchise, you need a credit score and a net worth of $125,000. As a part of your net worth, you need $70,000 in liquid assets like cash or stocks which you can use to invest in tour restaurant franchise opportunities. Net worth is defined as your total assets; so that's cash, stocks, homes, cars, recreational vehicles, businesses, as so on, less your total debt (Quizno's Homepage 2009).

Referring back to the Quizno's homepage, "You can have between three and six employees working at one time. You might have 15 total employees on your payroll if you use part-time employees to work on different shifts." Also, the number of hours spent depends on the owner's preferences, such as operating the franchise independently, or hiring a manager to oversee the stores day-to-day affairs (Quizno's Homepage 2009).

Quizno's has many good qualities as a company, three of its current strengths are the four dollar Toasty Torpedo, the commercials are very memorable, and Quizno's delivers. The Quizno's four dollar Toasty Torpedo is cheaper than the Subway Five Dollar Footlong. In today's economy everyone is looking for a cheaper lunch and the Toasty Torpedo is the better buy. The Quizno's commercials over the last few years have been very memorable; they contained a memorable message and recently came out with a commercial that is getting a lot of attention. Another strength of Quizno's is its delivery service, Subway and other fast food restaurants have not yet begun delivering, so Quizno's is pioneering the fast food delivery. Another strength that benefits Quizno's is its delivery service. Currently, participating franchises offer the services during typical lunch hours. Unlike Subway, Quizno's delivers personal and catered orders to customers, with a base fee and delivery charge. Choosing the option of group ordering, and the time you would like the order delivered, are also offered. These benefit Quizno's because they have more franchises that provide the delivery service. Also, this helps the company because of the effect the economy has had on fuel prices. Rebecca Steinfort, Quizno's senior vice-president of delivery and catering, explains: "We've seen a great response even though we have not been advertising.

The Quizno's four dollar Toasty Torpedo is also cheaper than the Subway Five Dollar Footlong. For 4 dollars, customers can buy a toasty torpedo sandwich before tax. In comparison, Subway's five dollar footlong costs $5 before tax (Green Eggs Marketing, 2008, para.1-2). Quizno's benefits because the low price of the sandwich can encourage customers to add on to their meals by adding a bag of chips or a soda. Those side items are low priced, and the total cost of the meal will not exceed $6 (Toasty Torpedo, 2008, para.2).

A weakness that Quizno's has right now is that although it has a delivery service it is very poorly advertised. The only way to discover Quizno's delivery service is to visit the website; on the site there is very little information about the service. Customers should be made aware of the delivery opportunities. Another major weakness that Quizno's has is its prices. According to President of Quizno's Subs Greg Macdonald, "Consumers love the sandwiches but found them too expensive" (Marketing Magazine p.3).

The next weakness that Quizno's holds is their advertising approaches. For instance, previous commercial ads seemed a bit tasteless and un-appetizing. One commercial that involved a sponge monkey was raved as disgusting and unnecessary. According to an article from the Commercial Archives titled, "Quiznos Dusts off Baby Bob," Quizno's commercials have had negative ratings and perceptions, despite the ads' popularity. It is reported in the article that, "the ads give the idea that rats are in Quizno's subs," (Adland p 1). Another perception of a Quizno's ads was," Baby Bob just isn't very funny or interesting or anything" (Adland 1). These two commercials involved the shouting sponge monkeys, and the talking baby. As for the most recent commercial advertisement, there is a huge weakness in this add. The commercial focuses on the new four dollar torpedo sub. While the commercial does focus heavily on the sandwich, its sexual suggestions are even heavier. To compete with Subway's five dollar foot long, Quizno's has created the four dollar Toasty Torpedo.

To promote this sandwich, Quizno's has developed a commercial that has been called inappropriate, offensive, and tasteless. There is a talking oven that is having a conversation with a chef. The oven is repeating comments such as "Put it In Me." According to the website, an article titled, "Quizno's is more than 'Toasty'; they are in HOT WATER," reports various mothers who are against the new commercial advertising approach because of its potential affect on television viewers. The article quotes one mother as saying, "I find the homosexual innuendo tasteless, and it only serves to lessen the character of your company. Young children may not see the implication, but teens and adults certainly do"

As for the actual Toasty Torpedo sandwich, the sandwich has been reported as gross, disappointing, and even bland. According to an article titled, "Quiznos' $4 Torpedo vs. Subway's $5 foot long," from the "Orange County News Source," consumers have said "I couldn't believe how bland the sandwich tasted, and how dry the bread was. I was really disappointed" (Luda 2009). The Toasty Torpedo is all reported as looking like a completely different sandwich compared to the one shown on television. It is said that the sandwich does not even look close to what has been shown in the Toasty Torpedo commercial (Orange County News Source p 3). Quizno's has been reported as having another weakness, Quizno's has a malfunctioning issue with the Million Sub Giveaway special. In this, consumers were given the opportunity to share their names and email addresses in exchange for coupons at Quizno's restaurants. Though the giveaway was successful at collecting consumer data, it had a few malfunctions. In the giveaway it was reported that consumers never received their coupons, others could not print the coupons out, some Quizno's franchises even turned the coupons away (Advertising Age 2p).

One big opportunity for Quizno's is to undertake international expansion. Quizno's currently has over 500 restaurants in over 21 countries. If Quizno's opened more restaurants in other countries the company could continue to expand more and reach a larger group of customers.

Currently, Quizno's largest threat is Subway. Subway has launched the five dollar foot long deal on every one of its sandwiches; in contrast, Quizno's only offers its four dollar sub deal on select subs, which are the Toasty Torpedo subs. In addition to the sandwich deals provided by subway, they have also launched a side kick deal. In this, when a consumer buys a five dollar sandwich from subway, they are able to choose from a variety of side orders for only a dollar. The side orders include cookies; apples, and a 20 ounce beverage.

Another big threat to Quizno's right now is the commercials that they are running to promote the Toasty Torpedo. Although it is a memorable commercial, it may cause some problems. The Toasty Torpedo commercial uses many sexual innuendos and potential homosexual suggestions which could potentially cause different groups of customers to develop a negative attitude towards Quizno's. On other hand its competitor Subway, has developed multiple commercial ads that have a catchy jingle that promotes its five dollar foot long subs. This jingle has been reported to be a huge success and has captured the attention of millions.
According to an article from the Review Atlas titled, "Get Tuned up for the Return of Advertising Jingles," "Subway's "Five Dollar Foot-Long" commercial contains three key ingredients of a successful jingle. It's catchy, it's concise and it tells consumers something about the company you want them to know." (Review Atlas p, 20). The threats that Subway presents to Quizno's are immense and appear to be unbeatable. Therefore, it is essential for Quizno's to continue to compete in the race as a leading sandwich provider

Using primarily a focus group to gain an in-depth look at Quizno's, there was a vast amount of information. In addition to a focus group, the observation method was used to substantiate the findings that would come from the focus group. On a Wednesday, at approximately 12:40pm, The Quizno's restaurant was packed with costumers. There were consumers in every seat, and there was a line that stretched to the back of the restaurant. In this observation, the consumers who were seated were all eating in groups. Most of the consumers were dressed in collared shirts and neatly pressed dress pants. It appeared that everyone was on a lunch break. All of the customers purchased a sub that was toasted, and oozing with cheese. However, there was one female customer who was eating a salad, and appeared to be quite pleased. All of the consumers had a fountain beverage along with a bag of potato chips. As for the environment in the restaurant, it was somewhat noisy and crowded. In addition, the weather outside was unpleasant because of the rainfall. However, this did not stop the consumers from ordering a Quizno's meal. Each consumer patiently waited for their meals, however, they did not appear pleased with the service. It seemed as if the workers were moving too slow, according to the consumer's facial expressions. Also during the observation, the demographics of the consumers were obvious, including, gender, race, and age. During the lunch hour, there were more men than woman throughout the entire restaurant, and it was documented that approximately 95 percent of the consumers were Caucasian. The other 5 percent were of other races that ranged from African American, Asian, and Hispanic. The general age range was 25-45.
Though the observation method was used, the primary research method was the focus group. The focus group consisted of eight individuals; 5 of them were actually eating and enjoying a Quizno's meal, and 2 two were in the restaurant with a friend who was waiting in line for a Quizno's sub. The consumers all agreed to participate in the focus group; they all were delighted to do so. The age range of the focus group was 19 to 45. The focus group members were Caucasian-Americans. The majority of the focus group members were white collar workers who had decided to eat at Quizno's for their lunch breaks. The other half was Towson University students. The members were asked over 30 questions, including demographics, favorite Quizno's commercials, favorite Quizno's items, and least favorites items. The questions were designed to understand the underlying feelings that consumers had towards the suggestive messages displayed in Quizno's advertisements. However, in regards to asking questions relevant to said advertisements, there was a variety of answers.

Within the focus group, the majority of them replied "I just fast forward past the commercials on my TIVO, (An interactive television application), so I have never even seen a Quizno's commercial." Others expressed which commercials stood out to them the most, and which commercials were ineffective and offensive. The replies ranged from "the commercials were funny;" to "the Quizno's commercials are gross;" to "I've never seen any of their commercials to be honest," to "the commercials made me hungry for subway." One focus group member even replied, "Quizno's is the McDonald's of subs, it's sickening, they both are horrible!" Each question was directed to each member and each member gave an equal response. From this focus group, the underlying feelings, opinions, and emotions about Quizno's were discovered, as well as their feelings about Subway. Consumers expressed personal preferences in regards to Quizno's commercial advertising, and provided suggestions on how to improve it. The ultimate findings from this focus group was the low effectiveness of Quizno's advertising approaches; primarily its television commercials.

The reason for using the focus group was to gain in-depth and personal information from actual Quizno's costumers. Another reason for using this approach was to gain actual responses to recognize the short comings of the Toasty Torpedo television commercial, and other advertising approaches. This approach was also effective because it allowed personal interactions with costumers; the focus group also allowed consumers to feel comfortable and willing to open up. A survey was not used in the research because it would not exhibit the truthful feelings that consumers had toward Quizno's. In a focus group, a firsthand response would be given truthfully and openly.

A personal interview was not used in this research because there are so many differing opinions in regards to Quizno's and its commercial ads. A focus group would display the varying opinions on a more detail and emotional level. Ultimately, the interview would limit the results to one perspective, compared to a focus group. Also, the results from a personal interview would be biased and lack a multi-dimensional response. The focus group has positively affected the Marketing campaign, primarily by providing insight of why Quizno's past commercials were ineffective. The results from the focus group will demonstrate the specific elements that can assist in the effort to gain more customers, while regaining lost customers through enhanced advertising strategies.

The primary target audience that is best for Quizno's to appeal to is the middle class white collar segment. The middle class is in fact the largest class in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center. The middle class is largely comprised of married individuals with children, college students, and college grads. The Pew Research Center reports that 68 percent of middle class members are homeowners. It is also reported that a large amount of middle class member eat out several times a week; this audience is describe as healthy individuals as well. Moreover, the middle class is described on a geographic level as well. In this report, most middle class individuals reside in suburban and rural areas. Approximately 54 percent of middle class members reside in suburban areas, compared to the 40 percent that live in urban areas. According to the Social Analysis and Reference Groups, the middle class tends to value education, news, homeownership, and stability (Social Analysis p. 13). According to Dr. L Robert Khols, the director of International Programs at San Francisco State University, the middle class American also values equality, wealth, newness, innovations, success, and time. (Kohls, p.3-10). The middle class target audience has a variety of demographics, geographic, and behavioristic elements; however, the more affluent segments of the middle class are crucial to finding the perfect target market for Quizno's.

The 18-24 year-olds represent 26.1 million of the United States population, with the highest numbers of this demographic living in the Northeast. Whites still have the highest population of citizens at 62 percent. Hispanics are second at 16 percent, Blacks are third at 13 percent, and Asians are last at 5 percent. Less than 3 percent of this age group lives at home with their parents either in school full time or not in school at all. In the U.S. 62 percent of this population have a high school diploma with some college education, while 16 percent have no high school diploma or degree. Fifty-five percent are working middle to low-income full-time jobs, with personal earnings amounting to 60,000 dollars. A little over half of the individuals in this age group have never been married, and currently have no children. According to the Journal of Advertising Research, "this generation of citizens are idealistic, socially conscious, individualistic, anti-corporate, speak their minds and dress as they please." (Kapner, 1997). It is because of these reason that this particular segment is difficult to advertise to. They do not succumb to the usual advertising methods that have proven to be successful for other age groups (Wolburg, 2001). Those in this age group that are college students are also important because of the impact they have in the market. In numbers they can influence others because of how quickly they adopt new products, and how quickly they develop brand loyalties that will last long into adulthood (2001).

This target market consists of middle class males who are between the ages of 25 and 39. The salaries of this market ranges from 35,000 to 50,000 dollars a year. They are fresh in their careers; mostly in good health and value time as they do money. Most of the individuals in this market area are in a managerial position (Lexis-Nexis, Valios). To further support this is an article from Restaurants and Institutions. The article reads, "Middle-class consumers are most likely to say that casual-dining restaurants are their primary dining-out choices." This market has also been reported to eat at restaurants that reflect their social status. The Restaurant and Institutions site article reads, "Middle-class consumers are more likely than lower-middle-class or upper-middle-class consumers to say that their restaurant choices reflect their social status." The article says that these middle class individuals have a range of household incomes starting at 35,000 dollars a year. To also illustrate this target markets value of time is the Restaurant and Institutions article, which reads that most individuals in this middle class market will more than likely not wait more than thirty minutes for a meal; nor will they wait that amount of time to be seated at any restaurant; "nearly one-third of these consumers purchase lunch on weekdays, the members of this demographic also feel time-pressed" (Hume, Restaurants and Institutions, 2008 p5). This target market appears to value time, work, money, and quick-meals. This group is a great market because of the large amount of members who dine out frequently during the week.

This suggested target market mostly comprises of males who are white collared workers between the ages of 41 and 65; they are mostly married with children and typically live in suburban areas, however work in urban areas. This segmented group is a good target market due to its growing numbers in corporate work fields. Therefore, since the amount of white collar workers has increased, so have the amounts of lunch breaks that can be catered to by Quizno's. According to a report from the United States General Accounting Office, the workforce is increasing with elderly workers. In this was reported a 19 percent increase in white collar workers who are between the ages of 55 and 77. These numbers were calculated for the year of 2008 (GAO projections 2008). The report also illustrates the median salaries of white collar workers who are between 55 and 74. More specifically, the report says that a large amount of white collar workers, between 55 and 64, are in executive or administrative positions, earning over 50,000 dollars a year. This is one target market that Quizno's should consider due to its growing size. Another report from the Pew Research Center illustrates, in a series of charts that the percentage of males, who are between the ages of 40 and 60, tend to be in professional or executive positions. The report describes most of these individuals as being married with an average of two children; about 45 percent of these individuals have a ranging salary of 50,000 to 100,000 (Pew Research Center, p.68. 2009). The reason this market may be a great choice is due to the available financial resources that these individuals hold. Another major reason for this target market choice is due to TIVO. From the results of the focus group that was conducted, the older members of the group admitted to fast forwarding through commercials. With the TIVO feature, commercial spots are being missed and un-heard by older middle class workers. In the focus group, most of the older members had never even seen a Quizno's commercial; yet, they are familiar with the restaurant but not its specials. The goal is to reach out to the more affluent middle class male workers because they are able to afford commercial filtered television; thus, decreasing the amount of commercial viewership. Therefore, it is necessary to heavily target this market in a new and innovative manner. To support this is Stephen Baker, from Business Week, who reports, "Approximately 6.5 million TiVo-like devices are currently in use in the U.S. And 70% of them are routinely used for commercial avoidance; the devices are threatening to bring the $60-billion-a-year TV advertising business to its knees" (Business Week, p 1). Therefore, the Elder market segment will be the main focus for the enhanced Quizno's marketing strategy.

Not only is advertising necessary for Quizno's, more attractive and tighter advertisements are needed. Subway is Quizno's leading competitor and is having much success. Subway has advertisements that range from jingles, to funny skits, to special meal deals. In contrast, Quizno's is the second leading sub dealer; therefore, it is necessary for Quizno's to keep up with Subway on a constant basis. It is important for Quizno's to target its consumers through a combination of advertising forms. These forms include image advertising, and national advertising,. With image advertising, Quizno's will have the opportunity to transform its image as the second leading sub provider. According to an article from the Microsoft Corporation titled "Advertising," image advertising gives a product a personality that is unique, appealing, and appropriate so that the consumer will want to choose it over similar products that might fulfill the same need" (Microsoft 2009 p. 9). National Advertising is absolutely necessary for Quizno's to continue with so that consumers are continuously reminded of Quizno's; thus, fervently competing with Subways advertising approaches. The significance of this national advertising approach involves informing the nation about Quizno's its image, and its products on a continuous basis. The purpose for this continued national advertising approach is to developing loyal consumers; thus, having them choose Quizno's over its competitors. According to the Microsoft Corporation article, "national advertising tries to build consumer loyalty to a product or service." (Microsoft 2009 p. 2). Gaining loyal customers is the objective in using the national advertising approach.

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