Strategic marketing or marketing in the aerospace industry
Effective marketing is effective marketing system on the part of a sector or the professions. Marketing as an activity is performed in a variety of contexts. The most obvious context is of course the sale of goods and services to consumers. Marketing can be one of the functional areas of a company, which is described by financial and operating results (McDonald, Christopher 2003). Marketing can be thought of as aActivities which, together with product development, manufacturing and transport logistics.
General aviation industry is one of the most profitable industries today, the rapid technological changes and the market is characterized. Yet, the current situation of cooperation between airlines and airports to help them, their services to their customers should actually on the market.
The marketing strategies include a variety of techniques designed to provide customersSatisfaction and safety. Development of new products and services, technological changes mark the most important strategic assets in this market segment. Technology, with a universal factor, the national and cultural boundaries, plays a crucial role in aviation and space. It should be noted that the technology is truly the "stateless", there is no cultural boundaries that limit their application ¬ tion. As soon as the aircraft technology developed, will soon be available almost any where in ¬the world.
In regional markets such as Europe, the increasing overlap of advertising across national boundaries and the mobility of consumers, the possibilities of aviation and the airlines have created to pursue pan-European product placement marketing. For example, in 1970, the jet airplane revolutionized communications, making it possible to travel ¬ even for people from all over the world in less than 48 hours. Tourism allows people to see from many countries and experience the latest productssold abroad. A key feature of an effective air transport worldwide is the face to face communication between employees and between the company and its customers. Travel Without Jet modern communication like that would be difficult to achieve (Bellis, 2001).
New transport technology reduces the level of prices. The costs associated with physical distribution ¬ evaluated in terms of both money and time and have greatly reduced. The unit cost of shippingCars from Japan and Korea to the United States unless specifically auto-transport ships is less than the cost of overland shipping from Detroit to both coasts of the United States. Another important innovation was the use increased from 20 - and 40-foot containers, metal trans ¬ truck on rail can be transferred to ships.
Another technical innovation to improve their marketing efforts will help the Internet and the World Wide Web airlines and air transport can be called unlimitedor global industries and therefore the Internet and Intranet services are led into a force for them.
Today's technology enables airline alliance partners to help each other sell seats on flights, so passengers from point to point with greater ease and at the same time, increasing sales companies like United Airlines and Lufthansa. Meanwhile, the cost of international calls has fallen dra ¬ matically in recent decades. This fact, together with theThe emergence of new communication technologies ¬ I like e-mail, fax and video-conferencing means that people can ¬ agers, executives and customers will be electronically from anywhere in the world without traveling at all.
If a company is a page on the Internet, it is automatically global to achieve, at least in terms of potential global clients with the information. At present, Internet use is heaviest in the United States. Even when the situation does not change,but needs to overcome many limitations, before the commercial transactions on the Internet, become immovable edges (Joines, Scherer, Scheufele, 2003).
marketing services in the aerospace and aviation industry is working closely with the departments of R & D to ensure that products are developed those that do justice to the changing needs of target customers and different needs of different customer segments. In recent years, have high failure rates, with the introduction of new products outDepartments of strong risk aversion, with most "new" products is emerging just extensions of existing product lines ¬ tion and supply does not really new and innovative.
The marketing for the development of aviation and airline of new products is then bound by a connection between the market and the design department, with customers and technical R & D is in the process. It also requires the management of the company, such as changes in customer demand and buying patternsserious consequences for the future Ge ¬ ness goals and directions.
The most important marketing strategy in the aerospace and aviation is a product that consumers do not require explicit design. The challenge of course is in front of consumers and connect to extrapolate the future needs of customers. But the traditional forms of marketing research seem to offer rare understanding necessary to engage in creative marketing. The basis Aerospace Initiative include:
"Reinvigorating the basic and applied research in aeronautics and air transport.
Develop air-u. Space technologies that significantly lower noise, emissions and fuel consumption.
Address, frequency, cost and reliability of space for entry and increase its economic viability.
Fund revolutionary, not just evolutionary, changes to the air transport system more capacity, safety, traffic flow and automation "(U.S. air and space,2003).
It 's easy to see the reasons for the submission of the marketing department as a milestone in ¬ new product development process. You are the transfer of information between the market and society and the various administrations involved in the development of new products. The acquisition represents a significant role in the wider participation of various stakeholders to discuss the next meeting of the project team, members of all groups at once and trying to be facilitatedto solve common problems. "Infrastructure and problems of air traffic management will be a new topic, both by aerospace manufacturers and service providers and airports to address the segment SBAC (UK Aerospace, 2005).
The above clearly indicates that the development of new products only to find out what customers want and then deliver. E 'possible to suggest, however, that customers do not know ¬ clients get what they want, or at least can not articulateconcrete.
David Kiley expresses an interesting idea on the premise that the airlines "are not on the market, even if they think I am." He explains that "consumers are, for the most part, the choice of where their frequent flyer miles (which collect their work) and the price. Tourists typical these days is through online check Orbitz, Expedia or other services for prices and dates. If the selection of options comes from United, Northwest,Delta, American, Air France, Virgin Atlantic -. How many people decide how they feel about the airline is based "(Kiley, nd) On the other hand, it is difficult to assess the role of advertising in marketing airline denied having a major impact on consumer preferences and choice.
Today in airline customer service is based on the reputation and reliability, and this is no less true in the new forms of system service. In areas such as distribution of packages and money management, consumerSearching for signs that the risks are minimized or eliminated. is for this type of consumer, customer service plays an important role in assuaging the fears of consumers in projecting an image of trustworthiness and competence (Johnson, Scholes, 1998).
The choice of themes release are based on readers. It refers to the total number of people who probably read the publication. For example, technical and trade publications are often read by other people that the buyerthe buyer at his workplace. Sunday supplements and color documents are always passed to the reading of the family. Then increase the number of times by readers as a support and help to tell us how many people can read the publication. The profiles of readers in general shows the demographic characteristics of readers, such as age, gender, income, and especially socio-economic classification of readers, the epitome of a company's actual orientationAdvertisement. For example, Delta recently by a new campaign, themed nights to kick "Good Goes Around." Americano has sentimental TV ads running with the slogan: "We know why the flight." (Kiley).
For the depth of maximum penetration can help primary (grade) of the media, block or crossbars to choose another. If a deeper penetration in the same target group, for example, is required, then vertical advertising in media that reach the same audience pursued. For example,Advertising on commercial television advertising of the magazine can use that program listings for the audience, and radio advertising in a local area can occur through direct mail or press advertising has accompanied are connected. (Kiley) "The aviation industry deregulation has literally every company that has done nothing more than a commodity fought."
not only qualitatively new airline service will be able to achieve the general objectives, is the reason for theThe company's main objective is to maintain service quality and develop strategies to improve their performance. service concepts to understand the unique environment in which a particular company operates. Normally, airlines are the specific marketing strategies and their implementation in a detailed action plan to advance your marketing efforts effectively. The implementation of a customer-oriented strategy is more important than all the other techniques. It also means impressingto all staff the importance of customer service because a satisfied customer of the best marketing tool available.
All customers have certain expectations for the quality of services to be provided. The situation today is by two factors, one specific to do with the "design quality" of service and consistency that is labeled as "process" that is obtained is of particular importance to customers is this. In the final analysis are the two factorsmade to deter ¬ mine the quality levels of a company, its customers. These two factors are themselves determined by other factors.
Details of the air transport sector is the result of an organization pol ¬ icy, which in turn has led to decisions on their market policies, and consideration of market needs or customer needs and competitor activity ¬ determined speed. This is the process of designing quality of service (Ennew, Reed, Binks, 1993).For example, "the airlines are scrambling for seats and their clients happy, this is clear. British Airways has signed just this week an agreement with the Worldwide Travel Exchange (WWTE) arm of the airline's reservation Travelscape Expedia Inc, the airline passengers book a room with more than 40,000 hotels (Cox, 2002).
Evidence of improvement in customer contact include measuring customer satisfaction, creating new standards of performance and thus win moreControl over, and routinization of work for a professional service. At the same time, improve quality has developed through the project teams in a self-directed practice, with the Task Force to meet the goals and use methods that are determined centrally. In this way, the "success" of another defined by measures of institutional performance improvement (Mascarenhas, Kesavan, Bernacchi, 2004) evaluated.
Today, a wide range of web services will be adopted by airlines and aviation for contactcustomers and ensure customer satisfaction. It is not a single and a new form of service, but still is one of the economic areas to get new customers and offer new services to reach customers. For example, "Internet access and booking Travelocity offers more than 700 airlines, but they have special marketing relationships with all of them. It 's a similar agreement with Continental to sign in January and has been with British Airways,JetBlue and America West, (2002 Cox), among other airlines. "
For airlines streamline Internet ¬ expensive tuxedo and some series of great customer service. Secondly, the system is at least the appearance of danger to the distance of space and time, and the opacity of the expert system to be reduced.
In a short time, the online finance enormously popular around the world. This might be something to do with the fact that climateRisks, particularly those with investments prefer, many customers a "hands-on" approach. In fact, online services and trade a number of advantages for customers. The important thing is all day. Of course there are risks for customers to place online trading (Mascarenhas, et al, 2004).
In aviation, this approach involves the maintenance of high standards is a key factor for an efficient response to the customer. The purpose of maintenance is an attempt to maximizeservice delivery, ensuring that it consistently and effectively performed. Service, however complex or simple, but expensive or cheap is responsible for collapse. The effective functioning of a system depends upon the maintenance of all parts of the system, such as construction services. In fact, the social structures of society or personal practice, partly as a service to obtain such as training and retraining, the availability of appropriate skills to maintain the facilities manAbility, interest and motivation for counseling (Joines et al, 2003) to hold.
Viewers can geographically distributed in time, but they have common interests that are perhaps difficult to profit, even if other international media. The airline sites online ( or thrive because they offer participants the following: a forum for the exchange of common interests, a sense of place with the rules of conduct , a meeting place forSpecialists that guide the development of stimulating dialogue, relationships based on trust, promote the active participation of more than a couple of exclusivity.
"Customers can book on-line bookings at by CanJet Sales Centre" (Cox, 2002). Service, however complex or simple, but expensive or cheap is responsible for collapse. Another alternative is to run ads on third-party advertising companies to the server, the advertisements can be delivered simultaneously several Webproduce Web sites, measure the results, reporting a consolidated report on the success of the campaign and analyze the results immediately, it allows advertisers to quickly assess the effectiveness of the current campaign.
In traditional markets, dual distribution systems are not rare, there are numerous examples of companies with more than one distribution channel to sell to different groups of customers. However, the process of managing multiple distribution systems, bothcomplicated and risky. While e-commerce opportunities for differential pricing, pricing strategies can also be as difficult when it is used to improve customer questions about their choice. In reality, the ignorance of customers about the prices, features and performance of the product in question - traditionally a source of profit for the company were. The relationship marketing process involves an iterative cycle of differentiation and customer acquisition skillsAdjusting the mix of global marketing. This process is sometimes referred to as a learning relationship (Johnson, Scholes, 1998). A learning relationship between a customer and an airline comapny learn and interact intelligently with each individual, defining in more detail in customer needs and individual tastes.
"The leadership of American air and space industry will be eroded by foreign competitors benefiting from government wideGrants "(United States Air and Space, 2003). Aerospace Services is the creation of new flexibility for consumers and businesses, the markets of the government. Innovation and will also occur through the development of new approaches to market development in emerging markets seems to be a mismatch between the technology replacement cycle and the cycle of technology. Especially if the customer feels comfortable with a particular technology they have acquired a new versionSo the first is obsolete.
A problem with the air and space industry, which, although there are a few large companies, these companies have majority control of the market, requiring only a great spin-off of these have already established product for a chance to succeed. There are many innovative products that give the industry every year. A talent management could certainly add this product to the list, if willing to work hard, think, beoutside the box and heart in their company (UK Aerospace, 2005)
competitive pressures have led many airlines and airline companies, marketers involved in designing, manufacturing and other value judgments from the start. This approach is known in some circles as the boundless market. Instead of connecting in sequence with other marketing activities, the goal is to eliminate communication barriers between marketing and otherfunctional area. Properly implemented, provides for the sale of a marketing orientation on ¬ permeable to all the activities that create value in a society (McDonald, Christopher, 2003) Ates.
A marketing strategy partnership is the fastest way and cheapest way to develop a comprehensive strategy ¬ est in aviation. It can be co-users of the tasks, a situation that cre ¬ Ates management challenges. Partnership in the aviation sector is attractive because of the high cost of product development resources in the face ofrestrictions might force a company, the partners and the technology needs of many contemporary products, which may be looking for a single firm does not possess the skills, capital or know-how to go it alone (UK Aerospace, 2005).
It was concluded that the aerospace industry and air, fragmentation is more mature and consolidated industry will become an industry dominated by a small number of large companies. Although the industry startfragmented, the battle for market share and creating ¬ tive attempts to overcome the boundaries of the local market or niche, often in a matter of men ¬ com domain "the purchase of larger and larger market shares. If there are rules for minimum standards of product quality and features, the competition moves to a greater emphasis on cost and service set. slowing growth combined with excess capacity and customers aware of a premium on the company's ability to cost leadership or differentiation along the dimensions reach the mostdesired by the market.
The growing power of the Internet is another strong point for stretagy marketing company. Customers who want to give more help to the Internet, airlines are in a better position than to them. In the traditional brand relationships, communication flows between marketing and consumer applications. The key to the success of airline marketing program is the relational information. The information is better than a company that offers to a particular customer, the mostValue, the company may be able to provide to customers.
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