
Best Jobs to Meet Women - How to Make Money and Meet Girls

What could be better than making money while meeting beautiful women?

Answer: Not Much!

Let's face it, most of us have pretty crappy jobs. Why do we think they're crappy? Well, salary aside, our jobs are the things that take up the MOST time in our day!

And if you're single, that's time that can be put to use meeting gorgeous girls to have fun with.

So if you can somehow "meld" work and play, you'll not only be able to make rent this month, you'll also be much, much happier!

Now, you can meet hot women in pretty much any job you can think of, but some jobs are actually better than others when it comes to meeting girls.

The criteria for these jobs are:

1. The job attracts lots of women to it.

2. The job requires you to interact with the women in some way.

3. You're in a position in the job that makes you attractive to women.

So while I'm sure there are methods for meeting hot girls while flipping burgers at McDonald's, for the sake of discussion, I'm going to focus on just five jobs which I think are the BEST for meeting super-hot girls, and don't require a great deal of skill or training to do. (Because let's face it, being a famous movie star or musician is hands down the best, but that's usually limited to a select few lucky guys.)

So let's begin...

Club Promoter: Club promoters are everyone's "best friend." They can get you the hook-ups at the hottest clubs, help you jump the line, get you free drinks -- the works. So if you are a club promoter, all the girls want to know you!

Luckily, the only requirement for being a club promoter is to get people to show up to clubs. If you talk to the manager of the club and get to know him, you can get all sorts of benefits which make you the "guy to know" for all those hot club chicks.

Unfortunately, club promotion doesn't pay that well, or at all in some cases, but hey - the perks are great! And you can do it in your spare time if you have another job.

Bartender: Everyone in the bar interacts with the bartender, and the hot girls love to flirt with the bartender as well! Being a bartender not only gives you an opportunity to meet everyone who enters the bar, but it also gives you an excuse to chat with anyone sitting at your station, including the super-hot ladies!

It doesn't take much skill to be a bartender, but the hours can be brutal, and depending on where you bartend, the income can vary - as can the quality of women! Bartending at a hip nightclub can be much better than that crappy dive bar near your place, but regardless, few bartenders ever go home without at least one number at the end of the night. Not only that - your ability to hook up with the female bartender co-workers is also greatly increased!

Personal Trainer: If there's one thing women are always worried about, its getting fat. So being a personal trainer is a great way to meet beautiful women. However, its also a great way to meet large, out of shape women as well! Being in the gym most of the day will give you exposure to other female personal trainers and women who like to work out, so the possibility for meeting gorgeous girls is definitely there.

Not only that, but being such an "authority" to your female clients is a big turn on for them, so its usually not a big stretch to become intimate with the girls you train. (Though it may not be the best for business!) A good side effect of being a personal trainer is that it gives you an excuse to stay in shape, which in turn can make it easier to attract women.

Clothing Store: Women love to shop, and beautiful women REALLY love to shop. Working (or managing) a clothing store that specializes in women's fashion or trendy clothing is a great way for you to constantly meet attractive girls.

Working in a store such as Abercrombie & Fitch will guarantee that a steady flood of attractive young girls are coming your way daily, and you have an excuse to talk with them too!

DJ: Finally, being a DJ can really up your chances of getting in good with the hot girls who love to dance. It's the next best thing to being a rock star, and it doesn't require much musical talent to pull off. Women love music, and music heavily influences people's emotional state. When you're a DJ at a party or a rave, you're the center of attention, and women will gravitate to you because of it.

Even better, you can become a DJ at a strip club and have an "in" with all the dancers who work there. Strip Club DJ's are practically guaranteed to get some action, and let's face it, they don't have to be very good to do so!

There are tons of great jobs out there that allow you to meet hot girls, but in my opinion, these five are the best. If you're desperate to meet girls and need some extra money to boot, give one of them a try.

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Top 5 Ways to Make a Woman Irresistibly Attracted to You

If you want to attract women, you have to think like a salesman. Know what your clients want, and tune your product--that's you--to fit the clients' needs.

In order to do that, you have to do the same thing all marketers do to capture people's interest with their products: develop killer PACKAGING. Hey, let's face it: women judge men based on looks. And who can blame them? Before they can get to know you, they only have visual things to judge you on: your clothes, your height, your body language, your status. We men are just like any other product: in order to sell well, we need great packaging!
It all comes down to women's evolutionary instincts: find the best mate for them and their unborn children. How do they do this? By seeing which men are strong, which ones are successful, and which ones have high status.

While times have changed, still these instincts remain. One evolutionary scientist, Dr. David Buss, did a study of over 10,000 people in 37 countries, on six continents, and found that women value men based on three big things: ambition, status, and financial resources. Similarly, relationship expert, Andrea P. Roberts, suggests that women determine a man's worthiness based on 3 "T's", or "takais," a Japanese word that represents good qualities: education level, physical height, and salary level. Quite a bit deeper than having a nice ass and big
breasts, isn't it?

Okay, some of you may be thinking: Well, I'm not tall, and I'm not rich. Now what?!?

The good news is, height and wealth aren't the be-all and end-all of attraction; they're just aids to success. It's similar to saying you want a really expensive car...but that doesn't mean you'd never drive a Honda. In fact, for a lot of people (including women!), when you learn that Hondas have better mileage than Hummers, they can be more attractive! As Roberts writes, "even an ordinary man doesn't have to be exceptionally rich or powerful to make women want him. It's all a matter of the women's perspective if he ends up taller, smarter or wealthier than them."

Got that? It's all about perspective: how you market yourself successfully to a woman. Hey, lots of people know that Creative MP3 Players are better quality than I-Pods, but that doesn't seem to stop Apple from selling I-Pods like hotcakes, does it? So if you're short, or of average income, but present your positive traits in the right way, it won't matter: you'll become the I-Pods of men! As Roberts writes, "Think of Napoleon, Mickey Rooney or Groucho; they are humorous, artistic or politically powerful men who wooed women into their beds and, horizontally, the height issue wasn't a factor. Polite and persuasive persistence is the best trait."

So what we have are five areas that we must market effectively if we want to spark an initial attraction from women. After that, it's up to you to show what a great guy you are: let her know you're special, unique, one of a kind. That's what makes you...a best-seller!

1. Ambition

From an evolutionary stand-point, this one makes complete sense. Think cavemen and cave women in the Stone Age, with some of the weaker cavemen seeking a higher station in the tribe. Who do you think the cave women went for? The men who hobbled along meekly in the bottom of the order...or the men who strived for more and sought a higher place in the pack? Much of a woman's desire to be with a man who is ambitious and seeks success, is based simply on survival: The more powerful the man, the more likely she'll survive and live well. Logically, going for a guy who has no ambition means she's likely to live in poverty and struggle. Not very appealing, is it?

So you have to present yourself as a guy who's not satisfied with his station in life. This is good for both you and her. If you're making $6 an hour at McDonald's and are content to stay there, not many women are going to be attracted to you. But if you're making $6 an hour and working your ass off to own your own franchise, taking business classes at night so you can learn how to run a business: well, suddenly you're not so bad-looking! Believe me, women will give men a chance, they want to give men a chance--as long as they see potential. Know that quote, "Behind every great man is an even greater woman"? Show you've got potential and direction, and you'll get that great woman.

2. Status

Again, evolutionary instincts of survival make women naturally attracted to men of high status. High status=good living for herself and her children. Fortunately, projecting high status does not have to be difficult; according to Roberts, "Wearing the right clothes, especially nice shoes, can go a long way toward portraying wealth. Taking on the unshaken or unworried attitude of wealthy men can project affluence. Hesitant, irresolute, bland men come across as having lower incomes and being less reliable." Got that? You don't have to be a powerful, articulate man yourself-you just have to project similar qualities.

Some of these qualities include:

* Not putting yourself down. Without being a braggart, talk positively about your accomplishments, job position, and possessions-even if they're not much. If you treat things as a big deal, other people will, too. Conversely, if you downplay your accomplishments and character, women will, too. Your attitude is contagious, so make sure it's an enthusiastic, enlivening one that people enjoy.

* Act like you deserve good women. Don't let women assume a higher status than you. Show them that YOU are the one with higher status. You can do this in a number of ways, including not acting impressed by a woman's beauty or career (say, she's a model); teasing her about her clothes or makeup; and asking her to buy you a drink. Chances are she won't, but just by acting like you deserve it, you raise your status! She's not such an untouchable goddess in the end.

Remember, as well, that women want to EARN a man; they relish the challenge of luring in a winning catch. So play hard to get: talk to other girls, say you've got to be leaving just when things are going well, don't immediately ask for her phone number. If you act like a man who can have his pick of women, then chances are, you will!

* Knowing people of high status. This is a great one. Get to know the people of power: the club owners, bartenders, maitres'd. Position yourself as a sociable person who's in the know. When a woman sees you getting special treatment and chatting with high-status people, she'll see right away that you're someone of importance. It will also reduce the importance of the other factors, such as height, money, and ambition; immediately you've proven yourself valuable.

* Social proof/Female acquaintances. Hey, nothing says, "This guy's attractive" than having females around him. Of course, the hotter they are, the hotter you look, but even just having average-looking female company can only help: it shows women that other women are interested in you. Do your best to get your female friends and family (sisters, cousins) to come out with you. It's social proof, and it works!

* Wearing nice clothes. "When a man is well dressed," writes communications expert, Leil Lowndes, "it signifies his ability to provide for her offspring." You don't have to be rich and powerful to wear nice clothes. You just have to show that you're a man of quality, a man headed towards somewhere who pays attention to dress (something women cna never get enough of). Formal clothes, such as a suit, convey that you are serious about success; you desire good things. So just by wearing a nice sports jacket, dress shirt, and slacks, you let a woman know you're a man with status. You're a man who could provide for her and her children.

The colors you wear are vital: Studies show that red, burgundy, and black clothes convey high status. So get yourself some slick black suits or formal wear, a red shirt, and one of my favorites (and girls'!), a sleek burgundy button-down shirt. They all convey regality and strength.

In the case of red, you have the added bonus of sexuality, power, and dominance: definitely good qualities to portray! Go and purchase a nice red polo shirt, or red tie for your suit.

If you enjoy white clothes-the color of purity and cleanliness-then make sure you work on your TAN. White clothes against a dark backdrop make you look exotic, sexy, and well-travelled. You don't have to be an jet-setting playboy, to look like one!

* Winning body language. Women judge men by the way they move and position themselves; it's part of their superior communication skills to know what a man is thinking or feeling based on his body language. So, position yourself in the right way: don't slouch, sit upright, gaze at her knowingly, lean into her to initiate intimacy. I've got a great column on body language that will teach you the right ways-and the wrong ways-to project high status.

3. Financial Resources
According to Matthew Fitzgerald, "Studies with college coeds show that when shown photographs of men dressed in high-status uniforms, ties, expensive watches, etc.) and low-status uniforms, these women would be significantly more willing to enter into relationships with the more expensively-attired males regardless of the man's physical appearance. To a woman, attraction is simple: green is very good-looking."

Okay, so not every guy has money for expensive suits and watches, and materialism may not be part of your game. However, if you want to impress women, one of the fastest ways is by wearing snazzy clothes, sporting nice shoes (girls LOVE shoes!), and driving an expensive car. Especially when it comes to designer brands, women are VERY keen at spotting high-quality products. It's just part of their nature; with expensive possessions come high status and ambition, and a more comfortable lifestyle. Again, this all comes from their instinctual drive for survival and prosperity for themselves and their children. By owning the best, you become the best. At least on the surface.

Ultimately, if you want true love it's up to you to find women who share the same goals and values. If money and status aren't the most important things in life for you, don't chase the girls who do prioritize those things. Don't go for the shallow, bitchy types who only judge a man by how much he can spend on her.

4. Educational Level

Knowledge really is power, and on top of that, it's an aphrodisiac! Gone are the days when being smart was acquainted with being a nerd; now, knowledge and intelligence are your friends. It's the easiest way to money, and the easiest way to success. So show it off a little. Let her know your TALENTS, your interests, your areas of special knowledge. As Roberts writes, "Women are drawn to experts like the Crocodile Hunter, Bill Gates and Chris Rock because they're experts in their industries." None of those guys is particularly good-looking, but they're good at what they do, and parlay their knowledge into success, which drives women wild.

A guy who's an expert is one who is clearly successful and of higher status. At the very least, having a special knowledge means you have the TOOLS for success, and can provide intellectual stimulation for a girl (which, unless she's a bimbo with an IQ of 70, is quite important for women).

Additionally, just being in school is a great way to show off your knowledge: "If you're in school, not only are there more women available, but you've already demonstrated to them that you're getting educated. Otherwise, it's up to you to come across as reliable and credible without making her feel dumb."

5. Physical Aptitude

Physical height alone is an easy way to catch a woman's attention, but it's not the only thing. Again, evolutionary mechanics come into play here. A man who is tall, strong, and athletic is more likely to fend off threats to the woman and her children. He is also more likely to have a strong immune system, which will further aid their chances of survival. So, you can't blame women too much for valuing these things: in the world of female attraction, it really is a survival of the fittest. Those who show women they are in shape and healthy are much more likely to survive the dating game! Ergo, athletes, bouncers, firemen get the girls.

As for height, it's all a matter of perspective. We've all seen short guys with tall beautiful women. Neil Strauss himself, the best of the best pickup artists, is just 5'6" yet gets more beautiful women than we can imagine. How? By believing in himself. By positioning himself as a man of high status. By not bowing down to women of greater height or beauty. And by being a guy women know is fun and energetic to be around. In short, he's got INNER GAME, and when you have that down, nothing can stop you. You may even find yourself dating women who are taller than you!

But remember, presenting a man who's healthy and strong, willing to stand up for himself and the girl in a fight: that's the kind of guy who women will go for, regardless of height. Did you know that men with strong immune systems give off pheromone scents that women are instinctively attracted to? If you pay attention to what you eat and go to the gym on a regular basis, you're going to build your immune system up, and attract women without even trying! So do it, and watch the number of dates you get, soar.

In the end, men are like books: women judge them by their covers. But inside is an even great story. So make your cover captivating, and you'll become a "best-seller" in no time!

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Michigan Fab Five (5)

The Michigan Fab Five (sometimes simply written as Fab 5) is the name given to the University of Michigan basketball team that started five star freshmen players during the 1991-1992 college basketball season and then the same five players in their sophomore seasons. All five members played in the 1991 McDonald's High School All-American game together and were all ranked as top 100 high school basketball prospects with four of the five members being top ten basketball recruits. The five members were:

Chris Webber (#1 ranked basketball prospect)
Juwan Howard (#3 ranked basketball prospect)
Jalen Rose (#6 ranked basketball prospect)
Jimmy King (#9 ranked basketball prospect)
Ray Jackson (#84 ranked basketball prospect)

The Fab 5 roster never won a NCAA Tournament national championship but did play in two finals games suffering losses to Duke in March of 1992 and North Carolina in March of 1993. The final game the Fab Five played together is best known for the moment when Chris Webber calls timeout in the final moments but because his team is already out of timeouts when the request is made a technical foul is assessed against the University of Michigan. The now infamous Chris Webber Michigan timeout incident directly contributed to UNC defeating the Fab Five in the championship game.

Much has been written about the legacy of the Fab Five including a best-selling book by sports journalist Mitch Albom simply titled The Fab Five: Basketball Trash Talk the American Dream. While at the University of Michigan the focus revolved around the talent of the players and the attitude they brought to the court in terms of their swagger, baggy shorts, and arrogant antics. In many respects this group of five players that were assembled in Ann Arbor, Michigan played a substantial role in ushering in a youthful hip hop culture into the game of basketball.

With regards to the collective legacy of Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King, and Ray Jackson the five players will eternally be linked together with particular attention given to their NBA success (or lack thereof) and the Fab Five scandal that tarnished their images.

Fab Five Scandal

The fab five scandal is also referred to in University of Michigan circles as the Ed Martin scandal because the circumstances primarily revolved around an affluent booster by the name of Ed Martin. The six year investigation was a collaboration involving the United States Department of Justice, IRS, FBI, and NCAA amongst others. The investigation concluded that Ed Martin began giving cash and gifts to prospects as far back as the 1980s and that among the notable players he influenced was top prospect and Fab 5 member Chris Webber whom Martin began illegally courting when Webber was in middle school. After initial attempts at denying any wrong doing Webber eventually found himself painted into a corner where his only option was to confess. Ultimately the entire process was vetted and penalties were enforced against Ed Martin, former players involved, coaches, and the University of Michigan which was sanctioned by the NCAA in such a manner that previous victories and future post season eligibility was forfeited.

Fab Five in the NBA

Ray Jackson was the onlf Fab 5 member not to make it to the NBA. Each of the other four members played at least some NBA basketball. Interestingly the degree of professional basketball success these once highly touted prospects enjoyed was well predicted by the order in which they were initially ranked as college prospects during their senior seasons of high school.

Ray Jackson - #84 high school recruit: never played a NBA game
Jimmy King - #9 high school recruit: played two seasons in the NBA
Jalen Rose - #6 high school recruit: 13 year NBA career with no all-star game selections
Juwan Howard - #3 high school recruit: 16 year NBA career (still active as of 2/10) with one all-star game selection
Chris Webber - #1 high school recruit: 15 year NBA career with five all-star game selections

None of the Fab Five players ever won a NBA Championship.


With Juwan Howard, the final active player, in the twilight of his career the sun is very close to setting on a captivating story that has been roughly 20 years in the making. After diving into the first few layers of information curious onlookers are often left asking themselves whatever happened to Ray Jackson who is the least known member of the Fab Five.

As it turns out despite a lengthy government investigation Ray Jackson was found to have never received any illegal compensation from University of Michigan boosters like Ed Martin. After being cut by the Knicks and later the Pistons in the mid-1990s Jackson later reminisced in a 2007 interview with Yahoo Sports that it took him a long time to become comfortable with the fact that he was the only member of the Fab Five unable to make it to the NBA. Now living in Austin, Texas Jackson is involved with a not-for-profit that helps children, manages a moving company, and says he is happy with his life.

To look at the full spectrum that is the Fab Five is to analyze the lives of men that have been under intense scrutiny for decades. The stories of the Fab Five involving successes, failures, potential, scandal, and moving on are aspects that all readers can relate to as being part of their own lives.

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Lobster Rolls

Lobster rolls are an omni present offering of many locations throughout New England as well as the Canadian Maritime Provinces. It is a sandwich that is filled with lobster meat. Traditionally, they contain all of the meat that a one-pound lobster can offer.

The lobster meat is combined with mayonnaise, such chicken or tuna salad, and then served on a grilled hot dog bun. In many cases, it is served on a lightly toasted New England style hot dog bun. New England hot dog buns are different from ordinary hot dog buns in that they have no crust on the sides. The top of the roll is split as well, rather than being sliced like ordinary hot dog buns. The lobster roll is served with the opening of the sandwich on top, rather than being on the side.

The filling of the sandwich is made of cooked lobster meat, mayonnaise, and a variety of other ingredients. Traditionally, lobster roll stuffing can contain diced celery and or scallions. Another variation is using drawn butter in place of mayonnaise. Drawn butter can also be used with the mayonnaise. A lobster roll sandwich can also have lettuce and lemon.

In the United States, they are associated with the state of Maine. While Maine seems to get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to all things lobster related, lobster rolls are commonly available at seafood restaurants across the New England states as well as on Eastern Long Island. These delights are available in any area where lobster fishing is common.

During the summer months, they are a staple summer meal. In Canada, Nova Scotia in particular is fond of lobster rolls. Here they may appear on hamburger buns, baguettes, or other types of bread rolls. Lobster rolls have even been served in pitas. For side dishes, the majority of the time people are given potato chips and dill pickles.

McDonald's, in an effort to conform to the native diet, has been known to offer the McLobster in restaurants located in New England as well as in the Canadian Maritime provinces. While seasonal, the McLobster is still sold. It has been sold, in years past, for $4.75. McDonald's does not use a New England style roll, merely a toasted roll for their lobster rolls.

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Calculate Pain And Suffering The Right Way And Settle Your Car Accident

How to calculate pain and suffering? This is a difficult and controversial issue. When you are in a car accident, the insurance company wants to get a written document that releases any and all claims against the person that caused your damages and injuries. To get that release, the insurance
adjuster must compensate you adequately.

You are entitled to special damages (medical bills, wage loss, medicine, etc.) and general damages (pain and suffering, loss of consortium, physiological injuries, etc.) Most of the time, calculating the Special Damages is not very difficult and there is not much debate over the value of the medical bills, wage loss, and other medical expenses. You can add them all up and submit your receipts. However, calculating general damages, which includes pain and suffering, can be very difficult.

How much is your headache worth? Depends who you ask. If you ask the insurance adjuster, she will tell you about $5. If I ask you, then it is probably worth much more than that.

Personal injury attorneys use the medical bills or all "special damages" as a way to calculate general damages. Some multiply the medical bills by two, other by three or even four times (depends in your
jurisdiction). This is only a rule of thumb. The insurance adjuster will fight you and will tell you that that is not an accurate way to calculate pain and suffering. There are no laws that will give you a formula to calculate the value of the injury.

Simply multiplying your medical bills will not yield an accurate number. You could have an injury with medical bills of $2,000 but the pain and suffering be worth much more than three or even four times that value. For example, a fifteen year old girl that suffers a cut in her face, leaving a scar from her eye to her chin. Medical bills for stitches and cleaning the wound might not be very much, but the psychological injury of growing up with such injury could be worth much more.

Multiplying the medical bills is not very accurate when assessing the value of pain and suffering, however it can guide you. Remember that there are many more claim than just "pain and suffering" in a car accident. You can ask for loss of consortium, loss of earning capacity, loss of quality of life, etc. For a detailed list and explanation of each type of claim, visit All of these claims can add to a lot of money. Most people forget to ask for any of those types of damages. Insurance companies do not explain the process and they just want a release for any and all claims, including all those damages you forgot or did know to ask for. Insurance companies do this on purpose. Be aware.

Insurance adjusters are ready to tell you that the value of the injury is separated from the accident itself. They are trained to argue that they are settling for the neck pain, not the fact that the total loss settlement
was low. They try to narrow the scope of the settlement. For example, they will tell you that the fact that the driver that hit was drunk is not accounted for because they are looking at pain and suffering. Your pain will not be more or less because someone else was drunk. If you were hit at the same speed and the
same conditions by a sober person, your pain and suffering would be the same (same impact, same injury).

The insurance adjuster would be correct; the pain would be the same. But remember that what the insurance company is doing is "buying your lawsuit". Would the fact that a driver hit you while intoxicated increase the value a jury would award you? I think the answer is probably yes.

To get the most out for your pain and suffering, use the value of your medical bills, the circumstances surrounding the accident, the type of injury, similar cases jury awards, and all the bodily injury claims you
can make. Double check every argument the insurance adjuster is making. Make sure you are getting a fair treatment.

Cookie Recipe


Top 10 Must-Do Things in Kuantan - Attractions in Kuantan, Malaysia

Kuantan is the capital of Pahang, situated near the mouth of Kuantan River. Kuantan is famous for the local products like "batik", "prawn crackers" and also "salted fish".

Here are some recommendations you must not miss out when you visit Kuantan: -

1 - Shop at East Coast Mall East Coast Mall is the biggest shopping mall in Kuantan. It just started to operate not long ago and it is a retreat for the locals on the weekends. The mall has got brands that could not be found at other shopping malls in Kuantan like Big Apple and Donuts and Starbucks.

2 - Eat Satay at Restoran Zul Restoran Zul serves the best satay in town and only operates at night. If you want to give it a try, make sure you are there early as it is always full house. The specialty of this restaurant is the "kuah" or also called the satay sauce.

3 - Dine at Restoran Hoi Yin Restoran Hoi Yin is located at the stretch of shop houses near Telok Chempedak. According to the locals, the curry mee served here is the best and it is finger licking good. Be an early bird or else, wave goodbye to it.

4 - Drink Coffee at Kemaman Kopitiam Kemaman Kopitiam is one of the place where youngsters love to hang out. "Nasi Lemak" and "Kopi Ais" is a must to order upon visit.

5 - Take a River Cruise River Cruise service is available at the Kuantan River. The sight-seeing journey takes about 2 hours and the passengers get a chance to visit the mangrove swamp. The cruise costs RM 10 for adult and RM 5 for the children below 12.

6 - Check Out Sungai Lembing Museum Sungai Lembing Museum is the place of remembering the glory day of Sungai Lembing as the richest town. But as time passed, the tins are being replaced with plastic, aluminium and others. In the museum, there are equipments used for mining, tracks to go into the mines, offices environment and many more.

7 - Drop by Charah Cave Charah Cave is a limestone cave which is well-known for its 'Sleeping Buddha', an impressive stone sculpture of the reclining Buddha. According to the locals, the 'Sleeping Buddha' looks the best, when the sun shines in at 11 o'clock in the morning.

8 - Visit Lao Zi Temple Lao Zi Temple is located on the Sungai Lembing-Kuantan way. The Golden Dragon structured is the longest man-made dragon in the world with 2,700 feet. There is a walkway that begins from the Dragon's tail and ends at the head. People believed that after walking through, good luck and fortune will be rushing in.

9 - Wind Surf at Balok Beach Balok Beach, which is located 15km to the north of Kuantan, is a great place for wind surfing. If you are lucky enough, you could probably see turtles laying eggs between the month of May and September.

10 - Visit Telok Chempedak Telok Chempedak is one of the most popular beaches in Kuantan - without it, the trip is not complete! It is crowded especially during the night! A great place for family and friends to hang out and enjoy the sea breeze. And also, here has got the one and only McDonald's in Kuantan.

Does it lure you to Kuantan now? Make a move and experience Kuantan!

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Fast Food History in America

Most people think the McDonald brothers of California started the fast-food craze in America, but in reality, it was the White Castle hamburger chain that actually started fast food history in America. J. Walter Anderson opened the first White Castle in 1916 in Wichita, Kansas, and people liked the cheap hamburgers, fries, and colas he offered. However, fast-food really didn't become common in America until after World War II, when Americans first began to fall in love with their cars, and had leisure time and more money to spend on eating out.

The McDonald Brothers

The real heroes of fast food history in America are Richard and Maurice McDonald, the two brothers who created the first McDonald's restaurant in 1948 in San Bernardino, California. They wanted their restaurant to be more efficient and cost-effective, so they designed a simple menu in a small building without any tables, so people took their food and ate in their cars. By 1953, the brothers had decided to franchise their idea, and two franchises opened in Downey, California and Phoenix, Arizona.


As the McDonald's became more successful, others began to take notice and copy their example to make their own fast food history in America. Keith Cramer started an operation in Florida that would turn into Burger King, and Ray Kroc, a blender salesman, was so impressed with McDonald's that he asked the brothers if he could sell their franchises. He opened his own McDonald's in Des Plaines, Illinois in 1954, and eventually he bought out the brothers and became the owner of the corporation. Kroc was the driving force behind the food chain's fantastic growth throughout America in the late 50s and early 60s. Wendy's was created by Dave Thomas in Columbus, Ohio, where the first restaurant opened in 1962.

More Newcomers

As fast food caught on, and more people decided they liked dining in their cars; more fast food shops sprang up around the country. Jack-in-the-Box began in San Diego, California in 1951, and by 1960 it had spread out of California into other areas. Troy Smith opened the first SONIC Drive-In in 1954 in Shawnee, Oklahoma, Dunkin' Donuts first opened in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1950, and the first Taco Bell opened in 1962 in Downey, California. All of these operations based their business at least loosely on the McDonald's operation and then modified it to work with their specialty foods.

Today's History

Today, fast food chains have spread all around the world, and have spread American culture right along with them. There are many more popular chains, like Carl's Jr., Arby's, Domino's and Dairy Queen, indicating that fast food isn't always about hamburgers. In fact, pizza, Chinese food, and just about any type of food imaginable are now available for take-out at fast-food chains across the globe. Fast food history in America is really the foundation of fast food as we know it today, and that history has made millionaires out of many of the people who first stated the fast food concept.

Cookie Recipe Culinary for Health Baking Cookie


You Need A Cake Marketing Plan!

Are you passionate about cake decorating and are ready to take it to the next level? Are you finally up to starting a cake business from home? Starting this business from home will be an amazingly fun adventure but you need to prepare yourself from day one.

Starting a cake business from home is just like any other business, you need a plan. You have your business plan and a crucial part of that includes a marketing plan. You can ask any business owner and they will tell you that marketing is going to be one of the most crucial elements of running your business. You have to reach customers to sell to, without these people; your business is nothing but equipment.

Before you start your cake business, let's get the marketing aspect under control. A budget is crucial but sometimes frustrating. Most people don't have thousands of dollars to throw into their new company so budgeting is absolutely necessary. If you have your market strategy in place, stretching your budget will be much simpler.

So, your question is? How can I market for little or no money? Good questions, let's answer it...

1. Ask local schools, churches, YMCA's, Boys & Girls Clubs, Recreational Centers and libraries if you can post some flyers. Make these flyers at home for relatively no money. You just need paper and a printer.

2. Take photos of the finished products and place them on these flyers.

3. Offer some free or reduced priced cakes to your friends and family for their events. Ask your neighbors and people you work with or your spouse works with if you can use there event as a stepping stone.

4. Ask for testimonials from your customers, friends or family. Use these testimonials in your flyers or website.

5. Search for local events in your area and ask if you can sponsor or participate in the event. Offer samples or demos of your product for free. You will be surprised at the results you get.

It is very difficult when starting a cake business from home or any business for that matter to spend NO money. You are going to have to invest money in your marketing. Once you get out there and get noticed, the possibilities are endless. Offer cakes for all types of occasions and soon you will notice your calendar is never empty! Just remember, you must have a marketing plan in order to be successful in your new cake business! So, start planning, good luck and have fun!

Culinary for Health Caramel Recipe Books


Franchise Company Operations Manual Sample Outline

Many companies wish to expand and a few wish to use franchising as a method of expansion. Not a bad idea, but one must consider the importance of the fine details. One book I recommend you read is the "E-Myth" by Gerber it is available at all the usual places. You see when going from a small business to a franchise company it is important to make sure you take out all the mistakes you have made in the past in building your small business and insure that your future franchisees never make those mistakes themselves. After all they need not go thru the rigorous minefields and brick walls you had to in order to be successful. Especially considering you will most likely be charging them a substantial upfront franchise fee.

Many new franchisors know they need an Official and Confidential Operations Manual, yet since it is such a daunting task they often favor the idea of hiring someone not involved in their business to do so for them. The fees for operation manual writers is quite high and indeed it was my reasoning to write my own for our franchise company, which happens to specialize in Mobile Car Washing and Detailing. . After completing the manual, which is always under constant revision as markets change and consumer buying behavior trends ensue, I found that not only was writing my own operations manual a cost savings; it was imperative.

A good Franchise operations manual will end up about 500 pages, mine ended up over 1000 typed pages with about 10,000 hand written notes and sub topic accumulation of forms and ideas of the past 20-years. After going thru this process of designing what I believe is the best franchise company ever created, I realized that you never fully understand your business completely until you put yourself, employees, customers, cash flow and procedures under a microscope. I can tell you that when you finally do this, you will be humbled indeed. I suppose that is a good thing, even though us entrepreneurs seem to have above average egos.

So with this said let me first say, I cannot give you our manuals for free, generally our perfected business model is sold in the form of a franchise and the franchise fees are generally $20,000 up front. But as an entrepreneur I will give the basic outline, which you need to write your own. Which if you intend to franchise your current business, I highly recommend you do it yourself or with a close in-house team. If you choose to hire a writer, pay a little extra and spend a little more time putting all your ideas into a tape or digital recorder so that the true important details are not lost in the political correctness of a Manual Writer. Remember I am in a service, home based franchise company and you company will be slightly different and therefore your manual will also be somewhat modified, but I assure you this is where you need to start. Try to have at least 20-pages for each item and then once you state using bullets, paragraphing, formatting and illustrations you should be closer to 35-40 pages for each topic. Here is the outline and best of luck and continued success in your business.




































Cooking Network Foods


Tips For Decorating the Reception Hall

The Art of the Hallway

This article will share some great ideas for getting the most out of that hallway in the house. It is after all the first room you and guests walk into. So often it is a second thought when deciding to decorate. By giving the room some deserved consideration and plan a refresh of one of the most important rooms in your house.

One of the most popular things to do is paint the hallway, when deciding to paint make sure to get a good colour that is going to lighten up the hallway, but also make sure that it's not to light because then the dirt and all the extra things are going to show up often.

Second, thing to do with the hallways is to look into purchasing some small artwork to hang on the walls this will help to decorate the hallway and bring it to life. When choosing those photos make sure that these photos are representing something that is attractive and not just some dull art work.

A third thing to look into placing in the hallway would be dedicating a wall to the family especially if you have kids what better place for them school photos to go. Along with the school photos put the grand-parents photos in there and the family picture. Yet another possibility to spruce the hallway up is look into the type of lights that are in the hallway maybe purchase some decorative lights to hang from the ceiling.

To get even more out of the hallway look at possibly putting a small hall table in the space, so that decorations can be placed on that table to bring yet another form of life to the hall.

Lastly the flooring of the hall take into consideration what the floor is like when doing all the other decorations listed above, such as if its carpet then make sure to purchase things that are going to blend well in with the carpet so that it really don't stick out and then become an eye sore.

Well when the time comes to decorate that hallway hopefully this article has led to some great ideas for pursing in that hall to make sure that the most is gotten out of the hall and also those projects that have been done in the hall.

These items all listed above so be able to not only bring life to the hallway but are all fairly cheap ideas so it shouldn't cost a lot of money.

Meat Recipes Books


McDonald's Vs Burger King - Which is the Better Hamburger?

When it comes to fast food, McDonald's and Burger King are among the biggest players in the game. Both of these fast food giants have been in business for over 50 years. The former generated 21.6 billion dollars in revenue last year while the latter only pulled in about 2.06 billion. Based on these numbers, some might be tempted to think that Mickey Dee's is clearly winning here but it does not necessarily mean that they make a better hamburger. Let's take a closer look.

We will start with McDonald's in our hamburger showdown. A typical burger from Mickey Dee's weighs about 100g, has 9g of fat, 520g of salt and 31g of carbohydrates. It is made of 100% beef (or so they claim). In terms of preparation, they fry their burger over a flat grill for that indoor home cooking taste. It comes with ketchup, mustard, pickle and onion and can be customized to fit your taste.

In comparison, a Burger King hamburger is slightly heavier at 121g, contains 12g of total fat, 560g of salt, and 30g of carbohydrates. They also claim to use 100% beef in their kitchens. Burger King flame-broils theirs, giving it a taste of outdoor barbecue grilling that is very reminiscent of the summer. BK's burgers come fully dressed with ketchup, mustard and pickle, but their slogan is: "Have it your way!" so you can take off any of the condiments and reconfigure the sandwich to your heart's content. It cost slightly more than a McDonald's hamburger.

Taking the size into consideration, the salt content and cost are about the same on both burgers. In terms of nutritional value, there is very little difference between the two fast food giants as well.

So Who Make The Better Burger McDonald's or Burger King?

Based on our research so far, there appears to be very little difference between the two. They are almost comparable. Burger King comes out slightly ahead if you compare size (which is larger than the McDonald's hamburger) or if you are very health-conscious and are concerned with the nutritional value of the sandwich (Burger King's hamburger has one less gram of carbohydrates in it).

Other than this, they appear to be comparable for the most part. The differences outside of how the sandwiches are prepared are very small. So, the answer to the question: "Who has the better hamburger?" comes down to personal taste. Ultimately, it's all about how you like your burger. The good news is, you can always have it your way.

Cookie Recipe

Why You Should Not Dry Your Car With a Chamois

When it comes to drying your car after washing & rinsing a popular choice is to use a chamois leather. Although these can be very effective at absorbing water and drying your car, unfortunately they can also easily inflict allot of damage onto the surface of your paintwork in the form of light scratches, swirl marks and marring.

A chamois leather is an animal rawhide which means it has obviously not been 'designed' for the sole purpose of drying a car, which means that you are compromising the safety of your paintwork if you use one. The make up of a chamois leather means that any small stray particles of dirt on the surface of your car become trapped between the paintwork and the chamois during the drying phase and are therefore drawn across it which results in the fine scratches and swirl marks.

Chamois leathers also dry hard so even if just a small part of it is not sufficiently dampened and softened before you begin drying, marring could be inflicted onto the surface of your paintwork. There are synthetic chamois also available but these too suffer from the same disadvantages that a natural chamois leather does.

There are safe alternatives available however that can just as effectively dry your car. Micro fibre and waffle weave towels are specifically designed to dry your car whilst not inflicting any damage. The construction of these towels means that any stray particles of dirt left on the surface become trapped in their fibres and safely away from the surface of the paintwork during drying. They are also made from very soft materials eliminating the chance of marring the paintwork.

After use, micro fibre & waffle weave drying towels can be machine washed to ensure that any dirt particles are removed and that they are completely clean and safe for use next time, this also helps to prolong the life of the towel. This cannot be done with a chamois leather which means that they will not last a long as a towel and will also accumulate more & more dirt particles every time they are used.

Steak Books


Dog and Cat Art on the Internet

Looking for Dog Art or Cat Art online? No matter if you are looking for dog or cat paintings, portraits, prints, gifts or even clip-art, the internet is a quick and easy way to find the perfect pet art. However, as with anything you look for using the internet, it can be an intimidating challenge to locate exactly what you need. In this article we will look at all the various types of dog and cat art available online, where to find it, and the good and bad to watch out for.

Pet art, and in particular dog and cat art, is immensely popular today. There are many reasons for this, but particularly the almost universal popularity of dogs and cats as beloved pets and companions. You would struggle to find anyone who isn't either a cat or a dog lover today, and many love both. This means that there's always a huge demand for all kinds of cat and dog art. And as everyone knows, the internet really is the easiest and fastest way to find virtually anything. Today every possible type of pet art can be found online, including:

- dog or cat paintings in oil or watercolor or acrylic medium
- original portraits from people's own photographs of their pet
- high quality cat and dog art prints
- trendy pet related pop art
- dog and cat clip-art
- gifts t-shirts and clothing sporting pet art designs and logos
- and even gifts and clothing for dogs and cats themselves

The choice of art available online for the cat or dog lover is huge. However, this wealth of choice presents some challenges. Because the pet industry is a huge money-spinner for businesses the world over, it does mean there are some unscrupulous traders and sellers of pet related products online, so it makes sense to be cautious and do some research before spending any money. Potential problems can include cat or dog art which claims to be original art, but which is in fact a photograph altered digitally using software such as photoshop. This is completely different from legitimate and skilled digital artists who paint using a digital brush. Also, when searching for pet related clip-art, care must be taken when visiting some seemingly free sites which exist simply to pop-up new browser windows which can be annoying, and as with any sites which repeatedly generate pop-up windows, they could potentially host malware. However, it must be said most websites are perfectly safe to use.

In fact the largest problem when searching for cat or dog art is how to actually find the particular type of art you are looking for. With the almost infinite number of websites on every topic today it can be surprisingly time-consuming and frustrating trying to find exactly what you want. Searching for cat art for example will return millions upon millions of matching websites, containing everything from drawings of cartoon cats to clothing stores for pampered kittens, so try to narrow your search by using a more precise search term. Alternatively look out for websites which have done much of the work for you, gathering links to many different sources of cat and dog art and pet products in one place.

Cookie Recipe Culinary Institute Books


Writing Effective (and Requisite) Essay Openers

When we write for college courses, we write for an audience other than ourselves. And it's an audience of more than one--the professor who assigned the piece. A good way to think of (and never forget) audience is to imagine we are writing the assignment for a popular magazine that sits in multiple copies on the shelves of an equally popular bookstore. For each magazine sold, pretend, we get a percentage.

Our goal, then, is to have as large and widespread a readership as possible--to hook as many browsers as we can--with an effective opener (also known as an introduction). We therefore must engage, first, before we entertain, educate, or inform.

First the Caveats and Comments on Ineffective (Bad) Openers

NO to SNORE openers - Forget burdening or alienating your readers with comments of how many people in many countries have many different ideas about life and society and all those other blah, blah, blah hard-to-wrap-the-brain-around opening commentaries...which really just send the reader off to find a more intriguing read.

NO to OBVIOUS - Similar to the snore generalizations, the obvious comments in an opener will have eyes (if not heads) rolling as readers take in the TV is mental masturbation or ads are used to manipulate us statements you can avoid--by using an old Marshall McCluhan quote or Cleo awards description, for example, instead.

NO to HYPERBOLE - Putting myself through school as a waitress, I had a number of regular customers who were writers, too, they said. They would talk at me all through my shift, reciting their best work. One insisted on reiterating his description of the verdant rolling hills that kissed the edges of the glistening waters at the feet of the majestic span of the Golden Gate Bridge...until I would get so mental I would fantasize about bringing the heft of the glistening glass coffee pot screaming down onto his head. In other words, do not exaggerate. Do not bring in heavy drama and description that will overwhelm and, again, alienate your readers. Stick with the truth. Stick with the openers that work.

We Use Modes for Engaging Openers...and I'm going to Use One Here, Out of Necessity...and Spite

I once read a how-to article on web content writing, on making a site that brings traffic (the attention of many). I had already begrudgingly given in to the understanding that web content writing is very different than academic writing--it has different goals, different audiences, and different elements that lend themselves to an 'A' piece of writing. In fact, it is so different that to write for the web we have to unravel all we have worked to weave, have to unlearn all we have learned as college English writers.

Don't Confuse Web Content/Writing and Academic Writing

So the writer of this article says to start web copy you skip the opener and go directly to the main point (what we in academia know as the thesis). Okay. This made sense, I thought, as web readers read differently: they read fast, they skim, they scan, they draw the most usable info in the shortest amount of time. (Probably the way you are reading now, hoping I get on with the point).

-I was with Mr. Web when he explained these facts.

-I was with him as he noted the research findings that back up the rationale for sacrificing good academic exposition for web text.

-And I was there with his tips and tricks, which were great...until he went too far, editorializing about writers who actually use openers:

He claimed that writers who rely on openers don't have "the courage" to just get to the point. So he lost me.

Don't Let Anyone Shame Your Learning Writing Tricks

We can adapt to just about any rhetorical style. We can adjust our notions of what makes for good writing. But we should balk when a how-to writer insults other methods of writing. We should even disregard implications of cowardice as unnecessary ad hominem attacks. False attacks. Fallacious and floppy and frivolous teaching. Screw that.

Readers of Academic Essay Writing Appreciate (even Prefer) a Good Opener

Openers in academic writing, whether in a creatively developed literary response or a historical survey, are imperative. They are a gentler way of drawing in, luring our readers. They are at first quite challenging to get right, but our mastering them--which is possible--has nothing to do with courage, which comes from the French word, "coeur," heart. We have plenty of heart. We're studying English, for hell sake.

Against my wishes, then, this page opens with a declaration and gets right to the point. At first. But it also has a "grabber" slipped in--because we're looking at grabbers and because, well, I can't help it. I want to model decent prose for you.

Samples of Effective Essay Openers by Mode/Type

Even better, I'll share with you some samples, written by my former students (who have granted permission for the use of their work as models):

****People Love Stories. We Love to Tell Stories. The Narrative Opener:

Once upon a time, during the era of slavery, whites were afraid of blacks, and the "word" was born. That's why someone came up with the "word." Two hundred years later around my sister's house, the children still use this "word". Sometimes I even hear myself say this "word." But guess what? I check myself and correct myself, because when you use the "word" to address someone, no matter who you are or what color you are, it is totally disrespectful.

The word: "nigger". (1)

****To Establish Credibility, Try a Sober, Scholarly Introduction. The Statistics/Facts Opener:

By the age of forty-four, 47 percent of American women will have had an abortion. (Day 6) To describe this statistic as anything other than a tragedy is to deny the sanctity of human life. The Christian abortion debate rests upon the moral and theological dimension[s] of this issue. To examine the moral dimensions of abortion without examining the social realm is to ignore the mutually dependent relationship that surrounds this debate. (2)

****Appealing to the Senses Lures and Keeps Readers Interested. The Descriptive Opener:

Rain is pelting my car relentlessly as I drive home from [XXX] College. Cars rushing on the freeway cause the water on the pavement to burst into a fine mist, surrounding each and every vehicle with a billowing sheet of opaqueness. Finally, I arrive in front of my little two-bedroom home. With a sigh of relief, I enter my living room.

Lately, this house has turned into a haven of safety, sheltering me as much from nature's elements as from the unpredictable and unprovoked malevolence I experience from one of my instructors. My dread is heightened by the fact that I appear to be the primary recipient of this teacher's outbursts of viciousness. Slowly, my gaze shifts across the room and comes to rest on the play I have to read for my English class. It is Mamet's Oleanna. I pick up the book and soon find myself drawn into the story. Quickly, it becomes clear to me that this play [deals with] the relationship between a teacher (John) and his student (Carol). While both characters show evidence of an interesting variety of behaviors, John mesmerizes me to a greater degree. I begin to wonder whether John displays symptoms of an underlying psychological disorder. (3)

Put the Readers in the Frame, Inside the Paper. The Direct Address Opener:

You are in the midst of a blazing inferno. Your mind is moving at the speed of light. Yet you are paralyzed by fear. The silence is deafening between the confinement of the four walls. You are no longer in control. You wonder how the communication between the members of the family has ceased, specifically between Mother and Father. Each passing day, only silence can be heard. The usual chatter at the dinner table is considerably lessened. It comes down to, "Pass the corn, please." Or one excusing oneself from the table. (4)

Advance Trust, Establish Authority from the Start. The Authoritative Quote Opener:

"Generations of students have studied calculus without ever seeing its power." This statement is found in an article by K.C. Cole titled, "Bringing Calculus Down to Earth," from The Los Angeles Times. I most certainly agree with Cole. At one point earlier in the course of the class (calculus), I was not sure about the use of calculus and the importance of it. Others like me, such as friends, felt the same way. For this reason, I would assume, I am doing this research. This research is for students like myself to realize that "there is something about calculus," as Cole states in the article.... (5)

Keep with the Traditional "Show, Don't Tell" Lesson. The Example Opener:

Sex is great. To me, it is all about feelings and experiences--the feeling of flesh against flesh, the experience of orgasm after orgasm. Sometimes, even, there is that feeling of being special, wanted, and loved. I suppose my parents had sex. It is not really an image I like to bring to mind. But when my father has sex with someone other than my mom, how am I supposed to feel then? (6)

Engage by Asking for the Readers' Opinion and Thoughtful Participation. The Profound Rhetorical Question Opener:

Is the play, True West, written by actor/writer Sam Shepard, a sublimation of his own sibling rivalry or a rationalization of one? He writes of two brothers who are equal in intelligence but opposite in character. The older brother lives by his wit and the younger by his pen. In his unique style, Shepard uses many symbols describing the keen emotions that make up these two brothers. He also uses metaphors that reel you, the audience, into the depths of anger, pain, and the reality of life.... (7)

Finally, the Encouragement of Effective (Good) Openers

YES to APPROPRIATE introductory material. That is, use an opener that is relevant to your essay topic. Use an opener that fits the material. For example, a definition of alcoholism (which might work if you were writing a book) might be too clumsy for a cause and effect paper studying the influences of alcoholism on the family.

YES to APT openers. Do the modes that you are best at writing. And do what you best like doing. Write what works for you, your audience, and your assignment.

YES, modes overlap. A narrative opener will have descriptive details. A quote may be combined with statistics and facts. But instead of tripping on what the exact boundaries are between modes or types of writing passages, focus on the specifics of one type of opener as you understand it. The rest will be bonus material that merely enhances your style.

And YES to engaging, alluring introductions that lead your readers in to the place where your thesis/opinion sits waiting to declare your bold, informed truths. Which should never be denied or neglected...any more than your audience should be.

End Notes

(1) Bronson, A. "The Word."

(2) Roncella, L. "Judging Abortion."

(3) Prince, U. "Who Cares? [A Study of Oleanna]"

(4) Tolosa, W. "Dark silence."

(5) Pham, D. "Calculus as a Necessary Tool."

(6) Guiterrez, R. "Dad, Why Cheat?"

(7) Stark, C. "[...a Study of the Psychology of True West]."

Food Recipes DVD Cooking Network Foods


The Pros and Cons of Freezing Prepared Foods

These days with our busy lives, we always looking for shortcuts to make things easier for ourselves. One of those ways is to be able to prepare food in advance and store it in the freezer until we need it. This works especially well for packed lunches, casseroles, and baked goods. However there are advantages and disadvantages to freezing prepared foods.

Some of the advantages are:

You can prepare this food at your own convenience, for instance on your days off. Your oven is used much more efficiently, because you can cook lots of dishes at once. You can avoid any wastage, by freezing the food instead of throwing it into the garbage. You can save lots of time by doubling and tripleing the amounts of food you are cooking, and then freezing the extra food.

Another advantage if you live alone, is that you can cook and prepare all your foods for the week, and then freeze them separately to save time cooking every night. Once again, if someone in the family need special foods, like baby foods or diet foods, and they can be prepared in quantity and frozen in single portions.

Some of the disadvantages are:

Unless you have a microwave, which allows you to thaw food quickly, you must allow a lot of time in the refrigerator for the food to thaw. Some products do not freeze very well, so you need to avoid these. A lot more energy is used when you cook food, freeze it, and reheat it, rather than just cook food and eat it. And freezing can be expensive when you add up the cost of the freezer itself, the cost of packaging and the cost of the energy used.

Baking Cookie Caramel Recipe Books


NLP Rapport - The Importance of Connection

What is Rapport and how does it apply to my life? Rapport is the connection that is cultivated between you and the people that you come in contact with. Rapport is the reason why you feel comfortable and trust some and lack of rapport is why you would feel unease and skepticism with others.

As a Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner or if you are working to have a deeper relationship with your partner rapport is the most important ingredient to the mix. Rapport will make all the difference when it comes to effective communication. Why do businesses fail? Why do relationships fail? At the base level the reason for a system of interaction failing is a lack in communication. In a professional situation rapport will allow your client to trust you, so you can get into the business aspect with a common understanding. This is very important in the field of medicine and hypnotherapy. A patient that trusts you and puts his confidence in you will be ready to heal and when you tell them how they can go about this, they will believe you.

How does rapport work and how do I build rapport with another person? Rapport is a way to come into a direct understanding with a person's unconscious mind. To build rapport is to speak and act in such a way that the person or people you are interacting with begin to see a commonality in you. They begin to internally conclude that "This person is like me". It may become apparent that the people around you in your life are the people that have similar beliefs, interests, tastes, and status. When you look into your relationships on a deeper level you may see that you are associating with people that are like you. On an unconscious level you are connecting with these people because you understand them as being familiar to you, they are like you.

What is the Result of being out of rapport with someone? You can see lack of rapport on many levels. The act of fighting, verbally or physically, is the resulting action of being out of rapport. If you feel discomfort with a specific person you are not in rapport with this person. Also if you find yourself in the midst of an argument you are not in rapport at that moment.

One thing to note is the levels of rapport that exist. This means that there are some people such as family that you may always have some level of report with due to the length and nature of your social interaction. You must remember though that your level of rapport is constantly refreshing with the evolving flow of your life. You cannot expect to be in rapport with someone because you have had rapport with them yesterday or last week. Rapport is an active process of connection.

There are several ways to build rapport with someone you are working or interacting with. There is rapport on the verbal level and there is rapport on the non-verbal physical level. You may begin to gain rapport with someone physically before the first word it spoken. It is important when building this connection with someone that you pay close attention to the person you are working with. Paying someone attention is rapport building in itself and you will see that a connection can be built suprisingly fast. To build rapport with someone verbally you will pay attention to the words they are saying, the rate they are speaking, and the tone they are speaking with. You will begin by using their same words in your sentence structures, speaking at the same speed they are speaking, and using the same tone they are speaking with.

When a person is speaking to you the words they use are directly connected to internal representations. These representations are what are really being referred to when they are talking with you. If you spend time trying to figure out what the person is really saying you are taking an active role in trying to translate their words into your internal representations. This is a near impossibility in the fact that their life experience is not the same as your experience and your word representations are not going to match theirs. For example, if someone says to you "I had a bad day today, and I'm not too happy about it" and you say in return "Oh, sounds like your are depressed" They may have a reply like "Well, I wouldn't say that I am depressed, I'm just not happy". At that moment you are in disagreement about an internal representation, your version of "not happy" is not their version of "not happy". It may seem that this had no effect, but on an unconscious level this disagreement was noted, and an unconscious statement may have just occurred along the lines of "Does this person really understand me? Maybe they are not like me". If you respond with "Oh, you had a bad day and you're not happy" even though it might sound ridiculous to repeat back the same phrase, you will find the person in agreement, and they will continue the interaction. It is important to remember the connection you are building is on an unconscious level and when you are referring to the same words of their internal representations the conscious mind translates this into understanding and connection.

The rate someone is speaking at the moment is an external expression of the rate they understand in that moment. To speak at this same rate is a direct compliment to their thinking process and the perfect rate for them to be in full comprehension of what you are communicating. Keep in mind that the brain is moving through many states throughout the day. During the alert waking state a person's brain is moving anywhere from 13 Hz - 40 Hz. For the purposes of this article these states translate into your understanding that the rate of speech being communicating is due to their current brain state. You need be attentive to their speech rate because their brain state is going to be changing during your conversation and you need to be following this state and matching it.

The tone someone is using carries a lot of the meaning of what is really being spoken. Tone is the emotional element to speech. So when you are speaking in this interaction using the same words, the same rate, and the same tone, you are sounding a lot like this person. When processing this unconsciously the person will see a great resemblance in you. As you match tone allow yourself to go into the emotional state of the tone, your tone needs to be genuine.

The Next, and most important, aspect to building rapport is the physical connection. To build a physical rapport with someone you will be matching the person. What is matching a person? You will be taking note of the person's breathing rhythm, their posture, hand movements, and their gaze. As you take note of the person's breathing begin to alter your own breathing to match theirs. When they take a breath you are taking a breath and when you exhale you are exhaling as well. Notice how the person has positioned their body. You can begin to shift your body in a similar pose as they are. Do this subtly so they do not wonder what you are doing, but do this smoothly and intuitively. You do not need to match every movement that they doing. This would look like some type or pseudo-charades and probably cause the person to question your sanity instead of them beginning to trust you deeply. Take note when the person is talking about specific things where they point and move their hands, when you engage in talking about the same matter in return, point and move in the same direction that they had. Also notice, when they are speaking, where they look when talking of certain topics, events, or things. You will look in the same direction when speaking of the same subject matter.

When you are matching physical behaviors and verbal contexts that your client, or any person, is using you are building rapport. You will notice that the rapport is being built by the subject matter and continuation of the conversation. You will also know that the person is in rapport as you change your rate of speech they will follow, as you change your body position they will change theirs.

The ability to gain rapport with someone quickly and naturally is very important to continue interaction and gain comfort and trust from a person. When working with any patient or client keep these points in mind in that they will allow for the client to trust you with some of the deep issues that are the reason that they are there to see you. You may be wasting your valuable time with a client if the true hurtful cause of their current undesirable state doesn't come up until session ten. If you want to have that trust and comfort immediately give the client the attention they deserve and allow yourself to experience their world. Experiencing the client's world will also allow you to unconsciously learn about their situation which may lead you into insights about how to overcome their problems and give you an understanding and compassion for what they are going through.

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The Scariest Halloween Home Decorations

October is almost here and that means taking out pumpkins, spider webs, witches brooms and other Halloween decorations to turn your home's entrance into the scariest on the block. After all, Halloween is one of the best times to have some seriously wacky fun with hair-raising decorations people will remember for years and years.

Decorating your house for Halloween is loads of fun, and it's even more fun if you start early and get creative with your plans. So let's talk about some of the scariest and creepiest ways to decorate the inside of your home.

Where To Place Your Halloween Decorating Ideas

If it's in your house, you can probably decorate it. Here's some quick ideas to get started:

Windows and window sills
Fireplace mantels
Doors and doorways
Steps and staircases
Tables and countertops
Corners of the room

Halloween Decorations - Tips To Make Your Skin Crawl

Windows are one of the most visible places to display your Halloween decorations. There are literally endless ways to make a spooky and eye-catching display, just use your imagination.

Here's a cool idea: Take some heavy construction paper and cut out sinister shapes such as a bat, witch or black cat. Place them in any window or corner of your house. You'll be shocked at the impact this simple touch makes.

More Spine-Chilling Ideas

Find some crisp, colorful dry leaves in your garden or nearby park. Scoop them up in a big bucket and spread them wherever you want that ghostly, abandoned Halloween feel.

No Halloween is complete without creepy spiders! Scatter lots of them throughout the house and yard. The more the merrier! And don't forget the fake spider webs that turn any house into a ghostly haunted house.

Spooky Lighting Effects

The right lighting can send chills up any visitor's spine. Dim your lights really low, put dark colored bulbs in the right places or even go without electric lights and use only candles - that will really freak out even the ghastliest spirit who dares venture into your Halloween chamber of horrors! Just watch where you put those candles so the little ones (and not-so-little-ones) don't get hurt.

The right lighting can truly make or break your Halloween decor. Why not up the ante with a fog machine - now you're really rocking! Also try out different colored lights, like red or orange, to make your decorations even more eerie and supernatural.

There's No Limit To The Ghastly Fun

You really can't go wrong with whatever Halloween home decorations you try this year. Making your own is a great way to have some family fun. Or you can shop for the endless variety of choices available in stores around this time. Whatever you do, just remember to have fun and share the wackiness of Halloween with all your family and friends.

Cooking Network Foods Culinary for Health Food Recipes DVD


McDonald's Deals - The Cheaper They Are, the Better They Taste

You might have heard of McDonald's coupons and you've put your hands on a few of them already. Some people hunt these pieces of papers like if they were hard to get, but should you look around before you guide your steps to the closest restaurants, you can cash in on a few great McDonald's Deals.

Most people are familiar with the company and either love them for the taste of their burgers or just the fact that those burgers are available at more than 31,000 spots worldwide. Wherever you see the double golden-arch symbol you can be sure that the quality will be the same. This is one of the reasons why 50 million people eat in one of the restaurants every day.

If you are one of those who like to skip the kitchen every time you have the chance, you'll find their coupons a nice addition to eating out. The best deals are always what you get for free, unfortunately free coupons are not always available. You can come across the type that offers a free burger, usually one of the most popular ones, or an ice cream or coffee. It greatly depends on the current promotion, but the company always has at least one campaign running.

You can get information about the current one either taking a look at their official website, or reading announcements hung on entrance doors of every McDonald's restaurant. People who manage their time effectively will find the former solution closer to what they've imagined.

Checking the new trends online has another great benefit to those who take the time to look up a McDonald's location and the latest promotions. They can also find sites in search engine results that offer the latest coupons for printing. You can download others' findings, share what you have and let everyone save some on the menus.

There are other methods of making the meals just a little bit cheaper, such as taking coupons handed out in-store. Sometimes you are given the coupon book, sometimes you have to be cheeky and ask for it. In most cases they're piling up behind or even on top of the counters, and it doesn't matter the least for the employee if they give it to you or the next guy in the queue.

Every time you head to town make sure you have your coupons with you, or at least ask the staff if you forget it once in a while. Maybe a dollar here and there doesn't count much, but if you use coupons every time you have a meal in a fast food restaurant, you'll find that lot of the little dollars add up quickly.

Steak Books Cooking Network Foods


How a McDonald's Burger Can Be Good - Lose Weight by Eating Burgers?

For each burger patty at McDonald's, around 140 calories are embedded into the meat. Its cheeseburgers have double burger patties, so that make 280 calories when you buy one cheese burger at McDonald's. However, since people are on the lookout on their calorie, carbohydrate, and fat consumption, the buns from the burgers are usually discarded.

Everyone knows that burger meats are not low in fat, but low or perhaps zero in nutritional value. When one wants to deviate sometimes from his weight loss diet, eating the meaty treats at McDonald's could be not so damaging at all to the diet especially when the bun is not included. This kind of eating is termed "low-carb diet", which can sometimes make a person lighter by a pound or two, even when he eats at McDonald's two times a week.

Others add tomatoes, onions, and slices of cucumber as they eat McDonald's meaty burgers for breakfast or at most times, for dinner. Eating low-carb foods can be good to weight loss diets especially when its nature is purported to promote calorie restriction. With McDonald's meats, energy is not reduced. In fact, meats can be a good source of protein which is essential in building muscles. Energy is needed in that activity.

Some people feel guilty though when they turn sideways from their traditional weight loss diet. However, depending on the package, eating McDonald's meats can actually be within calorie restriction. This is effectively done by not adding ketchup or mustard into the burger. There is no worry on its taste for the patties at McDonald's taste great.

For its cheese though, you may need to do some research on its nature. Sometimes, cheese can be deceiving. We sometimes think that it is safe to eat it when in truth it is not.

Food Recipes DVD Cooking Network Foods


How to Sew Neckties With Your Kids

With our fast paced lives, it is always important that we spend enough time with our kids. Your time together can be spent creatively which would allow your kids to explore their creativity and take it to different heights. There are a lot of crafts that you can do with your kids including sewing a simple necktie.

Sewing simple neckties with your kids can be a very fun activity that does not require too much effort. After you're done with your project, you can give it to dad for father's day or to grandpa for his birthday.
Here's how to do it:

1. The first thing that you have to do is to gather all the materials that you need. For your necktie, you need silk or polyester fabric, stiff paper or poster board for your pattern (if you would use one), scissors, ruler, sewing machine, and, of course, threads. You can let your kids choose the fabric that they want. It can have loud designs in very loud colors but let them-they're kids, in the first place. You can borrow one of dad's necktie as a pattern to help you achieve your desired look.

2. When drawing a pattern, you need four pattern pieces. Ask your one of your kids to draw a like in your board that is 30 inches. Measure five inches from the first line, and then again draw another line that is 25 inches long. Obviously, the lines should angle out because neckties grew wider towards the bottom. Connect both lines at the top by drawing an angled line. Draw a triangle at the bottom and voila! Your pattern is just like dad's tie-only slightly bigger.

3. For the back of your tie, you need to follow the same pattern although this time, do not angle the lines and draw them a little shorter. The two final pieces of your tie-pattern are the tip of tie and the end of the back. The front triangle piece should be at least 7.5 inches tall and the back should be 6 inches tall.

4. Cut the fabric and this is something that you have to do yourself instead of your kids. Put the pattern on top of the fabric and cut it accordingly. Pin the tops of the two long pieces together while making sure that the right sides of the tie face each other. Sew the seams and you can even have your kids do it because these features only short and straight seams.

5. After doing so, you need to connect the two triangles at the foot of the front of the tie with the tip of the back of the tie. Here, the right sides should also face each other. You need to sew the edges together, and turn the triangles. The right side should be now visible.

6. To finish off, fold your tie halfway (in the long way). Again, sew along the edge but leave at least an inch unsewn so you can turn the tie inside out.

7. After turning it inside out, your necktie is now finished and ready for wrapping.

Steak Books


What is a "Footer?"

If you are having a home built, you may have heard this term and not realized what the builder was talking about. The "footer" refers to the underground support of your basement or foundation walls. Many times, this is not something the average homeowner ever sees, but it is the most important part of support, when it comes to your home and the way your foundation will settle. There are important width and depth requirements for the concrete footing that supports your basement walls. The concrete should be sturdy and mixed in the density that is required by building codes.

While many foundation inspections might include a "footer" inspection during new home construction, it is important that this is the case. If not, you will want to be sure and inspect it yourself, because a footer that is not wider than your basement walls and deep enough to add support with the ground around it is like building a basement wall on sand, it is going to lean or worse, as the weight of the home is built on top. Many times, homeowners won't see this important part of the foundation before backfill is put on top and around it. This is a process you should make sure is important to your builder and a question to ask if you are having a home built.

Most footings are supposed to be dictated by building code, but there are ways that some builders get around cheaper "footers", which take less concrete, depending on the scope of the foundation inspection. If it is inspected after completion, it is possible that they are only inspecting the internal appearance of the "footer" or the reverse. Most reputable builders will not skimp on this important building component, but sometimes there are ones that do. The other thing to consider is the composition of the land your home is being built on, so there are different "footer" recommendations and building codes in different parts of the country.

The general rule, when no building codes exist, is that the looser the ground the home is being built on, the wider and deeper the footer needs to be to give adequate support. Obviously, there is a difference in building a home into rock, than there is in sand. The idea of the concrete footing is to support the walls and balance them, giving them a foundation to rest securely on and to help distribute the load. You might think of a "footer" as the foundation for the foundation of your home. This is the reason it is so important.

Most building codes will require that footers are several inches, or over a foot wide and should be several inches or over a foot deep, with concrete that is very dense, for support. Some building codes will require concrete testing of the mix that is used to pour the "footer", so you can rest easier if you have strict building codes and inspection requirements in place. If not, it is a subject that should be approached with your builder and make sure that you understand the exact requirements and the planned specifications for your "footer", and it should all be spelled out in any contracts, when you are having a home custom built.

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Can Polyps Be Cancerous?

You probably already know that lung cancer is the number one cancer killer. But do you know what type of cancer is number two? It's colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer causes more than 650,000 deaths worldwide every year. You might find this hard to believe, but colon cancer actually starts from very tiny and humble beginnings. Small masses of cells called polyps begin to grow in your colon. By themselves, they represent no real danger. But over a period of five to 10 years, it's possible for these polyps to become cancerous. So you can begin to see why colon health is so important.

Cancer is the result when the normal growth and division of cells in your body gets out of control. When you think about it, the cells are really quite miraculous. Your entire body is made up of cells, and they tend to grow, divide and generally take care of themselves without any conscious input from you. But sometimes things go awry. Instead of growing new cells as and when needed, cancerous growth continues when there is no need for new cells.

In your colon, this extra growth may initially take the form of small polyps. The mere existence of polyps in your colon does not mean that you have colon cancer. But there is a very good chance that over a period of years, one or more of these polyps could become cancerous. Because there are no symptoms at the beginning, the only way to detect polyps is with a test called a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy uses a tiny camera on a flexible fiber-optic cable. After some sedation and some lubrication, the camera is inserted into your rectum and threaded up through your lower intestine. The colonoscopy operator and the doctor were able to view the inside of your intestine in real time and search for any abnormalities. The process sounds both embarrassing and painful, but colonoscopy is absolutely essential to maintain good colon health, especially if you are at risk for colorectal cancer. Age is the greatest risk factor. About 90% of all cases of colorectal cancer occur in people over the age of 50.

During the colonoscopy, if your doctor discovers any polyps in your colon, he may take a small sample to determine if they are cancerous. In some cases, your doctor may remove the entire polyp during the colonoscopy. There's no cause for immediate alarm even if your doctor does discover polyps in your colon. There are actually several different kinds of polyps and not all of them are at risk for becoming cancerous. Adenomas are the polyps with the greatest risk for becoming cancerous and are often removed as soon as they are found. Once again, if you have a colonoscopy and your doctor discovers the presence of polyps, stay calm. Polyps in the colon, even adenomas, are actually quite common and are routinely found and removed in colonoscopies.

Can a regular colon detox prevent the formation of precancerous polyps? Although no definitive link is been established by clinical research, regular colon cleansing could help you avoid development of polyps. One of the risk factors for colorectal cancer is incomplete emptying of your colon. By paying more attention to colon health and performing a regular colon detox, it's possible for you to be lower your risk of developing dangerous precancerous polyps.

Another risk factor for colorectal cancer is inactivity. When your lifestyle is characterized by lack of activity, waste actually stays in your colon longer. The slow movement and build up of waste in your colon could lead to negative colon health outcomes.

Low fiber, high fat diets have also been implicated in the development of polyps and subsequent growth of colon cancer. Changing your diet and lifestyle could lead to a dramatic improvement in your colon health. By filling your diet with fiber-rich foods and cutting back on fatty foods, you will be greatly lowering your risk for the development of colon cancer. As you start out on this new diet and lifestyle, you may wish to try a colon cleanse and complete colon detox. This will facilitate the emptying of your colon and accelerate your progress toward overall wellness.

Culinary Institute Books


3D Movies - Now Available Not Only in Theaters, But Also at Home!

A good number of motion picture aficionados make it available and use up money, time, and effort for their personal home theater. They set up large screen television sets, refurbished theater seats, and sometimes it is even complete with food counter for cold beverages and popcorn. Now, with the latest advancement in technology, 3D is possible at home.

The technology for motion pictures at continuum improves vastly, for the reason that the demand from movie goers has immensely surged. Even the manufacturing of DVD players has also improved. There are currently DVD players which are transportable; however their monitors are rather small. Ones that play High Definition are also available. Now, there is a new one that is available in the market, the 3D DVD player.

Improvement of the manufacturing of the players gives rise to the coming within reach of accessing 3D innovation within the home. This is both convenient and pleasurable, especially to motion picture aficionados.

Most motion pictures aficionados also spend for and collect DVDs; some even invest in the Up-to-the-minute and latest devices such as HDTVs and other domestic devices. The 3D DVD player together with an HDTV will surely be any motion picture aficionado's definitive dream.

The player is not difficult to handle and install, however device owners should be acquainted with on how this works. The 3D player best works together with an HDTV and 3D glasses for the ultimate 3D experience. But some players will not have the need for excessive conditions.

Purchasing a 3D DVD player does not necessarily mean that the owner will need other high technology appliances for it to work. The player may still be able to cooperate with DVDs which are not in 3D configuration. Because of the step up in its innovation, the player find its way to put together the resolution of the TV monitor, varying on the television being used. Its innovation makes it automatic to work within a given television set.

The 3D DVD player is absolutely for the motion pictures aficionado, because not only is it convenient and handy, but also entertaining. Considering the lengthy approach, it may save a hefty sum of money considering that instead of going and paying for the 3D movie houses, DVDs may be watched endlessly within the comfort of home.

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