McDonald's fast food is surprisingly successful purveying low cost high quality consistently. You have reached the quality control, especially through this standardization e. If you are an "Egg McMuffin," or a "Big Mac" Buy a shop in Seattle, Milwaukee and Chicago or Miami, will be almost exactly the same.
Standardization is more in-roads in education. Once the realm of diversity (of opinion, thought, concept, teachingTechnology, classroom design, etc.) and independence (academic freedom), the higher education classroom will be transformed into a kind of "product" of delivery. The "products" in this case, concepts, curriculum, group exercises, activities, etc. - yes, the same training.
The purpose of this transformation is a "standard" high-quality classroom experience for students in disciplines, and provide the institutions. With the studentCustomer (consumer) of the delivery system of the education system, we want to ensure that he or she is to get the highest quality product possible, and the key to this is the "quality control and standardization.
Instead of quality control after the fact of the evaluations of teachers' "," classroom observations offered, "and the like out of a much more intrusive and policy model. Lesson plans, yes, all courses and curricula modules are directed in the package,USB flash drive (USB) or on a computer or server.
How did you develop in fast-food, manufacturing or other product areas, manufacturing industries, creating products and delivery methods to win won the effectiveness and efficiency of the sector.
Just as McDonald's
Just as McDonald's, where customers can expect, the environment can enjoy a standard, high quality product developed, served in one, clean student consumers can expectconvenient delivery of educational products for the use and enjoyment - "satisfaction guaranteed."
First, a product is put together team. In this case, consists of scientific experts, curriculum designers, course writers, technologists, product representatives, educators, content specialists, etc. The product development at the initial objectives, ie, "based on what we want to know students? " "What we learn during thisCourse? "And" How can we measure this? "This" top end "philosophy is essential. It keeps the focus on the product that promotes quality and, ultimately, customer satisfaction.
Gen Y students have different expectations from their predecessors and are less likely to be exceeded or teaching methods and techniques. They call it indulging commit.
Teachers are selected in part by theirthe ability to "talk" as well. "Teaching" should be lively, entertaining, engaging, and fun. They should know a bit easy, enjoyable and rewarding to be transmitted.
Streamlining the educational process
prescribed for more standardized process, the less room for teachers, more content, learning activities and exercises are, the more the career of the manager of business andProfit colleges like. This concept can also benefit students as it focuses on a high quality, standardized school experience.
After the teacher mastered the technology, the entire teaching process easier than this model is all packed and ready Nobody disorderly development of curricula -.. You've already done -. And well done any reflection on the creative learning activities and approaches- I'm already there, you could do it almost in his sleep.! (If it were not for the credit, animated and funny.)
Needs of students
Students in this new education model will be immersed in technology during their studies. This is the world of today and tomorrow. Participate and interact with smart cards, laptops, wireless, simulations, business games, remote "clicker", interactive learning,real world, major projects, presentations, etc. It 'was designed for their learning styles and attention spans, it is highly skilled in order to conform to prepare for their career. Although many students "comfortable" with technology, are less able and less still a deeper understanding. The curriculum should help them to master more and better prepared for future technology needs of businesses. The intense nature of technologicalclassroom experience on the different learning styles. Auditory learners have a voice, music and sounds. Visual learners enjoy the video, PowerPoint presentations and other visual elements. The kinesthetic learner hands on components, in particular, I appreciate the council Smart.
Student satisfaction is obviously a priority. Education, especially for non-profit education exists to serve the students, while running a business. AndServing and meeting the student, finally, the students at school, university and remain, valuable knowledge and skills in the process. These graduates of the economy and society as a whole. An advanced society like ours depend critically on an educated populous and productive.
Employers must
What employers want and need? The link to the requirements the employer is essential. Companies need educatedWorkers. Need technologically qualified personnel who can meet the needs of a rapidly changing technological environment and a highly competitive situation.
We live in a productive society. Companies billions of dollars in training and retraining of their employees. "Business Ready" graduates to be more productive from day one, and employers appreciate that.
Education has failed?
Purists argue that the mostTraditional approaches are preferable, and that academic freedom will be violated. It seems that teachers should be based on their knowledge, quality of training, know-how, the history of research and contributions to their field can be made. Of course I prefer pure "academic watch" and "scholars" in the classroom. However, there is room for an interesting debate. When it comes to the teacher or the students? Of course we know thatit is both, but whose needs have priority, the answer must be -? STUDENT: After all, the entire education system is in place to respond to the needs of students and, ultimately, society.
Instructors with real, practical experience and no techno-phobia is more adaptable to this new format, and perhaps better equipped to relate to students.
In education, there is always room for a wide range of opinions andApproaches. Let's try this again He works in business -. Why not education, this is probably the reason for this comprehensive approach to faculty career much easier than their traditional counterparts, "Career colleges are for-profit surely the head of this initiative, and Help." Early adopters.
We all know that the "quality" is an educational problem. Graduates with virtually identical credentials are very different skills, have the knowledge, andSkills. This is and has always been a concern. This standard model of quality-assured the problem solved.
Of course, this educational model is controversial, as it should be! But the result may well be that students have a somewhat similar experience, knowledge and like to learn more "insert" in the business world. Employers can further secure and confident that graduates have the knowledge and skills needed to be based employees of success. Probably, at some point wants to be full participants in the process of curriculum development. In the globally competitive market, this could be just what you need.
If we are teaching business, we need an entrepreneurial mindset. Let's transfer of these best practices from business to science to keep our students are involved, and better prepare for their future career. And, for the lessons to be learned from places like> McDonald's can do more for education than we ever imagined.
Copyright © 2009, Dr. Ben A. Carlsen, MBA. All rights reserved throughout the world to all media. You can use this article in your ezine, newsletter, newspapers, magazines, web sites, reprints, etc., until leave all links active, do not change the article in any way my name and bio box left intact, and follow all the EzineArticles Terms of use for editors.
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