
Tattoo Pictures & Tattoo Designs for YOU!

Anyone who is seriously into tattoos will tell you how long it takes to choose the right one. After all they should last a lifetime so are not something to be rushed. It can take up to 20-30 hours to find the right tattoo design. But that is only the first step.

If you are serious you will want to have something that is unique and not taken from a book or or copied from a picture in a tattoo gallery. A tattoo should speak about who you are and not be ripped off someone else. Not only that but a lot of artists will refuse to copy another artists work. And quite rightly. While you can be done for copyright infringement for copying another person's work in other mediums the same rules don't seem to apply to tattoo art.

It is still a form of plagiarism to take another persons artwork and reproduce it as your own. In any other form this would result in legal action. So just because there is no precendent set for copyright infringement does not mean its is cool to claim another tattooists work.

So how do you come up with original tattoo designs?

If you are like me you have looked at literally thousands of tattoo pictures and tattoo designs from a variety of different tattooists from around the world. Or maybe you keep visiting your local tattoo studio and have started getting dirty looks from the tattoo artist who thinks you are stalking him because you go there every weekend and still haven't chosen a tattoo!

There are so many different styles of so you need to be really clear about what you want before you get inked. It is a good idea ot visualize the type of tattoo you want before you even get it. You need to be able to see yourself with a particular tattoo before you get it. If is a tribal tattoo on your arm imagine yourself walking down the street with the tattoo for all the world to see.

Next view some examples of different styles that you like. So if it is tribal tattoos source pictures of that particular tattoo style. If it is work from another artist do not take it to your nearest tattoo studio and ask for it to be copied onto you. Tell the tattoo artist that you like that particular style and would like a tattoo designed for YOU. This is where the visualisation exercise comes into play. Tattoo artists are very visual people and are highly talented at rendering an nebulous idea into a full on customized tattoo.

Think of the bigger picture. Don't be tempted to choose some generic tattoo flash off the wall because you can't make up your mind. Don't settle for something less if you cannot afford the tattoo you really want. Tattoos are organic and are constantly changing and growing with you. Avoid painful mistakes!

Caramel Recipe Books The Food Revolution


White Tie Events

White tie events are the most formal occasions of all. When your invitation indicates white tie as the dress code, you should know then that it's strictly formal. These type of events are the most formal, and are usually the most important social functions, too. People actually consider it a big thing. And you definitely should not mess with this one.

You have to comply. Dressing up rightly as the occasion requires show respect to the host or hostess for that matter. But to be able to do this you should know well what exactly to wear.

White tie is a dress code and has nothing to do with white necktie or even to a white colored suit. The best distinction of is the tail coat suit. It's black of course, just like a tux, but its front side is cut short (waist length) and has 2 "tails."

For men, white tie means wearing a tailcoat. This coat or jacket is short or waist-length in the front but has two tails in the back that should reach to the knees. It may also be called a swallowtail coat because of the "wings" on the back of the jacket.

There are some things to be considered when choosing the right pants for this type of event. The pants color should be black and may have a satin strip down on the outer aspect of the legs. The materials to be chosen should be of the highest quality. The finest wool or wool/silk blends are the best choice for this.

A tux front, or better known as a dickie, is usually worn with a white shirt. It may be attached to the collar of the tux, which can be tucked into into a cummerbund. Attached also to the white wing shirt is a white wing collar.

Like all the other details of a white tie event wardrobe, socks to be worn should only be of fine quality. Although one can pretty much get away with less fancy socks, one can still wear a pair of good quality silk socks if totally completing the real white tie event look is of utmost consideration.

As for shoes, they should only be made of patent leather. Noting beats a really nice, shiny and clean pair of leather shoes for a formal event like the white tie.

If there is a need to wear an overcoat, an opera coat is the best choice. And if a hat has to be worn, a top hat is the best choice.

Note though that there are exceptions to men's dress code for a white tie event. Men who are from the military, those who are ministers, and also those who need to wear state costumes are exempted from this white tie rule and can arrive in their finest uniform or state costumes.

Steak Books

The Dangers of Fast Food

The fast food industry has added every chemical possible that they can legally get away with to addict people to their food. In fact, if you eat fast food and you stop eating it, you actually go through withdrawal symptoms. It's like a drug. Not only that, the preservatives are so high in these fast food burgers these days that the product does not even break down. Fast food has been linked in the increase in obesity in both adults and children. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country, particularly in children. Here are some startling statistics to consider:

65% of American adults are overweight
30% of Americans are obese

According to the American Obesity Association, 127 million Americans are overweight, 60 million Americans are obese, and 9 million are "morbidly obese": they weigh 100 pounds more than they should.
In the last twenty years, the rate of obesity has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents and teens.
As of September 2004, nine million American kids between the ages of six and eighteen were obese.

A KILLER Obesity-related illnesses will kill around 400,000 Americans this year--almost the same as smoking. Americans have gotten so big that their coffins have to be supersized!

Related illnesses caused by obesity:

High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Breast Cancer
Colon cancer

In 2003, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one out of three kids born in America in the year 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes. The life of a ten-year-old child who has Type II diabetes will be, on average, between seventeen and twenty-six years shorter than that of a healthy child. Diabetes can lead to heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage in the lower legs which may result in amputation (82,000 of these cases occur every year). Diabetes is currently the sixth-highest cause of death in America.

Fast Food is Everywhere

The rise of the fast food industry plays a critical role in why our country is plagued with obesity. Fast food is everywhere: in big cities, small towns, shopping malls, the airport, the bus station, schools, and even hospitals!
There are 31,000 McDonald's worldwide- almost 14,000 of them are in the U.S.

People are Eating a lot of Fast Food

Fast food has become cheaper and easier to buy. In 2004, Americans spent $124 billion dollars on fast food. That same year, The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a study showing that the percentage of fast food calories in the American diet has increased from 3 percent to 12 percent over the last twenty years.
Fast food culture was introduced to other countries around the world in the 1980's. In countries like Japan and China, people have abandoned traditional healthy diets in favor of fast food and as a result the rate of obesity and other diseases has soared.

Fast Food Restaurants Serve More
Not only is fast food everywhere, but fast food companies encourage the consumer to eat more by supplying over-sized burgers, extra-large servings for fries, and buckets of soda.
Products like The Whopper, The Big Gulp, and Super Size meals pack in a whopping amount of calories, sugars, and fats. Let's take a closer look: The Double Gulp soda at your local 7-11 holds 64 ounces of soda - that is half a gallon! It contains the equivalent of 48 teaspoons of sugar. A typical hamburger at a fast food restaurant weighs six ounces. In 1957, it weighed one ounce. According to one nutritionist, your average fast food meal is more like three meals.
The average meal at a McDonald's has 1,550 calories.

Fast Food is not Good For Us

We're eating more food that is not nutritious. Most fast-food meals are high in fat, high in sugar, high in calories, high in starch, high in salt, and low in fiber and nutrients. Because fast food lacks nutrients, after we eat it we're not satisfied. That makes us hungry for more soon after.

Why kids are at a major risk

Our children are exposed to an onslaught of advertising for fast food. Fast food chains spend more then $3 billion every year on television advertising. They intentionally campaign to kids so they become life-long customers. These are known as cradle-grave advertising strategies. Researchers have found that children can often recognize a company logo, like the Golden Arches, before they can recognize their own name.
In one year, the typical American child watches more that 40,000 TV commercials. Around 20,000 of these ads are for junk food: fast food, candy, soda, and breakfast cereals. This means that your child sees a junk food ad every five minutes when they're watching TV.
To further motivate children to eat fast food, companies like McDonald's have Happy Meals with free toys. McDonald's gives away more than 1.5 billion toys every year. Almost one out of every three new toys given to American kids each year is from McDonald's or another fast food restaurant.
In order to combat these calculated advertising strategies, educating our children on healthy eating habits that are easy, fun, and taste great is paramount. By teaching our children how harmful fast food is and how to eat healthier, they are empowered to make the right choices.

Fast Food is filled with chemicals and preservatives.

Fast food doesn't break down. This is because it is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. There's of course, the great video out on YouTube called The Bionic Burger that illustrates this in a fun and informative way.
The link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYyDXH1amic
The video is based on a true story. In 1991, this software engineer from Burlington, Vermont (he prefers to remain anonymous) was out with friends in Boston for New Year's Eve and stopped at McDonald's on the way home. He bought a couple of cheeseburgers, ate one and put the other in his coat pocket to have later.
He forgot about the burger in his pocket. A year later, he pulled his coat out of the closet, put it on, and discovered the cheeseburger in his pocket from New Year's Eve. It looked exactly the same. He was absolutely blown away. He told his friends and family but nobody believed him. So he decided to start a burger museum to demonstrate to everyone that these cheeseburgers and hamburgers were literally indestructible.
He started collecting burgers, one every year. By the fall of 2004, he had amassed quite a collection:
The original '91 McDonald's Cheeseburger from that New Year's Ever
'92 McDonald's Cheeseburger and Big Mac
'93 Burger King Hamburger
'94 McDonald's Hamburger
'95-'03 McDonald's Cheeseburgers

He kept them on bookshelves in his living room in the open air. These burgers look exactly the same. The bun, the meat, the cheese, the special sauce, the pickle, even the lettuce. They have all retained their shape, and color for over a decade!

Food is supposed to break down.
Food is supposed to be the most biodegradable of all products. How is it possible that these burgers have not broken down? Decayed? Become moldy?

My friends Len Foley and Rebecca Gauthier were not convinced. They thought maybe there was an exaggeration, or it was simply not true. So they went and bought a hamburger at the local McDonald's in Burbank, CA February 2007.
They put it in their garage in the open air and left it there. Once a week they would go out and "check" on their burger. It would continue to look and smell exactly the same. No animals, insects, or birds touched it. After one year, they began to feature it in several health exhibits along with some of Matt's hamburgers from his burger collection. Since then, they have added a Hostess Twinkie, cupcake, and other hamburgers to their collection. As of April 2008, there have been no noted changes in the food's composition.

If you don't believe me, try it out for yourself! Go invest a buck and buy a burger. (this is the only time I will ever tell you to do something like this by the way!) Put it in your garage, or wherever, and just let it sit there. I think it is important to see this for yourself so you will know on a deep level the implications of what this means. The food is not breaking down therefore it cannot be natural.

We brought the bionic burger museum to a recent health event to demonstrate how fast food is made of chemicals, preservatives, dyes, and low quality ingredients. Hundreds and hundreds of people saw burgers that were between one and eleven years old. None of them had decomposed. Adults and children were shocked. When people see first hand that fast food is not food, it has a powerful impact that can cause them to make the right choice: the choice to eat healthy, nutritious food instead of a cornucopia of chemicals, preservatives, fat, grease, and salt.
This video I just described has been viewed by 1.3 million people on YouTube. It has been translated into 7 different languages, and featured on 50,000 blogs. This demonstrates that people want this information, they want to be informed because information empowers us to make the right choice. You choose every day what you are going to put into your body. Make the best choice and put food in your body that is going to help you, not harm you.
When you put living food in your body it contains enzymes that naturally break the food down. The ripening process of fruit, for example, is an enzyme controlled process. And those enzymes will eventually, if that fruit's not eaten, cannibalize the fruit. So the fruit will eat itself.

Well, these burgers aren't eating themselves. They are here twenty years later because there are no enzymes present. These burgers are so loaded with preservatives that they're like a sealant, as if they are permanently made, like you would have a painting glazed over and framed and put on your wall. It's not food, it's something else. What that something else is, we don't know, but I'm totally impressed that people can survive eating it.

Now I've also seen the burger that's nineteen years old, some that were fifteen, sixteen years old. it looks like we now have the technology to build the world's first bionic burger! I recommend if you are serious about your health, you AVOID fast food AT ALL COSTS! There are so many healthy alternatives that can not only satiate your cravings, but deliver the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for peak performance. Please read all about delicious superfoods, superherbs, and other superior healthy foods in one of our many other special reports on http://www.thebestdayever.com.

Meat Recipes Books Steak Books


Chicken Coop Plans - Six Crucial Elements For Success

When selecting chicken coop plans to build from you really need to consider more than just the look/aesthetics of the chicken coop designs. Sure, its important to have a nice looking chicken coop that fits your overall backyard design but there are some other very important things that need to be incorporated into whatever plans you choose.

Space. There is a certain amount of space that your chickens need to be healthy and happy. You must allocate 4 square feet of floor space per chicken. Therefore, a flock of 20 chickens should be enjoying an 80 square foot chicken coop. Do not skimp on space. In fact, it is better to allocate more space if anything. If your chicken coop becomes overcrowded, your chickens quality of life becomes reduced and can cause feather picking and in extreme cases can even cause cannibalism. This is obviously an outcome you want to avoid so never overcrowd your coop.
Light. You need light in your chicken coop to stimulate egg laying. Particularly if you want your hens to lay eggs all year round. As a rule of thumb, you should have 1 light every 40 feet inside you chicken building. If you are just building a small chicken coop, it will be sufficient to have a single light above the watering/feeding section. As a bonus, the light(s) will also be a source of heat for your chickens in the colder months.
Perches. Your chickens have a natural instinct to perch so you must provide them with appropriate perches otherwise they will perch on nesting boxes, feeders and anything else around the coop. This would then lead to these important areas getting covered in droppings which is certainly undesirable. It is as simple as using broom handles for your perches. Again, it is important that your chickens have adequate space on the perches so as a rule of thumb, allow 8 inches of perch space per chicken. To make it easy to keep the chicken coop clean, slip some trays under the perches so the droppings land directly in them, you can then pull the trays out to clean them.
Ventilation. Chickens sweat. Sounds strange but it is true. Your chicken coop needs ventilation to keep your chickens cool in the warmer months and to allow the chickens perspiration to evaporate and escape the chicken coop. You should make sure your chicken coop plans include ventilation in the form of vents in walls or small windows but you also don't want it to be too drafty. You need a nice balance. One way to achieve this is to have the vents on the side of the chicken building that DOES NOT face the wind. This is typically the east or the south. This will also allow fresh oxygen rich air to flow into the hen house and the stale air and moisture to escape. Chickens can handle the cold but not the wet so it is vital to the health of your chickens that the moisture can escape.
Nesting Boxes. If you are keeping chickens for the eggs, your coop needs to have at least 1 nesting box for every 5 or 6 female chickens. The nests should be comfortable and dark so your hens feel safe in them. You should put straw or wood shavings in the nest boxes and make the boxes at least 4 inches deep. If the boxes are not deep enough, your chickens may fight and pick each others feathers. You should keep the nesting boxes clean at all times so the eggs remain clean. Hens should be trained not to sleep in the nesting boxes because if they do, they will soil the area with their droppings. You should not have a problem with hens sleeping in the nesting boxes f you have given your chickens adequate perching space. If you find some stubborn hens that do want to sleep in the nests, close them off at night.
Protection. You need to keep your chickens safe from all sorts of predators such as foxes, coyotes, hawks, raccoons and rats just to name a few. The structure should be strong and no part of it should be able to be pushed over by a person. That is just the way I rate the strength of my coops...Could I push it over? If no, then it is strong enough. There should be no way for rats or foxes to get into your chicken coop to kill your chickens. make sure the fencing goes all the way to the ground. You should also put the wire fencing down under the ground for about 1 foot out from the wire fence. This means when a fox digs at a fence, they will simply hit the wire mesh and will eventually give up or try something else. Use mesh that raccoons can't get their arms through. I recommend using 1/2 inch square wire mesh for all the wire mesh fencing on the chicken coop. This will keep your chickens safe and it also looks quite attractive. Remember foxes are quite wily so check over your chicken coop plans to make sure they are predator proof.
If you keep these six elements in mind when you are selecting or creating your own chicken coop plans then you should succeed in keeping healthy and happy chickens that have the potential to lay 300 eggs each per year.

Food Recipes DVD Steak Books Culinary Institute Books


McDonald's Menu: A Healthier Diet Plan

In most cases we tend to have very busy lifestyles to the extent that we do not take to account our health, that is where McDonald's comes in, they provide you with numerous healthy eating habits by ensuring that you are having a healthy diet plan that augurs well with your busy schedule designing their McDonald's menu accordingly. This joint offers healthy eating options that guarantee you low fat and low cholesterol content. A close analysis on their menus reveals tangible nutritional information. They enable you make informed decisions so that you are living a healthier lifestyle.

They take in to account of the fact that high fat and calorie intake leads to clogging of the arteries. This is causes by the fat that is usually available in the food content. They work round the clock to moderate this. The health status of their client is prioritizes.

McDonald's has a number of healthy offers on their menu that will guarantee a healthier you. You are loaded with a number of options that will go a long to ensure that you are having a healthy diet plan. You are bombarded with a wide variety of options to choose from. Top in the list is the Premium Grilled chicken classic sandwich that has a saturated fat content of 2g and calories amounting to 420.

Second in the McDonald's menu is the chicken McNugget a 4 piece that has a saturated fat content of 2g and calorie content amounting to 170. Then they have the Fruit Walnut salad. This is a 2g fat content and a calorie content of 310. This is a higher considering that there other options with a lower fat content

They also have the Caesar that has no chicken. It has a fat content of 3 grams and a calorie content that amounts to 90. One should also be aware that dressings in most cases have fats. The best dressing that will guarantee you a healthy diet plan for a healthier you is the Newman's own cob dressing.

For a healthier diet plan McDonald's also has Caesar that comes with grilled chicken. This has an amount of saturated fat content amounting to 3grams and calorie content that comes to 220. Not to mention their healthy chicken McNuggets that is 6 piece and has a saturated fat content of 3grams and calories that add up to 250. Then there is the premium spicy and yummy chicken sandwich that has sandwich. This has a saturated fat content of 510 calories, which is a bit higher. They should be your place of choice.

The Food Revolution

How to Remove Chewing Gum From Your Car's Upholstery

It is fairly common for chewing gum to be accidentally dropped inside a car and then trodden, or squashed into the upholstery.

The problem is that upholstery can easily be damaged if ingrained chewing gum is not removed correctly. There are a few ways in which chewing gum can be successfully and safely removed from a cars upholstery even if it has been there for a long period of time or become heavily ingrained.

One way is to essentially freeze the gum until it becomes hard and brittle so it can then be either carefully prized off, or picked out of the upholstery. A number of ice cubes gathered inside a plastic bag can be held against the affected area until the soft gum hardens up. Although this method is effective it may take some time for the gum to harden. To save time you can use a compressed 'air-in-a-can' type product that is designed for dust removal etc. Using this technique also means that you have a little more control when treating the affected area.

Once brittle, the chewing gum can be carefully prized off or picked out with a thin yet blunt implement like an ice scraper for example. If the chewing gum has been squashed or trodden into the fibres of the upholstery you may need to repeat the process and carefully pick out any smaller pieces bit by bit, ensuring that you do not pull out any fibres of the upholstery with it.

Once removed you should follow up by cleaning the area with a designated upholstery cleaning product to remove any residue and help return the fabric back to its prior condition.

If you find that there is still deep ingrained chewing gum residue that cannot be picked out you can use a solvent based tar & adhesive remover product to dissolve and lift it out. Apply the product onto a micro fibre towel and work into the affected area. Be sure to test a small area first to ensure that the product does not discolour, or damage the upholstery in any way and be certain to follow up this stage with an upholstery cleaner to remove the product residue.

Another way to remove chewing gum would be to simply use a specific chewing gum remover product that helps to dissolve and lift off the gum. Depending on the extent to which the area is affected you may still need to pick parts of the gum off after using a designated removal product.

The most important things to consider when attempting to remove chewing gum from your cars upholstery is that you take your time and don't try to pull it all off at once too harshly as this will damage the fabric underneath by pulling it up with the gum.

It may take some time to safely remove if it has really been worked into the surface but if you persist, ensure all of it is removed, then follow up with a designated upholstery cleaner you should be able to restore your upholstery back to its original condition and not be able to tell where the chewing gum had been.

Caramel Recipe Books The Food Revolution


How About Fast Food? KFC? McDonald's?

Every now and then, usually a time constraint, we just have to get some fast food to fill our stomach (although I have to say, they do taste good!).

So among the fried chicken offered by KFC or the Big Mac by McDonald's, what are the actual nutritional value they provide?

If you decide to have some fried chicken, well, try to skip all the desserts in KFC. Why? Just base on a 100-gram serving of a KFC Pecan Colonel's Pie, it contains a staggering 434 calories. The Double Chocolate Chip Cake? It has about 421 calories.

But if you choose to have a hot and spicy chicken breast, with a serving size of about 180g, you will get some very good protein intake of 33g. However, it will also give you cholesterol of 130mg and saturated fat of 8g. Well, if you skip the skin part, I am sure the nutritional value will be much better. (But, who will go to KFC, get a piece of chicken and get rid of the crispy chicken skin?!)

So, what about all the burgers in McDonald's? Well, the highest calories (per 100-gram serving) for food in McDonald's are the desserts - the chocolate sundae with nuts or the chocolate chip cookie. Apart from desserts, it is the breakfast meals that splash you with tons of calories - the sausage biscuit or the sausage McMuffin.

Among the usual burgers that we get, it's the Hot'n Spicy McChicken that comes up on top of highest calories base on a 100-gram serving - 310 calories. If you eat the whole thing (which is about 145g), you will get 15g of protein, 5g of saturated fat and 45mg of cholesterol.

So, next time when you feel like to treat yourself with some fast food, try stay with the main items (or drink more water to fill you up :))!

Cookie Recipe


The "Mcdonald's Coffee" Case

In one of the most widely misreported and misunderstood cases in recent memory, a Albuquerque, New Mexico jury awarded 79 year-old Stella Liebeck $2.9 million for severe burns suffered after she spilled a cup of McDonald's coffee, which she had placed between her knees.

The jury's award was for $200,000 in compensatory damages and $2.7 million for punitive damages (because of McDonald's callous conduct). The jury also found Mrs. Liebeck 20% negligent, reducing the compensatory damages to $160,000. The trial judge also reduced the punitive damages to $480,000.
Mrs. Liebeck did not receive $2.9 million, or $2.86 million, or $740,000. The parties entered a post-verdict settlement for a undisclosed amount.

(States have different legal standards with respect to negligence. New Mexico uses a comparative negligence rule, which assigns blame and, therefore, judgments proportionally. Other states such as North Carolina use a contributory negligence standard, which bars a plaintiff from recovery if their actions contributed even 1% to the accident!)


Mrs. Liebeck, while a passenger in her grandson's car, purchased a cup of coffee at the drive-thru window at McDonalds. While the car was stopped, she placed the cup securely between her knees and attempted to remove the lid. The cup accidentally tipped over and poured the scalding (180-190¡ Fahrenheit) hot water onto her lap.

She suffered third-degree burns over 16 percent of her body. During her eight day hospitalization she underwent skin grafting and painful whirlpool treatment for debridement (removal of damaged tissue) of her wounds. She has extensive scarring and was disabled for more than two years.

Despite these very painful and debilitating injuries and their expensive medical treatment, Mrs. Liebeck offered to settle with McDonald's for $20,000.

McDonald's refused to settle and the case went to trial.


The jury heard the following evidence in the case:

o McDonalds's coffee sales are $1.3 million per day.

o By corporate specifications, McDonald's sells its coffee at 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit; Coffee at that temperature, if spilled, causes third-degree burns (the skin is burned away down to the muscle/fatty-tissue layer) in two to seven seconds; Third-degree burns do not heal without skin grafting, debridement and whirlpool treatments that cost tens of thousands of dollars and result in permanent disfigurement, extreme pain and disability of the victim for many months, and in some cases, years;

o The chairman of the department of mechanical engineering and bio-mechanical engineering at the University of Texas testified that this risk of harm is unacceptable, as did a widely recognized expert on burns, the editor in chief of the leading scholarly publication in the specialty, the Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation;

o McDonald's admitted that it has known about the risk of serious burns from its scalding hot coffee for more than 10 years -- the risk was brought to its attention through numerous other claims and suits, to no avail;

o From 1982 to 1992, McDonald's coffee burned more than 700 people, many receiving severe burns to the genital area, perineum, inner thighs, and buttocks;

o Not only men and women, but also children and infants, have been burned by McDonald's scalding hot coffee, in some instances due to inadvertent spillage by McDonald's employees;

o At least one woman had coffee dropped in her lap through the service window, causing third-degree burns to her inner thighs and other sensitive areas, which resulted in disability for years;

o Witnesses for McDonald's admitted in court that consumers are unaware of the extent of the risk of serious burns from spilled coffee served at McDonald's required temperature;

o McDonald's admitted that it did not warn customers of the nature and extent of this risk and could offer no explanation as to why it did not;

o McDonald's witnesses testified that it did not intend to turn down the heat -- As one witness put it: "No, there is no current plan to change the procedure that we're using in that regard right now;"

o McDonald's admitted that its coffee is "not fit for consumption" when sold because it causes severe scalds if spilled or drunk;

o Liebeck's treating physician testified that her injury was one of the worst scald burns he had ever seen.

o Moreover, the Shriner's Burn Institute in Cincinnati had published warnings to the franchise food industry that its members were unnecessarily causing serious scald burns by serving beverages above 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

In refusing to grant a new trial in the case, Judge Robert Scott called McDonald's behavior "callous." Moreover, "the day after the verdict, the news media documented that coffee at the McDonald's in Albuquerque [where Liebeck was burned] is now sold at 158 degrees. This will cause third-degree burns in about 60 seconds, rather than in two to seven seconds [so that], the margin of safety has been increased as a direct consequence of this verdict."

By Wayne C Walker, President of Capital Transaction Group Inc. a leader in litigation financial services - http://www.captran.com.

This information is opinion and not intended to be legal advice. Readers should not act on this information without seeking the advice of a competent attorney.
© 2003 CapTran

Steak Books


McDonald's Monopoly - Unlimited Game Pieces and Prizes

McDonald's Monopoly game has turned into an annual tradition. The game usually starts around the beginning of October and ends in Early November. The McDonald's Monopoly game is much like the board game. You need to collect properties in order win. To get properties you need to visit McDonald's and order up some food. Game pieces can be found on food items like the Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, McGriddles, Hash Browns, and other great menu items. Pieces can be found on various beverage and fry items as well.

Much like the board game, the McDonald's Monopoly game gives the greatest reward for players who own Boardwalk and Park Place. Players who own these two properties will win one million dollars! The odds of this are very slim but we can all dream can't we? There are various other cash prizes that are lower in value for collecting other sets of properties like $25,000 for Atlantic Ave, Ventnor Ave, and Marvin Gardens.

To add to the awesome collect and win prizes, the McDonald's Monopoly boasts some amazing instant win prizes. A few of the prizes that can be won instantly are a 2011 Shelby GT500, $25,000 cash, or a $5000 Walmart gift card. And that is still not all. Even you don't get winning game pieces you can get a second chance to win by playing online. Online prizes include $5000 Walmart gift cards, 2011 Ford Edge, and a beach resort trip.

Now you are probably saying to yourself, "These prizes are awesome but I'll never win any." It's true, most people will not win anything beside a free cheese burger or fry. The turn off for most in the McDonald's Monopoly game is the fact that you need to buy food at McDonald's to have a chance at winning.

The secret to winning is something McDonald's doesn't really want to reveal, because let's be honest, they want as many people as possible eating their food. It is possible to get game pieces for the McDonald's Monopoly game WITHOUT needing to eat any fast food. All you have to do is send an envelope to the company requesting the game pieces! This trick will greatly increase your odds of winning!

Good Luck!

Meat Recipes Books Baking Cookie Culinary Institute Books


Repurposing Old Furniture for a Whole New Look

Most people cannot afford to just donate or dump all of their old furnishings and go out and buy all new pieces. That is just not a realistic possibility for most people. Nor would I necessarily recommend that you scrap everything and start from scratch.

Most likely, you have acquired certain furniture pieces, whether handed down or through your own purchasing. Those pieces may have sentimental value to you, may have really good bones, or may just simple be neutral enough to work into your design easily. Repurposing those oldie but goodies is a great way to conserve your decorating budget and to give older pieces and your home decor a new life.

-Try moving things around - Simply rearranging the room can give your space a whole new look. There is a complete design field that focuses on the "redesign" of a space, using what you already have but rearranging it to maximize flow, and tie pieces together. Take an afternoon and try different floor plans and layouts. You may be surprised that a layout you thought wouldn't work, actually does.

-Give it a new function - Get really creative with great pieces. Wall sconces can be sculptures on a table. A small bookcase can be a great space divider, or accent table. An old dresser could make a great buffet. An old vase might make a great lamp. Get creative with your pieces. Try to see the potential in them and use your creativity to make it happen.

-Give it a makeover - If the piece is sturdy, consider giving it a facelift. New paint or stain could completely change the look and function of the piece. Adding a fabric tablecloth to an old table can liven up a space. A new lampshade of an old lamp can make it look like new.

-Consider reupholstering - If the piece is of quality, sound in its structure and foundation, consider finding a great new fabric. Reupholstering should be saved for pieces that are well made and in good condition. It is not necessarily less expensive than purchasing a new piece so be sure you really love the piece before going down this route.

There are many ways to utilize great old pieces within your interior design. All it takes is a little creativity and thinking outside the box to give that piece a new lease on life and to conserve your decorating budget.

Cooking Network Foods Baking Cookie Meat Recipes Books


McDonald's Surveillance Systems

While everyone has been discussing McDonald's and their new push into the coffee market, they have been installing Surveillance Systems into stores all over the country. Just like McDonald's perfected the fast food industry, they have also perfected the McDonald's Surveillance System, whether it's a 16 camera or 32 camera systems. Over the last 18 months we have been able to develop a cost effective functional commercial grade surveillance system specific to McDonald's franchisees. During this time period we have installed over 100 systems throughout the country and have learned the needs and wants of local McDonald's franchisees.

How do you want your surveillance dome cameras installed around the cash register area? How about the outdoor surveillance cameras at the drive thru area and pay window? Do you want those cameras hooked up to monitors at the pay window and pickup windows to monitor the drive thru line? What about the ability to log on to the DVR remotely from home or the main office? Are your product costs higher, you may be interested to know that most McDonald's will install Surveillance Cameras into the freezer and cooler area! The economy is tough and theft will continue to increase in tough times.

Interested in central monitoring software allowing you to view all of your stores at the same time? What about an email alert when the first person clocks in and when the last person clocks out? Yeah, all of this is possible with a customized McDonald's Surveillance System and more!

With local integrators throughout the US we are able to offer installation services and maintenance when needed. We have a full time systems engineer and four technicians on hand to custom design your system and offer customized training.

Caramel Recipe Books

Hate Dentures? Hate Rotten, Decaying Teeth More

Some people will do anything to avoid getting dentures. Perhaps they have heard that dentures can be difficult to get used to or they don't like the way dentures look. Maybe they are afraid to get all of their teeth pulled. For whatever reason, if you have a mouth full of rotten teeth, getting dentures is far less painful than keeping teeth that are decaying in your mouth.

Rotten teeth can actually be dangerous because when they get infected, that infection can pass to other parts of your body and make you seriously ill. Dental infections can pass to the brain or to the heart and when you get infections in vital organs, it can be deadly. Whatever your reason for putting off getting dentures, at least have any decaying teeth fixed or removed.

Some people put off getting dentures simply because they cannot afford to have all of their teeth pulled and pay for dentures too. They may not have dental insurance and with extractions costing $150 or more, coupled with the price of dentures, some people are truly stuck. However, almost every community has help available to those who cannot afford health or dental care. Check to see if your community has a program to help those who cannot afford to have their teeth pulled.

Some people are simply too frightened to go to the dentist. However, even when it is uncomfortable in the dentist's chair, it is nothing compared to the pain and discomfort of a raging dental infection. There are simply no good reasons to keep rotten or decaying teeth in your mouth. You can improve your mouth and your life by replacing bad teeth with dentures

Steak Books


Thinking About Starting a McDonald's Franchise?

Product recognition has never been more important than it is now. And this includes the restaurant and food services industries. Statistics show that, come mealtime, fast food is the first choice of hungry people all over the world, and these numbers are only on the rise. In an economy where few markets are growth markets, it only makes sense to buy into one of those showing increased profits. With this in mind, let's take a look at the pros and cons of buying into a McDonald's franchise.

The first, and most obvious, pitfall is the enormous start-up costs of opening your own McDonald's franchise. While the full franchise cost depends on the size of the restaurant, you will need a down payment of 40% of the total cost for a new restaurant. And this down payment must be paid out of ready cash, and not be financed. The minimum down payment is approximately $300,000. Acquiring an existing restaurant requires a smaller, 25% down payment of ready cash. The remainder of the total price may be financed. McDonald's does not offer financing itself, but does have good relations with lenders, and a loan for the remainder can usually be acquired at lower industry rates.

The next consideration is the operation of your McDonald's franchise. While McDonald's does offer limited opportunity for employee advancement to management levels, which may attract a few motivated individuals, most of your work force will be young, inexperienced, and just learning about job responsibility. High employee turnover must be expected, as employees graduate from high school or college or move on to other work. Good management techniques can make a difference in keeping longer term employees motivated and attendance regular. McDonald's has many programs in place to instill employee pride and combat employee fatigue.

The last thing to consider may well be what affect ownership of a McDonald's franchise will have on your personal quality of life. Franchise owners can look forward to long hours, and many management responsibilities, and leisure time may come to seem like a thing of happy memory. The good news is, ownership of a company has its own rewards, beyond the financial ones. Being in a position of authority has been shown to actually be less stressful than being an employee. And you may find yourself in the satisfying position of mentoring employees - some of whom may, with your encouragement, become the sort of valued employees you can trust to look after things when you do have a chance for that hard-earned getaway. So weigh the pros and cons and think about whether franchise ownership is for you!

Baking Cookie Cooking Network Foods


A Short History of McDonald's

McDonald's is a famous fast food restaurant known in 119 nations around the world. They are best known for their hamburgers and strong branding. Their most recognizable brand is the Golden Arches closely followed by the clown character called Ronald McDonald.

Dick and Mac Mcdonald were two brothers who started the McDonald's brand in California after moving their hotdog stand to San Bernadino from Monrovia Airport. After realizing that hamburgers were their most popular product, the brothers reinvented their restaurant using their Speedee Service System in 1948. It was a concept that created a production line of hamburgers that were made before being ordered. This concept pioneered the fast food industry and was in complete contrast to most restaurants that only prepared food after the customer had placed their order.

A history was created by McDonald's system that helped them to undercut competitors by as much as 50%. The growing volumes helped them to reduce more costs from the economies of scale. This was an advantage that is a success for McDonald's till now.

The entry of Ray Kroc into the business was a significant development in the history of McDonald's. He brought the rights that helped McDonald's to expand their concept outside California and Arizona. A restaurant chain was quickly built and more than 100 restaurants were in operation by 1959.

Ray Kroc bought the McDonald brothers in 1961. However the negotiations did not went well and McDonald brothers lost all the royalties and rights to the brand they had started. The separation ways between Kroc and the McDonald brothers was not very pleasant. This resulted in Kroc building and then managing the opening of a new outlet of McDonald's near the last remaining store of McDonald brothers.

The historians and biographers had perceived this move as incredibly insignificant. They compared it with kicking a man when he is already down. Any malicious behavior on the part of Kroc was denied by the McDonald's Corporation. They preferred to strike out McDonald brothers from the corporate history. Family members of McDonald have written about the deal between the brothers and Kroc. They appeared on talk shows for promoting their side of story.

McDonald's Corporation pioneers the training of its franchise owners in 1961 with the opening of Hamburger University. This move was aimed to maintain manager and franchisee loyalty in spite of a highly competitive market.

The introduction of Ronald McDonald as a brand face and the release of the Big Mac burger were seen in the 1960s. The launch of Big Mac burger has grown turning out to become the most popular burger of McDonald's.

Culinary for Health Cookie Recipe Culinary Institute Books


Florida Education Faces Huge Budget Cuts in 2008

In the 2008 legislative session, the Florida state legislature must cut nearly one billion dollars from its operating budget. The recommendation from Governor Charlie Crist and the legislative committees is to cut from education. The main question left seems to be "how much can the schools afford to lose?" Unfortunately, despite the promises made during the Amendment 1 campaign that a tax cut would not affect Florida students, education is almost guaranteed to take one of the biggest financial losses this year.

Florida has no income tax, so public revenue is generated almost exclusively from sales taxes and property taxes. 2007 brought a slow-down in tourism and a sharp decline in property values. To top things off, voters in November passed a ballot provision that reduces the rate of property tax liability for owners. The total loss in revenue from last year is currently projected at more than $869 million. Since the state constitution forbids deficit spending, this lost funding has to be made up with spending cuts.

Charlie Crist's recommended budget calls for a cut from education of about $182 million. When the legislative session opened in early March, the budget committees recommended even more - $357 million or close to 1.5%. While the governor has no problem slashing school accounts, his same budget proposal asks for $330 million in new funding for prisons and corrections - almost twice the amount that he wants to take from the schools.

While nothing has been finalized, the suggestions have been to hold teacher pay steady & eliminate bonuses, cut back on the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship (by lowering scholarships for students in majors with lower demand and job growth), and scaling back resource classes like art, music, and computers. As it is, Florida schools rank poorly in national comparisons and losing access creative and technical instruction isn't going to prepare students for college or the increasingly high-tech and competitive job market.

Although it is probably too late in the budgetary season to make up for the missing funds, it is possible to contact your elected state representatives and let them know how you feel about spending priorities.

Cookie Recipe Meat Recipes Books The Food Revolution

Creative Writing - Adding to the Story

Adding to the story is quite easy if you use what you experienced while playing the game of whispering a story to the next person in a circle when we were children. To recap what might have happened: each person heard the story in a different way, might not have heard what their neighbor said in total so repeated what they heard and dozens of other possible things could have happened. I remember we always marveled at what the last person told the group the story was that they were just told.

You can apply that to writing and gain tremendous variety as you do. In addition to the information changing from one person to the next, the interpretation of the information also changed. The content was also evaluated from many different perspectives.

Think about that when writing a short story and try out a number of different combinations of content and see how many stories you can write using this technique. It can be so much fun to embellish one story, give a different slant to the content in your next story and then try to actually relate a story and see if you can keep the details accurate as to what happened.

You might be surprised that you could get a drama, comedy, documentary and/or editorial to name a few possible combinations from the same beginning content. Just give this a chance to help you increase your writing ability and have fun doing it. Add as much as you want to every possible combination, have fun and you too will marvel at what the story could turn into and how much it changed with each of the different applications.

Culinary Institute Books Cooking Network Foods Steak Books


Landscape Drains Can Help With Water

Landscape drains are helpful for any homeowner who is having a difficult time with water collecting on their property. Certain types of landscape designs require drains so that the yard does not become water logged and backed up with pooling water. Luckily, there are many different things that you can do to make sure that your landscaping is drained properly every time you have a bad rain.

The first thing that you want to remember when it comes to landscape drains is that you should have them put in as soon as possible, hopefully as you are installing whatever items you decide on. The biggest mistake that many homeowners make is that they wait until after they get the landscaping in to even start thinking of the drainage system that will be needed. By doing this, you may notice that after a long rain your yard has become completely saturated with water. You must remember that lawns can sometimes act like a sponge. This basically means that after your yard absorbs a certain amount of water, it will not be able to handle anymore until the "sponge" is dried out.

Having the right drain in place before you have to deal with this situation is obviously the best way to prevent it. Landscape drains will act as a way of diverting the water away from your yard, and channeling it elsewhere. The way that this is done is by strategically placing drains that will lower the water down and away from your landscape.

When you are installing any landscaping drains you will want to make sure that they remain hidden, to not detract from the image your yard is portraying. The best way of doing this is by taking all of the available options into consideration, and then figuring out which one will work best with your specific landscaping layout.

If you are looking for an excellent solution you might want to consider French drains. These landscape drains add a nice touch of quality to the outlying borders of your property. Another type of drains that are quite popular are ones that reside below the surface. These sub surface drains are installed so that after the job is complete, you will never be able to see them again. This is a wonderful option if you want to install a drainage system, and then never have to think about it again.

Landscape drains offer many positives to any home owner. In addition to the methods that they use to rid your yard of excess water, these drains will also help to cut back on the amount of moss that will grow due to moist conditions. And don't forget that by having a good drainage system you will cut back on the chances of your basement being flooded during heavy storms.

Food Recipes DVD


Scratch Off Card Promotions

Scratch-off cards are an ideal promotional and marketing tool in our fast-paced modern world.
Scratch-off cards can be used in a wide array of promotional, marketing, and fund raising areas, including sporting events, trade shows, employee rewards, school activities, church fund raisers, political or patriotic activities, and matters related to money or the promotion of your business.

The idea behind scratch-off cards is to provide an eventual benefit or potential reward to card carriers who scratch off their card, giving people an added incentive to participate and do business with you.

One of the most well-known and successful instances of the use of scratch-off cards for private enterprise is McDonald's scratch-off Monopoly game contest, in which purchasers of McDonald's food products receive a scratch-off game card that gives them the possibility of winning a wide array of prizes, a few of which are very large financially. The more a customer patronizes McDonald's, the more chances she has to win something via scratch-off Monopoly cards.

You can also use scratch-off cards, too to give customers at your business a free product or a discount off of a regular purchase price after they completely scratch off a card that rewards them.

Another highly effective aspect of the scratch-off card is its ability to be used to keep a "secret" and then reward the owner of the card with a surprise. This is part of the effectiveness of the above mentioned McDonald's Monopoly game promotion. People love mysteries and a great many of us have that gambling spirit!

In the Autumn of 2006, Denny's restaurant issued over 49 million scratch-off cards in a partnership with Coca-Cola in a "Race-In-to-Win Sweepstakes" that also featured top NASCAR drivers. The promotion was highly successful, and it worked because it had a target market (NASCAR fans and drinkers of Coke) while giving an added incentive to an already robust customer base (people who eat at Denny's).

Smaller businesses that specialize in making scratch-off cards can often be more beneficial to you than the bigger printers. The smaller scratch-off experts are filling a niche and can often take the time and provide the expertise in helping you develop a targeted, customized scratch-off card promotion.

Meat Recipes Books Culinary for Health The Food Revolution

McDonald's Menu: Salads, Yogurt, Wraps and More

Wanted to find the healthiest hamburgers, burgers, sandwiches wraps and a number of other fast foods, consider McDonald's menu. The world's leading fast food joints that are located in almost everywhere round the globe. Their menu is rich with highly nutritious foods. They ensure you are eating healthy by providing you with the nutritional information of the foodstuff they are serving so that you make informed decision. You are provided with the option of choosing the lowest calories and fat content.

To a very large extent, finding burgers, sandwiches and wraps on the menus that are healthy can be a daunting task. This famous joint guarantees you this. Just have a keen analysis on their nutritional information and there you are, you are sure to find a great number of choices. You can get foodstuffs that have calorie content of below 500 and a fat content that is way below 15 or even much lesser grams.

At McDonald's you get to offer burgers and cheese berries, wraps and a number of other delicious fast foods that not only delight your taste buds but also ensure that you are eating and living healthy. They ensure that burgers have less condiment and reduced sodium levels other than having a low sugar levels.

McDonald's has sandwiches that are amazing. They have sandwiches that are comparable to burgers as pertains the fat and calorie content. They also have two very decent and healthy choices of chicken. One being the premium grilled chicken classic, which has a calorie content of 420 and a fat content of 12 grams. Then there's the Tender grill Chicken sandwich that has an even lesser calorie content unlike the other one. This has a calorie content of 380 and grams of fat amounting to 9 grams. Ensure you order sandwiches that have no Mayo as in most cases mayo has a larger or is the one that does add the fat and calorie content.

Then there are the wraps. These wraps include the Grilled chicken and the home-style. The grilled chicken wrap and then the spicy go wrap. The wraps have 250, 310 calories. You can check the nutritional information from the online fact sheet so that you can make an informed decision. You can decide to order foodstuff without cheese and these way you will have reduced immensely the fat intake. There are also other options such as healthy breakfast at McDonald's, lunch and wide dinner options.

For more information, go to McDonalds Menu

The Food Revolution


Limitless (2011)

Director: Neil Burger
Genres: Mystery, Thriller
Rating: PG- 13
Release Date: 2011 March 18
Screenwriter: Leslie Dixon
Starring: Abbie Cornish, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro

What Worked?

Users say that the first hit of heroin is like being kissed by God. In Limitless, the fictional drug called NZT makes one become a god. Neil Burger directs a tightly constructed, aesthetically pleasing story about a drug that transcends the mind to work at its full potential. The film is vastly entertaining, with a unique and always-interesting story that's led by a charismatic, engaging performance from Bradley Cooper.

Director Neil Burger visually molds this film to be a psychedelic trip that is a wonderment for the eyes. The reason for the warping visuals is because Burger places the audience in the mind of Eddie Mora, the main character who takes the NZT miracle drug. Burger applies such visual contortions as fish-eye views, a tunnelling vision one gets from being sandwiched by mirrors, and clever insertions of text or numbers running through Eddie's mind; such as raining letters or numbers flipping on the ceiling. All the flash and flare work and make this film more optically pleasing than any film selling the 3-D gimmick.

Bradley Cooper, mainly known for his role in the Hangover, shines in this role as Eddie Mora. Cooper plays the grungy, broken-down writer well enough that you can smell his shower less stench through the screen; however, when he his upgraded by NZT, he plays the smooth, intelligent hot shot with ease. There's always a sense of urgency and hunger in his eyes for more power, whether he's fending for another pop or controlling his world through his biting knowledge with NZT. Cooper displays a tight balance of vulnerability and charisma throughout the film.

At the center of it all, the story is about greed and power; a chase to be something we can't even fathom for a millisecond: perfect. As a film, Limitless is an over-the-counter drug that works for what it is: a clever, smarter-than-average flick, boasting an engaging lead performance. Maybe one day someone will combine all the drugs of reality, take away all the negative side-effects, and get something close to NZT; for right now, we can always pretend in the Limitless world.

Potential Drawbacks:

There are always nit-picky moments and plot-holes that pop-up in stories with complex concepts, and Limitless isn't good enough to escape all of them. Some may have the "he could've done this" syndrome while watching the film. Why didn't Eddie do away with Gennady, the loan shark, earlier? Where did the drug come from? If the drug makes you a genius, why did Eddie have dumb moments while on it? And so on.

At times the narration works, and at times it's atrocious. Narration is a difficult thing to perfect, but more often than not it becomes tedious reviewing of what can already be seen on the screen, and that's what happens on occasion in this film.

Robert De Niro finally lands a role in another solid film; however, he has very limited screen-time and not much to do. De Niro's talents are wasted once again.

Culinary for Health The Food Revolution

McDonald's Nutrition: If You Want to Try Out Some Healthier Food

McDonald's as everyone knows is one of the biggest fast food chain stores around the world, and still growing, the McDonald's nutrition menu mainly only comprised of fast food that had high content of mayonnaise and cheese; however that is also changing now. The present menu is constantly changing with additions of healthier food. For a very long time fast food has only been famous and known as junk food, in other words just a very unhealthy choice. Many nutritionists have blamed the skyrocketing rates of obesity to these junk foods amongst not just children but also many adults. This is the main reason why many fast food restaurants either have shut down or are looking at different ways to change their menu to healthy foods.

Ordinarily the original menu only had burgers with different types of meat options and fillings, nuggets, ice creams, sodas and French fries. However, it has all changed now with the menu having many more items that cater towards individuals who are more health conscious. They have made required changing by adding salads with a variety of salad dressings that one could choose form. With a good balance of vegetables and lean meat it is now only looking at catering needs of even the weight and health conscious people. You could even go in for a dressing, which has low calories content.

Now the menu at McDonald's has also started offering low calorie sodas for people who want it. However, according to many studies it has also proved that these sodas could be bad for an individual's health if it is being confused in big quantities, therefore the menu today offers options such as lemonades and juices. Many outlets even give their customers iced teas which are way healthier and tastier. Even the breakfast menu comprises of a diet, which is nutritional and low calorie. They have multigrain or wholegrain bagels and many wraps, which could be bought as whole wheat. They offer fresh juice cups so that you also could be sure of consuming juice on a daily basis. McDonald's now even offers its customers a calorie counter, which has all the items and information about their nutritional value. This is one way that is going to help you know what you are ordering and what could best suit you. You can go out with your family and friends and still know you are going to continue your diet.

The Food Revolution Cooking Network Foods Culinary Institute Books


How Do I Remove Sysguard.exe Off of My Computer? Sysguard Removal in One Easy Step

Looking for a quick and efficient method to remove Sysguard.exe from your computer? While this rogue antispyware program has proven to be rather difficult to remove, there is a way you can quickly and easily remove it in one simple step.

Sysguard.exe is the main executable file for several rogue antispyware programs - including Spyware Protect 2009 and Antivirus System Pro among others. These programs are designed to scare you into purchasing bogus security software by bombarding your computer with fake security popups and fake spyware scans.

In addition to that however, these rogue programs will also download additional malware onto your computer which in turn will begin to slow it down more and more, as well as attempt to collect private information about you by logging keystrokes and browsing habits.

Sysguard.exe is malicious and very dangerous spyware software that has even started to show up on many of the computers that have been infected with the Conficker worm.

That being said, what is important is that you take the proper steps to remove Sysguard.exe completely from your computer or you will continue to run the risk that your computer will end up not functioning at all or worse you could have private information stolen from you.

Manual removal is impossible due to the innovative methods in which the program hides itself within random files and registry entries, and even some of the more reputable spyware removal tools have been ineffective at detecting and removing it for the same reason.

I know this because I became infected with Sysguard.exe myself and seeing as I am a computer professional I thought I could remove it myself but I ended up being wrong and spent several days trying with no success.

Thankfully, however, there is a tool that has shown to be extremely effective at removing Sysguard.exe and it can do so literally within just a few minutes.

All that is needed is for you to allow the tool to run a full system scan on your computer and then click on "fix checked" and Sysguard.exe and all files associated with it will be completely removed from your computer for good.

Steak Books Cookie Recipe


The Seven Pillars Of Success


Envisioning the end-result is enough to put the wheels in motion.

Possessing a vision of what you wish to accomplish, and the way you would like to present yourself to the world of bodybuilding is one of the first steps required to ensure a high level of success. By being aware of what it is you wish to achieve and the reasons along why this is important to you will enable you to posses a higher level of understanding, which will lead you to see the opportunities that exist to make your vision successful.

Chosen Empowering Personal Identity

You are whom you choose to be.

Attaining a high level of success is often reflected by the chosen personal identity that through that you choose to present yourself to the world of bodybuilding. It's wise to reasons that defining an identity, which is empowering will become your catalyst and allow you to achieve your desired level of success.

What You Can Offer To The World Of Bodybuilding

In order to receive, often one should be the first to take the step of giving.

In order to achieve your desired success in the world of bodybuilding, it's crucial to be aware of your unique knowledge, talents, and specialty that can serve others with great benefits. Identifying those elements will create a spiral of creation for new products and services that you will be able to contribute to the world of bodybuilding.

Being Your Best

No one ever regretted giving his best.

Making the decision to be the best at the specialty and dedicated vision that you choose to achieve can allow you to reach and have the ability to touch the lives of many with a positive impact.

If we literally did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. - Albert Einstein

Giving your best will also allow you to become aware of your true abilities, that in result will boost your confidence and abilities to rise to a higher level of success.


Faith and Action go hand in hand.

Faith is a crucial element in any type of success.
Developing faith in your abilities is achieved through self-belief.
Applying that belief with result-producing action enables a person to attain a confirmation that what he beliefs are indeed possible.

Having A Marketing Strategy

Each possesses unique knowledge that can cater to the needs of others.

Becoming aware of what you can offer the to the world of bodybuilding is the first step to becoming a member of the bodybuilding world and a contributor. Yet developing a marketing strategy is vital in order have a means through which you desire to offer your products and services.

Multiple Streams Of Income

Invest your eggs over few baskets. Should one fail, you can always rely on the others.

Facilitating the positive environment that promotes the growth of your goals requires an important resource, which is financial stability. It's important to realize at the very beginning that possessing several sources of income can ensure the ability to facilitate positive environment for the growth of your goals. Taking the time to create a multiple streams of income strategy will ensure a greater level of success in your bodybuilding endeavors.

Culinary for Health Culinary Institute Books Cooking Network Foods

Home Ownership - Is it Worth It?

Renting an apartment or a house works well for young people fresh out of college, just beginning to establish themselves in life.  But there are many disadvantages of renting-and we won't even count the fact that you're throwing your money away!  If you've been out in the work force for a while, it's time to take a look at buying.

People who rent have no tax advantages. When you buy a home, there are many tax credits for which you become eligible. They include a deduction for your mortgage interest, the sales tax when you buy or improve your home, and energy credits. The property taxes you pay to your state and local municipalities are also deductible. These days, the government has created stimulus credits that put money in first-time homeowners' pockets. If you're still renting, you're not taking advantage of any of these.

People who rent never know when the rent will change. Well, actually you do know: You can count on it going up every time your lease renews. With these tough economic times, there are few landlords who can resist cost-of-living increases in rents they charge. If you own a home, as long as you choose a fixed-rate mortgage, your payments will remain pretty stable. They might fluctuate a tiny bit from year to year if tax levies are passed or if your homeowner's insurance goes up. But basically, you're looking at a stable amount.

People who rent never have control over changes in their homes. What if you want to paint the kitchen in a bright, kicky color scheme, but the landlord says stick to white? What if you know you could really improve the logistics of the place by knocking out a wall, or widening a doorway between two rooms? Again, you have no real say over it. Some landlords have been known to fuss over too many pictures being hung on the walls. The truth is, if you're paying to live there, you should feel that you can stamp it with your own personality.

People who rent never build up any equity. This goes beyond the fact that you will just end up with a drawer full of payment coupons while your landlord reaps all the tax advantages of ownership. This also includes any efforts you put into increasing the livability or value of the place. What if you really want a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink? What if you buy some rose bushes to plant in the yard? Maybe the landlord will approve, but you know you won't be taking it with you when you leave.

People who rent cannot make decisions about how they live. There are too many rules! No pets. No overnight guests. Your kids must be quiet. No pool. Only one car, park it in the driveway, and guess what-you never get to use the garage. And you can be assured that however you do live will be discussed by your landlord with every neighbor he knows on the street.

The truth is that none of these reasons bothers young people who are just leaving the nest.  They couldn't care less about equity or home improvements or tax advantages.  What does it mean if you are becoming concerned with these issues?  It means you have reached a level of maturity and commitment, or a level of financial security, so that you are ready to take the step toward home ownership.

Culinary for Health Steak Books


Gillian McDonald Producing Beautiful Landscapes in Watercolour

Having been born in Scotland and later married there I have a real love of the Scottish countryside. The saying Absence makes the heart grow fonder is a saying I fully relate to and it wasn't until the other day that I was looking round our local gallery that I saw the work of Gillian McDonald an artist that is truly gifted in capturing the feel of beautiful countryside.

Her Watercolour pictures are amazing capturing the wildness of the landscape but nestle in buildings that have a security and solitude which gives the feel of untouched places. Gillian McDonald studied at the London college of art but developed her love for the medium of water colour in Indonesia. She is known for her brilliant use of colour which really pulls out the feel of the subject she is trying to portray.

It was lovely to see the stunning crags of Ben More in the background with homesteads nestled in the warm and undulating landscape spread out before it. I love the fact that in Gillian McDonalds pictures you often find detail in a flower or blade of grass that ties In so well with other areas of the picture. I understand that Gillian McDonald herself is a keen gardener and walker, often roaming different areas of the country looking for her next piece to paint.

I believe Gillian McDonald now resides in Wales where she produces her work concentrating on her water colours and producing pieces that are loved the world over.

Cookie Recipe Food Recipes DVD The Food Revolution

When Should I Have A Colonoscopy?

For most people the thought of a colonoscopy conjures up feelings of dread and disgust. The thought of having such an invasive test in such a private area of our body is not very pleasant. A colonoscopy is a medical test that looks inside your colon. The colon is the name for your lower intestine or large intestine. Colonoscopy is done using a colonoscope, which is a flexible, fiber-optic camera.

There are several reasons why your doctor may want to perform a colonoscopy. The most common use of the colonoscopy is screening for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. Cancer in the colon usually begins in small masses of cells called polyps.

When the polyps are small and in their beginning stages, there are usually no symptoms that you can detect. But over a period of five to 10 years, these polyps can develop into a cancerous growth. Most people over the age of 50 should have a colonoscopy every five years, regardless of whether they have symptoms are not. By performing a colonoscopy, your doctor can locate and remove any polyps that are growing in your large intestine.

Colonoscopies are useful in finding other diseases of the colon as well. If you've noticed any rectal bleeding or blood in your stool, the doctor can use the colonoscopy to determine the cause of the bleeding as well as its precise location. A colonoscope is often equipped with a small laser that can be used to repair any site that is bleeding.

Your doctor may also recommend the colonoscopy if you report other colon-related symptoms, like a change in your bowel movement habits or weight loss that can't be explained by your diet. Essentially, you should have a colonoscopy if you or your doctor suspect that any disease, inflammation or abnormality exists in your colon. In most cases, the colonoscopy will be able to find any abnormalities in your colon or determine that no abnormalities are present.

Are there any risks to having a colonoscopy? Any medical procedure has some risk, and the colonoscopy is no exception. During the test, air will be used to inflate your colon to allow better visibility by the doctor. The are can cause cramps and swelling of your abdomen. But once the test is over and the air escapes, pain and swelling should subside. If your doctor does discover a polyp during the course of the colonoscopy, he may remove a small sample for a biopsy. This tissue removal could cause you to have a small amount of blood in your stool shortly after the test.

Although the chances are very small, there is the possibility that the colonoscopy could cause injury to your intestinal wall. Finally, one of the risks of a colonoscopy is that there's no guarantee it will find a problem, even if one exists.

There is no doubt that you will probably experience some discomfort during the colonoscopy. The degree of your discomfort depends to some extent on the experience and skill of the colonoscope operator. The higher your level of anxiety, the more difficult it may be to perform the colonoscopy. To make sure that you're as calm as possible, your doctor will probably offer you some sedatives which will keep you relaxed, but not asleep. The colonoscopy will be performed with you lying on your left side. In order to obtain maximum visibility, the operator may ask you to shift from time to time.

Even though the colonoscopy may seem quite uncomfortable, it's an important procedure that you should have. This is especially to rue if you have greater risk factors for colon cancer. The key to avoiding the dangers of colon cancer is early detection. A regularly scheduled colonoscopy could truly be the difference between life and death.

As part of the preparation for colonoscopy, your intestines should be completely emptied. Your doctor will probably prescribe some sort of liquid diet, laxatives or enemas. However, these methods are a harsh and uncomfortable way to accomplish complete colon cleansing. You may wish to ask your doctor if the use of a natural colon cleanse or colonic is allowed. Even if you need to continue with prescribed medications, a regular colon cleanse in the weeks and months prior to your colonoscopy should make your preparation easier.

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Older Women and Mid Life Belly Fat Hormones Therapy

Many women desire to have a flat belly and a slim waist line even at older ages. You may have noticed that the older they become the more unrealistic their dreams of fast easy weight loss become. Have you ever wonder why? Actually this is a naturally occurring process accruing physically by every human on the planet. Its caused by a changes in hormones and the older we become the more we are effected.

Men also have the same issues beginning at the age of twenty four men start losing testosterone levels and women's hormonal levels really become effected in there late 30s to mid 40s. Women reach menopause typically in there early to mid 50s and you will note a major shift in the menopausal body and how it stores fat and how you have difficulties losing this fat.

This is because as woman get older there metabolism decreases thereby making it difficult for them to get in shape. Notwithstanding how difficult getting in shape is for younger people but for menopausal women it is even more difficulty. However it is important for women of all ages to realize just because you are menopausal does not mean you should not continue to strive for a tone healthy body.

Bellow are a few helping tips to losing belly fat for the older women and you should also be looking for products that can help you regain your hormonal balance or increase your metabolic rate.

You should not be skipping meals; you should actually be eating five to six small meals per day to maintain a fast paced metabolic rate. You may want to also consider dietary supplements that can help you with appetite suppression and stimulate your metabolism and lastly help you grow or maintain muscle tissue. Biggest issue for older women and men is muscle loss and bone density decreases, both can be easily overcome with the appropriate exercise, diet and supplements.

You need to plan your diet in most cases because older generations are accustomed to eating two or three meals per day. Now we know eating six meal per day diet is the correct way of dieting,so planning will be required and necessary to achieve the best possible results. At this point you need to realize that you have to adjust your eating habits. A good way to begin this transformation is by using easy to follow diet plans that will help you can be found for free all over the Internet.

The kind of you foods you consume on a daily basis will determine how quick or how slowly you achieve your desired weight. Remember that belly fat also releases hormones and you will need something to help you attack or render the fat releasing homes helpless.

Using a products called fat burners will greatly increase your ability to burn off fat even wile being menopausal. Using this products will result in losing belly fat and other problem areas much easier and faster than without. Simply put your belly is what you eat. You need to eat healthy natural foods with as little saturated fat and processed calories as you possibly can.

On the other hand you need to be eating foods like vegetables, fruits, fiber rich foods, protein, little hole grans and complex carbohydrates. Getting a little help from fat burners along with some exercise and you will soon have a much slimmer waist line. You will feel and look much better inside and out.

If you are currently eating foods high in fat and processed calories, processed and prepackaged food, heavy processed white carbohydrates and not exercising you are on the road to poor healthy, most likely you have a puffy or fat and unhealthy belly as well. You might also have many other pending health issues that can be life threatening or at the very minimum will shorten your stay on this earth.

Take a bold step now by having control over what goes into your body, being by loosing your belly fat quickly, safely and by eating properly,getting adequate exercises and drinking lots of water is the best course of action. Having an exercise plan is another important step you must take to loose belly fat. Every healthy weight loss program will and normally does involve exercise.

Belly fat is what really affects our internal organs, think about your organs surrounded in fat, it's not a healthy though it is? Your exercise should be focused on strength training, swimming or walking that will assist you in burning fat even when you are asleep and will also help with bone density. Cardiovascular exercise should also be incorporated in your to help you maintain your heart rate and as well keep your metabolism going. If you need a little help getting started its always a good idea to look for something like fat burners to help you.

Finally you know there is no substitute for water is not just the essence of life but also a body cleanser, endeavor to drink clean water regularly. Wine should be taking sparingly; green tea is preferred to coffee. Seek help if you need it for some fat burners that will help you achieve quicker result. Though loosing belly fat for the older women seems to be difficult, it is still very possible but requires the right attitude, food consumption, regular exercise, hormonal adjustment and adequate water intake.

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Memoir Writing Help, Memoir Writing Ideas

You might not need any memoir writing help, per se, as you
know your past and you know quite well how to write, thank
you. You might instead just need someone to inspire you,
motivate you, give you a nudge--with some memoir writing

Here are a few prompts to stimulate your memory and to
encourage your creativity...of which you have plenty to work
with and to share. So do the activities (or at least one),
and share them (or it) with loved ones...or with me if you
wish. I love reading your memoirs and responding.

Prompt: Starting on June 17, 1976, Diego and Susy Goldberg,
of Buenos Ares, Argentina, photographed head shots of each
member of the family...one day every year. Of course, they
started as a family of two--Diego and Susy--and have over
the years created a photo essay that captures their physical
growth (and more) over time.

Visit the website and study the photo essay, "Time"(at
http://www.zonezero.com/ magazine/essays/diegotime/time.html).

In words instead of photos, choose one day of your family's
life (starting with your parents or guardians and adding you
as a child) and describe what you each look like. Do this
for one day every year for as many years as you can.


All art is a response to something--other art, an event in
our culture, a moment in history. Look at the photos (on
roxannewrites.com or anywhere on the web, and write a page
or two of your immediate associations with that picture.

For example, look at the photo of the old 50's drive-in.
What is the first memory that comes up for you? Who was
involved? Who was absent and why? What sounds do you
recall as predominant that day? What smells were there?
What colors do you recall? How did you feel on that day?


At the bottom of the page of my site are two pictures. One
is clearly related to the movie theatre, as it features a
crowd of men and women (of the 40's?) standing outside The
Dixie Theatre, all facing the camera; and the other has to
do with the stage (and movies...later), as it is an artistic
rendering of Othello pulling back the bedchamber curtains
and peering in at a sleeping Desdemona. Decide what one
play or movie influenced you the earliest.

What was the name of the play or film? When did you first
see it? What impact did it have on you? For instance, if
you and your family were poor and you only saw one movie
when you were a kid, maybe you grew up to love movies or
work in the movie industry.

Maybe, instead, you saw a play every year with your since
deceased uncle, and were inspired to go into theatre or to
study literature. Write whatever you want about one movie
or play, and then email me with the draft(s) for a response
and more encouragement if you wish.

Finished with these prompts? There are more lessons in
Memoir Writing for Our Elders.

Note: The black and white photo below may remind you of
something other than your first movie experience. Go for
that draft, too!

And stop in every month for new prompts and/or a response to
your creative memoir writing if you'd like. I know I'd love
it if you did.

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Why the Cast Iron Bench Ends Are Ideal For Your Use

There are a lot of ways to have a product other than purchasing one. An alternative would be to make the product yourself. It would seem unbelievable because of the hard work and effort it entails, but some people actually like making their things. Either that or they just like having an inexpensive alternative.

Benches are one of the many things that can easily be done at home. It requires materials and tools that are easy to acquire and easy to find. And tutorials can be found online for step-by-step, easy-to-make procedures. However, this would only apply to wooden benches. How would you make your own cast iron bench?

The bench ends provide that possibility. Bench ends are the sides of benches that are sold as a pair. If you have any plans of making your own bench, then purchase cast iron bench ends and you can make the body of the bench. You can use any material, but most preferably, use wood.

The following are some of the advantages.

Diversity of designs

The malleability of cast irons allows it to be soldered and molded into almost any design. The bench ends have a number of designs that are attractive, authentic and unique. Whether the buyer is into contemporary or modern designs, traditional designs or unconventional designs, the bench ends have it all.

The material used

Cast iron is very durable and it can withstand harsh conditions. Be it rain, snow, hail, the sun or the mist, cast iron can easily weather that. Products made of this material can last a number of years and if given proper care, it could last a lifetime. Cast iron usually refers to grey iron, and has a low melting point and good fluidity. It has excellent resistance to deformation, and wear resistance. These make it an ideal material to be used in benches.

They can be found anywhere. They can be found at malls, at the local thrift shops along your street and almost all furniture stores. If you have any problems locating it, your local furniture dealer can help you with that. If that still doesn't work out for you, the internet is always an available and reliable resource. There are many online stores that offer a wide variety of the bench ends, and you could choose from that selection.

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Tony Honoree Audra McDonald Continually Surprises

Vocalist Audra McDonald has always been adventurous. The recipient of more than 20 major honors, including three Tony Awards for Best Featured Actress in a Musical, two for Best Featured Actress in a Play and two Emmy nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie, she surprises at every turn.

Like her frequent colleague, Dawn Upshaw, she champions new composers. Her touch of fairy dust launches them instantly. Among those whose songs now have a firm place in her repertoire are Adam Guettel, Gabriel Kahane, Michael John LaChiusa and Jason Robert Brown.

Even before she graduated from Juilliard in 1993, she was on tour in "Secret Garden"; within a year, she was on Broadway as Carrie Pipperidge in "Carousel." Befitting the impact of that debut performance, she won her first Tony Award, a Theatre World Award and a Drama Desk Award. Her next Tony for Sarah in "Ragtime" was followed by one for "Marie Christine," LaChiusa's musical based on the Greek legend of Medea set in the Gay Nineties.

As a recording artist, McDonald appears on ten cast recordings and is featured on sixteen others ranging from a guest appearance with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to the 100th anniversary celebration of Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess." Her four solo albums are a brilliant array of popular numbers from old and new composers. In "Build a Bridge," the most recent, she journeys where least expected with bows to Kermit the Frog, Rufus Wainwright and Elvis Costello.

Eager to conquer new vistas, McDonald alternated musicals with serious drama and took home her first Tony for Best Featured Actress as Sharon in "Master Class." She repeated that feat with "A Raisin in the Sun." Her dramatic persona continued to thrive in the Lincoln Center production of Shakespeare's "Henry IV" and on television. Until earlier this year, she played Dr. Naomi Bennett on ABC-TV's "Private Practice." Her arduous schedule got in the way, and no wonder.

Along with a solo performance at Carnegie Hall, she has been weaving concerts between the American Repertory Theater production of Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" that just received the green light for Broadway. Although she has appeared in several operas, among them Kurt Weill's "The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogany" for L.A. Opera and two solo one-act operas at Houston Grand Opera, the new "Porgy and Bess" may herald her future focus.

Her favorite aspect of this contemporary version is the fact that it goes back to DuBose Heyward's book. He researched newspaper articles about Charleston during that period and drew Porgy from the story of a beggar around the town. This and other touches added from his original book enhance the characters.

"This Bess is different because it's me, a filter of my own soul," McDonald said. "I'm trying to understand her life as an addict and what someone goes through to defeat addiction."

She likes the the new presentation of Porgy because it forces his handicap. In other productions, he was on his knees, but now he struggles to move and fight for independence. His handicap is something Bess doesn't handle at first, but in the end, she drags or carries Porgy to the safe house.

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