
McDonalds Applications - A Fast Hiring Job

Are the McDonalds applications the cure for the unemployment situation that we are currently experiencing? I think so. A job like this can employ both teenagers and adults alike, to include the elderly. After all this is the right job to tie together a social security retirement check with the obvious bills that need to get paid. McDonalds is an equal opportunity employer and no one company does a better job of mixing the ratio of teenagers and adults to come together and give us quality service, and great tasting food.

Long has the McDonalds applications been a job worth applying for. This job can offer you the following, if you are just starting out in the employment field. Teaching you virtues like responsibility, dependability, team-work, efficiency, and flexibility. All key to the overall success of a company and the individual growth for employment. This job is not necessarily always a stepping stone for another job, but if that is the route that you take, then you have laid the foundation to be successful in another job.

When you apply for a job there are many things to consider. One of course being the pay, after all, no one person would work if they did not need money. Now for some teenagers that need to start earning some income for their own bills and to help out their parents, exactly how much they make an hour, may not be as important as the opportunity to earn money. The McDonalds applications offer you that opportunity. One of the most important items to bring with you to any job application process, is a few letters of recommendation. This is something that I preach to all the teenagers that come to me for help with a part-time job or seasonal job. Go back to your teachers now before the holiday break, or Summer break and ask them to please do a letter of reference, you will be amazed at how willing they would be to do this for you. These letters should point out some of the highlights that you have displayed as a student in the classroom setting, and should not come from a parent or relative. Try to get these letters from people that are professional and of no relation to you, in order to give the letter of recommendation the best value.

Applying for a job with the McDonalds job application is only one of many options available to you for employment, all options should be considered and explored, get ready to make the year 2010 your year for employment and success.

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Gypsy Diarys of Momie Lupe Episode 1

First episode ''when Lupe meets her love''Gypsy mcdonald mcdonalds Burger King Wendys Gipsy Gypsys Gipsys Fast Food Funny Jokes BJ Jersey Boys Argentineboy973 XXX Web Cam Hawt Girls Sexy Sex BJ HJ Gwnn Bruce Miami XXX XXX WWE WCW WII XBOX360 PSP PS2 PS3 Iphone Hack Leave Britney...

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mcdonald's Commercial: Baby

Cute commercial from mcdonalds. From Adeaters.


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Make this your year! Lets pray Mcdonalds picks up my jingle in 2010 lol! Game on! -Qaadir

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Open Me - Shawn Mcdonald (legendado)

[legenda em Pt.] PS: apartir do 3:40 acaba o video, ok. haha --------------------------------------- Open Me- Shawn Mcdonald Would You open up eyes, so I can see Would You open up my ears, so I can hear Would You open up my mind, so I can know Would You open up my heart, so could love You more I want to serve You, my God I want to give everything I want to serve You, my King, yeah I want to serve You, my Lord I want to give You everything, yeah Here I am with my arms open wide Asking for You to come up, up inside Won't You make me new, won't You make me true Jesus, won't You make me like You, oh Will You touch my eyes so I can see Will You touch my ears so I can hear Will You touch my mind so I can know Will You touch my heart so I can love You more Won't You open me Won't You open me, open me Won't You open me, open me Won't You open me, open me Won't You open me, open me

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Wizard Of Oz According to 4 Year Old

mcdonald's Happy Meals had collector's Wizard of Oz dolls so we tried to buy them all!! And after watching the Wizard of Oz movie for the first time, I asked Sophia to tell me the story while it was still fresh in her mind. A few years later I added the annotations to make it more interesting for those who have already seen this video to come back and see it again. Our theme song "Look to the Children" written for us by Sequoya Sophia Age 4 Isabella Age 21 months SUBSCRIBE so we can make more videos! TWITTER Where I post our latest news! FACEBOOK Sophia's BLOG Copyright © Mugglesam We do not allow downloading of our videos, but we do encourage you to embed them. Questions? Contact me directly.

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Spyware Doctor Review - Is it Really the Best Antispyware Software?

Is Spyware Doctor really the best antispyware software available today or is it all just hype? Let's take a deeper look to find out how effective it really is and examine some key features before we answer that question.


Spyware Doctor is manufactured by PC Tools, and was previously part of the Winguides group which was formed in 1998 and in 2004 PC Tools was branded and formed. The company offers a wide range of computer security software, including antivirus, antispyware, and registry cleaners. Those products have earned PC Tools a good number of industry awards, including "best of" rewards from some highly reputable sources as Cnet, PC World, and PC Magazine to name a few.

PC Tools also employs over 200 people in 5 countries - including the US, UK, Australia, Ireland, and the Ukraine.

Setup/Ease of Use

While you can get Spyware Doctor from your local Best Buy or Circuit City, you can also download it to your computer right from the comfort of your own home. Installation is simple and fairly quick so you literally can be up and running in minutes.

The user interface is very easy to navigate and use, with large buttons in the middle for the most common tasks.


Spyware Doctor boasts one of the largest spyware databases so you can feel good knowing that it can detect almost every type if spyware and adware that is out there and lab results have proven that to be true.

When compared to other antispyware software, Spyware Doctor has consistently outperformed the others in terms of sheer number of infections and found, as well as the ability to completely remove the infections that it does find.

While there have been instances in which it failed to detect spyware that was preinstalled in a lab environment, however regardless of what any company itself tells you - no antispyware software will absolutely find and clean everything 100% of the time.


- Automatic Updates
- Scan Scheduler
- Real Time Protection
- Home Page Protection
- Backup and Restore Capability
- Hacker Defense - the software is very difficult for hackers to compromise
- Pop Up Blocker
- Site Guard alerts you of malicious websites before you visit
- Behavior Guard warns you of zero day spyware by warning you of malicious activity
- Vista Supported


This is an area where Spyware Doctor could use some improvement. While they do offer a knowledgebase of FAQs online, your only option of contacting them is via an email submit form on their website. A company with as high a profile as PC Tools should offer some type of live support, either via phone or web chat.


All things considered, Spyware Doctor - packed with features, simple to use and install, and largely effective is one of the best antispyware software programs available today. But is it the absolute best?

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The Insanity of Ronald mcdonald 26

Beprepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald mcdonald. As a request from one of my suscribers, tomahawkmanexe0, I have found an epic remix of "Dancing Mad" from the Final Fantasy series. I hope this makes him happy . . . but not to happy or Ronald will find him . . . Not made by me MCドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・m Final Fantasy boss music Batman,Joker,Superman,Pokemon D/P,Ren and Stimpy, Obama, Fred, youtube poop, warlusguy, makemebad35, jamesnintendonerd, Halo 3, Gears of war 2, Xbox 360, Wii, PS3 sucks ass, Extreme Maddness, BMX, Mcdonalds

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Vaughan Williams - Tuba Concerto - I.

Recorded at the Singletary Center for the Arts on 18 December 2008. The soloist is Beth mcdonald, and Tedrin Blair Lindsay is rocking out on the piano. (Live and unedited performance.)

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The Adventures of Mark Twain Pt. 1

Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard the interplanetary balloon of Mark Twain. Twain, disgusted with the Human Race, is intent upon finding Halley's Comet and crashing into it, achieving his "destiny." It's up to Tom, Becky, and Huck to convince him hat his judgment is wrong, and that he still has much to offer humanity that might make a difference. Their efforts aren't just charitable; if they fail, they will share Twain's fate. Along the way, they use a magical time portal to get a detailed overview of the Twain philosophy, observing the "historical" events that inspired his works.

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For Instant Hemorrhoid Relief Learn the Latest Tips and Tricks

Hemorrhoids are a common ailment, but many people aren't willing to talk about it. Because the subject is so embarrassing, hemroid sufferers tend to suffer in silence, even though relief is not that difficult to obtain. In almost all hemoroid cases, there's no need to visit a doctor. In fact, you may not even need to purchase medication. A few simple actions you can take at home will provide quick hemorroid relief. Add a few lifestyle changes, and you may never be troubled by hemorrhoids again. Let's take a look at the latest tips and tricks for hemorrhoid relief.

Avoid the pressure. Hemorroids occur when the blood veins around your rectum and anus become swollen and inflamed. The number one reason behind the swelling and inflammation is higher than normal pressure, usually due to constipation and straining during your bowel movement. The trick is to transform your difficult and strenuous bowel movements into soft and easy bowel movements. Fiber and fluids are the best way to accomplish this. Eat more fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and drink more fluids (water is best). Once you start to ease the pressure of difficult bowel movements, you'll begin to get some hemroid relief. While you're waiting for the fiber and fluids to work their magic, try lubricating your rectum with a small amount of petroleum jelly.

Take warm baths. Warm baths are an excellent way to accomplish hemorrhoid relief. It's best if you can soak in the warm water several times a day. It should provide some immediate relief from the pain and itching, and increased blood flow to the area will accelerate healing.

Don't scratch. The itching of hemoroids can be distracting and even maddening at times. Scratching may provide some quick hemorroid relief, but in the long run it will do more damage and may inflame and irritate your hemorrhoids even more.

Try witch hazel. Without a doubt, the external application of witch hazel is the hemroid relief tip suggested most often by hemorrhoid sufferers. Witch hazel actually helps blood vessels to shrink and contract back to normal size. And here's another tip: try putting the witch hazel on ice before you use it. Getting the witch hazel as cold as possible before applying it seems to multiply the hemoroid relief effect.

Take stoneroot. If you would like to try an herbal remedy for hemorroid relief, you should give stoneroot a try. Among herbal formulations, stoneroot seems to be the most effective. It normally comes in capsule form that you can take once a day (or as directed by an experienced alternative health practitioner).

Be gentle when cleaning. If possible, use toilet paper that has moisturizers or lotions added. Try to avoid any toilet paper with added perfumes or dyes. A really good tip for making your toilet paper more gentle is to dampen it with water before use. That can help soothe the irritation and help keep you clean without risking more inflammation.

Choose creams. Over-the-counter medications may provide some basic hemorrhoid relief, but they won't really have a lasting effect on the cause of your hemroids. Creams are probably better than gels. The only exception may be aloe vera gel, which can provide good hemorroid relief. Don't bother with the suppositories--they treat the wrong area and probably won't help with the itching, burning or pain.

Lose weight. If you're overweight, it could be contributing to your hemoroids. Losing weight and being more active will provide lasting hemorrhoid relief. Reduce your salt intake as much as possible. Having extra salt in your system will cause you to retain fluid. Extra fluid will inevitably lead to bulging veins, which is just the opposite of what you need if you're looking for hemroid relief.

Follow your urges. When you have the urge to use the bathroom, don't delay any more than necessary. Also, don't try to go when you don't have the urge. That will just lead to extra straining and make your hemorroids worse instead of providing hemroid relief.

You can find hemorrhoid relief by following the tips and tricks above. But if you don's see improvement or if the bleeding worsens, don't hesitate to seek a doctor's care.

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Creative Writing - Where Do I Start My Conversation

Pretend you are telling your best friend your story by writing them a letter. Imagine they have been away on an extended vacation and you are excited to bring them up to speed on what has been happening while they have been away. You have sooo much to tell them. That means you will be explaining what you are sharing in depth and engaging your emotions so your content is rich with your feelings. Put in ALL of the juicy details. Especially what you would most like to know if you were away and getting a letter from home.

Conversational writing is one of the fastest ways to become comfortable with learning to put your thoughts onto paper and for you to experience the joy of communicating with writing. As you are telling your story in this manner, it becomes easy and fun. When writing this way the words flow from your heart. Because they are genuine, they touch the one who receives them at their heart level and the words become special messengers.

The creative part comes into play as you remember to include all of the information. Give as much of a description as you can about what is happening in the events you are sharing. Make it fun for them to read. Add in as many personal details as possible.

Letters from friends or someone special can be the source of such comfort and can bring repeated pleasure to the ones who receive the letter(s), often being re-read on a frequent basis. Whenever they need a lift, they can experience the words again and find themselves back in the feeling. The same thing is true of your favorite book or article. It is saved for repeated readings.

See writing as creative sharing and you will find it a pleasure to do. Consider what has brought joy to you and remember that same thing will bring joy to others. Share your story--we are all waiting to read all about it.

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SMF Royal Fumble 2008, Part 7

The Royal Fumble 2008 match continues! BAH GAWD!

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Ronald mcdonald Ranking SP in (1of2)

ドナルドランキングSP Introducing a nice video fromニコニコ動画より転載) to(2of2) v=kutr2ffwrp0 50:v=juvk2fmz4ms 49:v=emhqnzpemz4 48:v=kwxxts-I59Q 47:v=vj8px9latzk 46:v=7j18a_eaew8 45:v=wqist5cw--Q 44:v=C_-rpeq-BIQ 43:v=fvtcpnpcglo 42:v=3dvmhzpdoow 41:v=kvdi0gzuzly 40:v=v1l_trneyga 39:v=_nm_al7qqra 38:v=_nu1e7knrdw 37:v=nx7cy6zpxma 36:v=itkfpbyjvsu 35:v=ygkqlrfmjc0 34:' 33:v=8t5wb0cifxk 32:v=-vmaequjtjg 31:v=x5qzpal7bna pickup1:v=ct22nxu1mna pickup2:v=87t8afllahm pickup3:v=vswrwyybbya 30:' 29:' 28:v=ugxgyz45hee 27:v=qk4vf9n95vc 26:v=_rcud1cjzt8 25:' 24:v=5kyruap1gz0 23:v=jwvynmqujlq 22:v=jogrkjbytws 21:v=itvjwjloe9c

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Safe Natural Treatments for Head Lice

If you are like most parents, you want a safe and effective
treatment for head lice. Most treatments are toxic and are
not recommended for toddlers. Here are three different
treatments from parents. As always, this is not medical
advice. Please check with your doctor if you have any


Combine 1/2 tsp. each of Eucalyptus, Pennyroyal and
Rosemary. Then add 2 1/2 tbls. pure olive oil. An Adult
needs to try the mixture on his/her skin to make sure it
doesn't burn. If it does, add more olive oil. After washing
your child's hair with very hot water (as hot as the child can
stand!) Comb the oil mixture through hair with a regular
comb (throw away kind) Then use a flea comb, comb out
any nits or eggs. Tie a cotton scarf around child's head and
leave on over night. It may tingle, but if it burns wash out
immediately and dilute the mixture and try again.


Wash hair with a good tea tree shampoo. This should take
care of the lice, however if necessary repeat the treatment.
To prevent lice (when it has been reported in your child's
school) rub tea tree oil or sassafras oil into the scalp.


A natural alternative to killing head lice is to use
mayonnaise. Cover the entire scalp and hair with
mayonnaise, cover with plastic wrap and leave on about half
an hour. Shampoo and remove all the nits or eggs.


For best effectiveness, use a safe, pure soap like Botanic
GOLD(TM) and carefully follow the directions below. Every step
is important.

On a dry head, start at the nape of the neck along the
hairline and work around the head saturating the hair as you
go moving towards the crown where the hair is tied up.
Remove the clips or pony tail and continue to apply the soap
using enough to completely saturate the hair.

Massage the head and work into lather then comb through
hair to ensure coverage (use a metal, regular toothed
comb). Wrap or tie the hair back up on top of the head. Every
ten minutes or so, massage the hair until 30 to 40 minutes
(Reapply if necessary to keep moist.) The next day, follow
the instructions above "THE NEXT MORNING".

NOTE: DO NOT USE Botanic Insecticidal Soap.

Sanitation Instructions for ALL Treatments

Lice are highly contagious and it is extremely important that
they are eliminated as fast and completely as possible.
When lice are first detected, it is wise to launder everything
with which the infected person has come in contact. Use hot
water and a non-toxic liquid soap.

Copyright © 2005 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

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Mad TV - Job Interview.

A manager must deal with an insane, prospective employee who constantly plays the race card to justify her actions. ~One of my favs!!

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What is a Legal Separation in Divorce?

When a couple gets a legal separation, it is a lot like a divorce. It will involve the same process of filing papers with the court to start a legal action. The court will then have to make the decisions about where the children will live, debts, and assets in a divorce. At the end of the process, the parties are legally separated instead of being actually divorced. This means that they are still married but not responsible for each other and what the other party does.

A legal separation is the best thing to do in the last stages of couples not getting along. It can be a way of taking a break and finding out what each party wants. There is no reason to rush into getting divorce for some people and it is a decision that has to be well thought out just as the marriage should have been.

Sometimes when people are on a legal separation, they will try and work things out. However, there are some cases, where it will not work and the parties' involved want to get a divorce. One year after the legal separation is granted, one of the parties can petition to convert the separation to a divorce. They can do this without further hearings and the other party cannot prevent it from happening. People will sometimes prefer the separation instead of a divorce because of their religious beliefs or for insurance purposes.

If the party then decides to get a divorce, it will terminate their marriage. In order to do that, parties involved will go to court and decide how to handle questions of the children and how to divide their marital property. Each party is going to be responsible for one half of the marital debts.

Marital property is anything that the couple bought while they were married. It does not matter whose name the property is in or who actually purchased it. Bank accounts, pensions, and stocks are marital property even if they are held in one name only. Property brought into the marriage is still marital depending on the length of the marriage and what type of property it is. The court will be as fair as it can and sometimes the parties involved will make the right choices about being fair in the divorce.

It is always a good thing when a couple can make the appropriate decisions about how things should be split up before actually going to court. Both parties should have attorneys and this will help things progress along without having to worry about any legalities. This is the best way to protect each party's assets and to make sure that the proceedings are fair.

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Eczema treatment for children with severe eczema

If you find that is coming up with a solution to eczema your child is a challenge, you should find this a tremendous help to treat eczema. Wet wrap therapy has been proven a good job, do-re hydrating the skin and calm the itching. It turns out that the children respond, have raised no other wet-wrap treatment eczema treatments. The answers were that after a week three quarters of the itch had subsided, and more hours were more than sleep peacefullypreserved.

Wet packs are an eczema treatment, soothes skin, which strengthens inflamed, gets rid of the itching and reduces the chance of infection. The correct procedure is to your baby's skin directly after bathing him in a bathroom treat moisture that is good for eczema. A wet dressing (will) with hot water then used in all areas where it affects eczema. A dry dressing is then performed, and for the wet. This locks in moisture and keeps the wet wrap available. MostThe advantage can be seen that treatment of eczema in the first hours, but as long as the wrap tolerated and they were set, will be up to a period of 24 hours. The goal of this treatment is to have eczema moisturizers go deep into the skin. The wrap also reduces the amount of damage caused by scratching, which helps lower the risk of causing infections of the skin.

Wet packs can be used on any part of the body including the face. You can imagine that a direct benefitYou will immediately receive it will be less skin damage from scratching. The winding in most cases is to bring relief from itching, it should also lower the need to scratch in the first place. If it is not scratch the skin has a chance to heal.

Wet wrap eczema treatments penetrate are also a good support with moisturisers and topical creams and ointments to the skin.

A big mistake that you should avoid it is to the children of hot baths, where a flare-up isunderway. The hot bath takes exacerbated an already troubling situation. In any responsibility eczema treatment you will receive the instruction to keep hate off the hot baths and showers, whether hot or cold. It is better to eczema and to accustom people to continue to take warm baths. Hot water dries the skin and gives histamine. The combination of dry skin and histamine are the major catalysts for eczema. A warm bath on the other side will allow the skin to keep its naturalLubricants.

It is also a good idea if the eczema to avoid undergoing treatment with washcloth. To remove more than dirt from the body. They love to remove hot water, essential oils, which are necessary for the health of the skin.

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K-1 WGP Best KO Highlights

1. Ray Sefo vs. Pele Reid 2. Ernesto Hoost vs. Jefferson Silva 3. Alexey Ignashov vs. Pavel Majer 4. Ernesto Hoost vs. Cyril Abidi 5. Alexey Ignashov vs. Mike Bernardo 6. Cyril Abidi vs. Francois Botha 7. Francois Botha vs. Aziz Khattou 8. Michael Mcdonald vs. Marvin Eastman 9. Michael Mcdonald vs. Kelly Leo 10. Brecht Wallis vs. Carter Williams 11. Mighty Mo vs. Scott Lighty 12. Mighty Mo vs. Brecht Wallis 13. Mighty Mo vs. Gary Goodridge 14. Kaoklai Kaennorsing vs. Mighty Mo 15. Glaube Feitosa vs. Carter Williams 16. Glaube Feitosa vs. Gary Goodridge 17. Naoufal Benazzouz vs. Aziz Khattou 18. Ray Sefo vs. Ruslan Karaev 19. Scott Lighty vs. Tatsufumi Tomihira 20. Ruslan Karaev vs. Freddy Kemayo 21. Ruslan Karaev vs. Azem Maksutaj 22. Mighty Mo vs. Francois Botha 23. Jerome Le Banner vs. Gary Goodridge 24. Badr Hari vs. Stefan Leko 25. Glaube Feitosa vs. Musashi 26. Paul Slowinski vs. Jason Suttie 27. Peter Aerts vs. Hiraku Hori 28. Stefan Leko vs. Ruslan Karaev 29. Chalid "Die Faust" Arrab vs. Gary Goodridge 30. Naoufal Benazzouz vs. Attila Karacs 31. Alexey Ignashov vs. Petr Vondrachek 32. Ray Sefo vs. Ruslan Karaev 33. Glaube Feitosa vs. Musashi 34. Remy Bonjasky vs. Gary Goodridge 35. Glaube Feitosa vs. Ruslan Karaev 36. Kyotaro vs. Melvin Manhoef 37. Peter Aerts vs. Glaube Feitosa 38. Mighty Mo vs. Hong Man Choi 39. Badr Hari vs. Ruslan Karaev 2 40. Yusuke Fujimoto vs. Musashi 41. Junichi Sawayashiki vs. Jerome Le Banner 42. Ray Sefo vs. Semmy Schilt 43. Badr Hari vs ...

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80's Commercials Vol. 110

These aired on April 14th, 1984 on CBS. 1. Coming Up Next On "Saturday Supercade"..."Q*bert" 2. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumper 3. mcdonald's (Lay off the hallucinogens before bed, Ronald!) 4. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumper 5. Promo for "Dungeons & Dragons" (Looks incredibly cheesy and awesome. I should check it out) 6. CBS Station ID 7. WCBS TV PSA 8. Promo for "The Care Bears Battle The Freeze Machine" 9. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumper 10. Coming Up Next On "Saturday Supercade"..."Donkey Kong Jr." 11. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumper 12. Honey Comb 13. Best Of Friends Sweepstakes (I'm really not sure what to make of that giant Care Bear costume. And the noisemaker at the end sounds like a muffled scream) 14. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumpers 15. Chips Ahoy! (I count each and every cookie for chocolate chips, throw away the rejects, and then nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure) 16. Crest (Wow) 17. The Chipmunks Collectibles 18. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumpers 19. spaghettios (I find knock-off Muppets like these to be incredibly unsettling for some reason) 20. Go Bots (I'm not saying it's wrong for a parent to play with action figures, but it just looks...odd. It certainly never happened in my house) 21. C-3P0's (I kinda want to try these, but at the same time, I don't want to eat 25 year old cereal) 22. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumpers 23. Great Shape Barbie 24. CBS Saturday Morning Commercial Bumpers 25 ...

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Never assurance on Ronald mcdonald's.

mcdonald's: Bad to your Health.

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Ten Tips For Restful Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 70 million people in the United States are affected by a sleep problem. Americans suffering from chronic sleep disorders number about 40 million, and an additional 20-30 million are affected by intermittent sleep-related problems.

More importantly, studies have found a relationship between the quantity and quality of one's sleep and many health problems. For example, insufficient sleep may be linked to weight gain, hypertension, cardiovascular problems and the onset of diabetes.

Here is a list of tips for sleeping restfully. These tips are intended for "typical" adults with occasional sleep problems. This list is not for those with medical problems or necessarily for children.

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Our bodies have a natural clock and a regular sleep schedule conditions our physiology with a sleep-wake cycle. A regular waking time in the morning strengthens this cycle and can help the onset of sleep at night. It is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends when there is the temptation to sleep-in.

2. Bedtime DOs

Establishing a regular sleep routine will condition your mind and body to switch from activity to sleep. Your routine might include listening to soothing music, reading a book, a warm glass of milk or a warm soak in the tub (it should be done early enough that you are no longer sweating or over-heated). If you're lactose-intolerant, try an herbal tea with no caffeine. Another easy trick just before retiring is to dim the lights to tell your body it is time to rest.

3. Bedtime DON'TS

Avoid eating a heavy meal before bedtime. You should finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime and avoid spicy foods that may cause heartburn. In addition, many people think alcohol is a sedative, but it actually disrupts sleep, causing nighttime awakenings. Other things to avoid include caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate) and cigarettes (nicotine).

4. Your Bed is not a Desk

The only purpose of your bed is for sleeping and sex. DO NOT use it as a workspace for sorting out papers or working on projects. Create a healthy "body" relaxing environment and not a "brain" activity space. Remove work materials, computers and televisions out of your sleep environment.

5. Bedroom Harmony

Your bedroom should be pleasing, clutter-free and reflect the value you have for sleep. Your bed and pillows should be comfortable. Adjust the elements in your sleep environment such as light (dark is best), temperature and noise. If necessary, use blackout curtains, eye shades, ear plugs, air purifiers, humidifiers, fans and other devices.

6. Nurture Your Body

Visiting a holistic therapist each month will help release body tension, quiet the mind and correct any imbalances. The choices are unlimited, like acupuncture, massage, reflexology, chiropractic and more.

7. Exercise regularly

Avoid exercising late at night because it raises your body temperature and makes you more alert. If you exercise at night, complete your workout at least a three hours before bedtime. A great time to exercise is late afternoon.

8. Diet and Supplements

Feed your body healthy nutritional food with plenty of fresh green vegetables and fresh fruit. In addition, you can take a high quality supplement (liquid or tablet multi-vitamin) each day.

9. Resolve Mental and Emotional Issues

Unplug from your day and leave the office at the office. If you still have a list of things leftover it is best to write them down with a simple to-do list for the morning. Avoid having arguments unresolved. If you have an issue with something that was said, or are angry, then write your feelings in a journal and do a brain download. Do NOT re-read this journal. If you still have issues in the morning, then speak to that person or speak to a professional.

10. Don't Watch the Clock

If you can NOT fall asleep, it is best NOT to lie in bed and try to "force" yourself to sleep. Avoid checking the clock repeatedly. According to experts, if you do not fall back asleep within 15-20 minutes, you should get out of bed and go to another room. Try something relaxing such as listening to music or reading.

In conclusion, getting a good night sleep every night is important to recharge your body and mind. The quality of sleep and quantity of sleep is crucial for health, safety and longevity. Pleasant dreams and good night.

Copyright 2005 Wayne McDonald

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Registry Mechanic - Does the Performance Match the Hype?

If you've done any research on registry cleaners, you have inevitably come across Registry Mechanic at some point or another. It is one of the most popular and recognized registry cleaners on the market, but does it perform as well as all the hype suggests?

When looking for the best registry cleaner, there are definitely some key features to look for that can make the difference between a slight increase in computer performance and a significant and highly noticeable increase.

First and foremost, having the ability to perform a deep scan is a must. Many of the most serious and problematic errors are found a much deeper level within your computer's registry and having the ability to find and clean those errors is very important and Registry Mechanic has a very effective deep scanner built into it.

Equally if not more important in terms of increasing computer performance is the ability to optimize and compact your system's registry, and Registry Mechanic incorporates one of the most robust optimization and compacting tools in any registry cleaner on the market.

What this means is that not only will it fix any errors that it finds, but it will also reorganize and structure your registry in such a manner that allows your operation system and applications to find what it needs in a much more efficient manner, thus increasing your computer's performance significantly.

One other feature that Registry Mechanic includes within its software is the use of a Registry Monitor. This is equivalent to real time antivirus or antispyware protection in that the idea is to do preventive maintenance and cleanup errors and possible corruption before your registry becomes overwhelmed and sluggish.

Incorporating all of the above means that Registry Mechanic does a very effective job in cleaning your system's registry and significantly increasing your computer's performance, but the question you need answered is this - Is Registry Mechanic the absolute best registry cleaner that money can buy?

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Attract a Special Man's Interest

"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity."
--Oprah Winfrey

The holiday season is fast approaching. If you're like too many single women, you may dread the coming flurry of social events because you don't relish being a third wheel among a sea of seemingly happy couples.

That's a mistake. When you feel less-than-fantastic about yourself, you give off a vibe, and it's not attractive. Stop perceiving yourself a social liability. Recast yourself as the star you are: the exciting, confident, just-happens-to-be-available woman everyone wants to know.


Start by writing a list of your good qualities. Bring to mind the compliments you've received about your sense of humor, your great taste in clothes, your ability to analyze P/L ratios, or your gift for cooking. Whatever! Jot down the ones that resonate the most with you. Tape the list to your bathroom mirror and read it every morning when you brush your teeth.

If you remind yourself frequently of the things that make you special, you will begin to believe that you are special. And once you get that, everybody else will get it, too. Then watch out!

Don't go into debt, but do buy yourself a couple of items that will make you feel spectacular, perhaps a glittery pair of earrings (every store from Saks to Target is flooded with great costume pieces), a velvet shawl, or a strappy pair of shoes.

A week before the Christmas party or Thanksgiving dinner, start visualizing how you want the event to go for you. Feel it. See it. Smell it. Hear it. Taste it. Remember, what you think about, you bring about. Write the word "Visualize" on your to-do list. Visualizing circumstances as you want them will be critical to your success.

Will you meet the man of your dreams this holiday season?

It's definitely a possibility. One woman met her husband at a family Thanksgiving dinner, after he'd been invited by her brother to stop in for dessert. Another woman attended a wedding unescorted. She ended up meeting the future COO of a major Wall Street financial firm there. Three children later (along with a house in Greenwich, a house in Amagansett, and a helicopter to zip back and forth), they're still happily married.

But perhaps you won't meet a guy. Perhaps you'll meet somebody who knows a man who'd die to meet a woman like you, or maybe you'll just get practice in feeling great about yourself.

Remember, people who feel great about themselves tend to attract people who feel great about them, too.

Embrace the season!

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Star Trek Trailer (Spoof): William Shatner shows Chris Pine how to be Captain James T. Kirk

Frank TV spoofs the making of the new Star Trek movie. Frank plays William Shatner who shows up during the filming to help Chris Pine understand the role of Captain James T. Kirk

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The Truth about Sugar - Part 1 - Nutrition by Natalie

Nutrition by Natalie Sugar Shock How much sugar do you consume? You might be surprised just how much sugar there is in everyday food. In this video, Natalie shows you the shocking truth about how much sugar you're consuming. You will be surprised just how much sugar there is in common things like a soft drink, mcdonalds Value Meal, fast food, Starbucks drinks, etc. Natalie shows you how much sugar there is in certain food items including; blueberry muffins, orange juice, a poptart, Lucky Charms cereal, barbecue sauce, a Coke, Gatorade sports drink, a Starbucks Chocolate Frappuccino Mocha, a chocolate cake dessert and others. Natalie also talks about the relationship of sugar and high fructose corn syrup to weight gain, energy, diabetes and health. This video is an eye opener even if you aren't on a diet. Please visit Natalies website at This video was produced by Psychetruth http

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Professional Corporate Logo

A corporate logo is actually a part of a brand entity. It is something in which it's shape, color and typeface are all different from others in a similar market. An effective logo has to be one that is recognized instantly, while evoking some emotional response to the public. The well-designed or professional logo always works well in different sizes, and even in one color. Take for example Apple computer's logo of an apple with a bite out of it. It started out with many colors, but now is still recognizable throughout the world in a single color, red. Most think that a logotype is just a graphic symbol or sign, while it actually consists of either a name, or a sign and a name. Sometimes a slogan too is included in the logotype.

When it comes to creating a professional corporate logo, there are two approaches to adopt from. One says that you should maintain your own business identity close to your competitors' while another says that you should stand out from your competition. The better one is the image you project of your capability of giving a competitive advantage over your competitors. Hence, you should create an identity to prove that you are an innovator, and something different from others. Many things help you establish your identity, but nothing is as critical as your logo. You may feel that you cannot afford the services of a professional logo designer. However, in the long run, an inefficient or amateurish professional corporate logo costs you more in terms of lesser sales in your company, than a professional corporate logo!

While working with your professional logo designer, it is best to notice other company's logos to ask yourself what kind of image they project and why. Keeping this in mind, you too can get an idea for the proper logo for your establishment. Avoid a complicated logo. The simpler and more understated your logo is, the greater the impact it gives. not only that, simple logos are easier for the public to remember. Take for example the golden arches of McDonald's. Choose the colors wisely for your logo design as it is a significant element of the logo. Bright colors are always the strong attention getters, and can very much excite people. If you want to project the image that your company is hot and trendy, it is better to use the color red, yellow and orange.

Bold blocks used in the typestyle of the logo design invoke the image that the company is a strong and large one. For a classic or upscale image, it is better to use italics to evoke the image of the company. Once you determine the color and typeface of your logo, you may consider embellishing the logo with a single element like a line or border. Taglines too play an important part in the promotion of a logo. A tagline is the short and snappy group of words found underneath a logo. While you may stick with your logo permanently, the tagline may change as the company grows. In addition, the last point to remember in making your corporate logo stand out from the rest is by creating a unique logo as this avoids confusion in the marketplace, suppliers, clients and to the general public.

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Dating Advice - Worried He Won't Call? Do This

You met a great guy, hit it off, and felt seriously attracted. When
he said goodnight, he promised he'd call call you.

So far he hasn't, and you're worried. Should you:

a) Look his number up on the Internet and give him a call?

b) Call one of his friends to fish around and see how he's doing?

c) Become a fixture at the place where you met in the hopes he'll show up again?

The most successful women at love do none of these things. When a
man says he'll call them, they take him at his word. They exude a winning
attitude that says, "We'll see what happens."

In other words, if he calls, great. If not, well, too bad for him.

And they move on.

One woman was dating a very sought-after Irishman, and she was the envy
of many, many other females who wanted to be in her shoes. He was
well-employed, handsome, fiendishly clever, and he had the sexiest
brogue you ever heard.

At one point, I asked her, "How's Dave doing?"

She answered, "He's okay. He's not doing very much to keep us together,
so I think I'm going to have to forget about him."

Great attitude!

She maintained her attractiveness, dignity, and, sure enough, she eventually
attracted another man who did everything in his power to keep them "together."

Contrast her reaction to that of the Irishman's next girlfriend. She
found herself in the same position as the previous woman, but she prolonged the agony (and ensured
rejection) by calling the guy, sending him cards, showing up at the
laundromat where he washed his clothes, and so on. (She eventually
wised up herself, met and married another man, a most charming cardiologist.)

When you meet a promising guy, it's too easy to become fixated on him.
Don't do it! You're guaranteed to either get hurt or be taken for
granted. Adopt a "we'll see what happens" attitude. Let the guy prove himself
before you let yourself become vulnerable.

Besides, a "we'll see what happens" attitude is so much more alluring than "Will
he call? Do you think he'll call? I wonder why he didn't call! This
always happens to me! Why didn't he call? Was it my breath? Was it my

Instead, exude that fetching "we'll see what happens" attitude. Then see what happens!

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Glenn Beck talks with saf's advocate Alan Gura

Glenn Beck talks with saf's attorney, Alan Gura, about the US Supreme Court's grant of certiorari in mcdonald v. Chicago.

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Rapsusklei - Inefable

La ostia de tema de rapsus. Inefable Promo 2005 Letra: (yeah) Nocturnidad,dixlexia y poca voz de mando así es como ando,mi dolor sobre el mar navegando.No llegué a bahía y la sequía ansía su habitat.La habitación dolor renta per cápita.Ni la mitad,de la mitad de tus actos,puedo definirlos como actos,son impactos.Intacto,intacto quedo cuando vuelo alto,detrás del primer asalto en el asfalto me descarto,(por)por no ser uno mas, no ir a la moda,no seguir la bola de la trola del mcdonalds,cocacola,los moviles,coxes,la videoconsola.En un mundo de chichi o cola, Sigue ella bailando sola.Y yo sigo amarrado a mis angustias,frutos de odiseas no aceptadas en industrias,mustias flores que siempre se afincan en mi cama,jodido preso terminal de un poetico drama en la ventana. Del corazon y labios distraídos,habita en mi conciencia en ti con todos mis sentidos deprimidos, alegres y reversos impacientes, pro Dios le da pan a quien no tiene dientes (socorro,socorro)corro por tu hangar como un grafítero, tras conseguir su valiado tesoro en un simple trazo, muero por tu lazo de aumentar mas los problemas, pero ya me quemas yo no puedo amarte a plazos... Se acabó el perdóname por todo, preciosa, despues de malvivir no se hacer otra puta cosa, nose decidirme, pero siempre acabo en sustos, nunca llueve pa todos los gustos aunque... Yo danzo con la lluvia y con las olas, te hubiese dao mas de lo que me robas, mi corazon es, un cuarto trastero vaya a donde guardar las sobras no me jodas ...

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Unique Flowers accomplish a memorable gift!

Think "outside of the box" when sending your next floral gift! The possibilities are endless! Floral Design is an art and florists can customize a masterpiece of flowers!

Many florists put a sampling of arrangements on their websites for you to see, but don't feel confined to the photos! The most impressive arrangements are of an "original" design.

Ask the florist about any "specialty" flowers they may have in stock. Inquire about alternatives of greens, grasses, ruscus, palm leaves, etc. Have your local florist use a unique urn vase, a large basket or another unique container instead of a standard vase.

When in doubt, play to the senses, ask for aromatic lilies, roses and orchids in striking colors. Combined in a unique elegant vase, this floral gift will make quite an impression!

Tropical flowers offer a unique presentations as well. Their vivid colors and exceptional textures are far more dramatic than a standard daisy.

To ensure that your recipient receives what you asked for, be sure to order direct from the florist designing & delivering the order. Call Centers/Order Takers do not know what the florist has in stock, leading to substitutions. You can also be assured that your order will be filled to value when dealing with the florist that will be creating your floral gift. Why pay someone to order your flowers for you?!?! Call a florist directly. Call the florists that the middlemen call!

So, use your imagination! A unique gift of flowers customized by YOU will be very appreciated!

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Norm macdonald - David Letterman - 01-07-1998

Here is Norm macdonald on David Letterman after being fired from SNL.

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Private Practice Season 3 Episode 11 PART (3/5) Another Second Chance Watch Private Practice Season 3 Episode 11 12 Another Second Chance abc full episode S 3 E 11 S03E11 s03e12 premiere Amy Brenneman Violet Turner Charlotte King Cooper Freedman Sam Bennett Pete Wilder Pete Wilder Addison Forbes Montgomery Dr. new tv show series Kate Walsh Audra mcdonald Timothy Daly Taye Diggs Kadee Strickland three nine 11 ep12 ep11 preview recap music Private Practise s3 e11 finale episodes online tim great barrier reef 12 2010 january 14th Mark follows Addison to Oceanside hoping she will help him with his pregnant daughter. Meanwhile, Dell and Naomi have problems raising their children in the same house; and Violet and Cooper disagree on the course of treatment for a patient, resulting in a large argument.

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The Key to Meeting a Good Man is Repetition

It's critical that in your efforts to meet a man--a man who's worthy of you and makes you happy--that you employ repetition.

Repetition is key whether you're learning to speak a new language, or to use new equipment at the gym. In your effort to meet a new man, you'll also need to do certain things over and over to succeed.

I've written quite a bit about the benefit of showing up where the men are when you're ready to spark a new relationship. You get out of your comfort zone and find a bar (or a class, a bookstore café, or a coffeehouse) that tends to attract lots of men.

You go, and you go again. You don't show up just once and expect the man of your dreams to drop into your lap. The first time you go, you might meet somebody. Or maybe you won't. Perhaps nobody will even look twice at you, in which case you go again the following week. You keep going. As long as you like the place, and you've started to feel comfortable there, you make it your business to get there once a week. You become a familiar face.

Repetition also helps you to foster self-love, which is critical when you want to meet a man who'll make you happy. If you don't love yourself, nobody else will. If you don't love yourself, whatever men you do manage to attract will treat you poorly.

Bank on it.

You employ repetition in this case by using an affirmation: "I love myself, I approve of myself, and I am good enough." Write it 10-15 times a day. Repeat it out loud in the shower. After you brush your teeth, look yourself in the eye and say it. Keep this up for 30 days.

Repetition is your ally, so put it to work for you. Love yourself and consistently put yourself in situations where you're bound to meet men. You'll soon attract a man who's truly worthy of you-- a man who'll treat you with the love, respect, and kindness you truly deserve.

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Michael Jackson - Victory Tour Kansas - Things I Do For You - High Definition Best Quality

Michael Jackson & The Jacksons Victory Tour - Live In Kansas Things I Do For You Color corrected - sound improved rare HD by dj_oxygene_8 Thanks to Tino MJ The Victory Tour was the biggest and final concert tour of the United States and Canada in 1984 by The Jacksons. Beginning July 6 and ending on December 9, the tour included 55 concerts to an audience of approximately 2 million. It was named after the newly released Jacksons' album Victory although none of the album's songs appear on the tour's set list (Marlon confirmed it was because Michael refused to rehearse or perform them). The tour reportedly grossed $175 million and set a new record for the then-largest grossing tour. Following a controversy with the way tickets were purchased, lead-singer Michael Jackson donated his proceeds (approx. $5 million) from the tour to three charities, including the TJ Martell Foundation for Leukemia and Cancer Research, The United Negro College Fund, and the Ronald mcdonald Camp for Good Times.

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Mission Hills Golf Club & The World Cup of Golf in Shenzhen, China

At 216 holes, the Mission Hills Golf Club, outside the city of Shenzhen, China, is rated by the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest golf club. By itself, that claim to fame doesn't mean very much, but a look at the list of designers of various 18 hole sections of the course will tell you that this is an exceptional club by anyone's standards. Here are a few names attached to Mission Hills various tracks: Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman, Annika Sorenstam, Ernie Els, Vijay Singh, Nick Faldo, Jose Maria Olazabal, David Daval, Jumbo Ozaki, and David Leadbetter.

Come to China to see some of history's greatest monuments, some of the finest geography there is, to enjoy great food, to soak up some ancient culture, and especially come to spend some quality time with your new Chinese girlfriend, but if you want to get a little golf in while you're here, you'd better plan on an extra 12 days, because at 18 holes a day that's how long it will take you to play this magnificent golf club.

From November 22nd to 25th, 2007, some of the greatest golfers in the game came to Mission Hills to represent 28 different nations in the World Cup of Golf. Those players included Jose Maria Olazabal, Retief Goosen, Colin Montgomerie, Arron Oberholser, Mike Wier, Justin Rose and many more.

The game of golf in China is gaining popularity in leaps and bounds, and like anything else, when the Chinese take a liking to something they quickly make it their own, so don't be surprised to find Chinese professional golfers ranking among the best in World Cup of Golf events in years to come. And don't be surprised if soon China has as many golfers and golf courses as any country in the world, because Mission Hills Golf Club is just the beginning.

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Wacky Adventures of Ronald mcdonald: Visitors From Outer Space (2/4)

One day Hamburgler tries to trick Ronald and friends into thinking he saw aliens, so Ronald and friends go to the park and try to welcome the supposed aliens. Meanwhile, Hamburgler is stealing hamburgers from all the stands in mcdonald Land. Hambugler soon gets caught ad everyone is angry at him. After every walk away a mysterious fly saucer appears above Hamburgler and shines it's light on him. Hamburgler then started running and tried to call out for help, but no one believed him. After Hamburgler started crying a friendly alien kid came out laughing. Later, the kid alien's parents come and pick and up and ask if Hamburlger wants to come on their vacation and Hamburgler said yes, but a moment later when he found out that their vacation is over 2000 years he cries out for help. Ronald and friends then go and try to rescue him. This is the third episode of the Wacky Adventures of Ronald mcdonald series.

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Is It A Good Idea To Microwave Inspector Gadget?

$15 Microwave Shirts! Poll: Which Inspector Gadget ability would you like to have? Experiment #184: Inspector Gadget Inspector Gadget is a world-famous crime-fighting cyborg... but Jory is curious if he can solve the ultimate riddle: Escape from inside a microwave. So, you're probably wondering, Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This? Tune in to find out. Twice a week, microwave specialist Jory Caron microwaves different objects... so you don't have to! The "Jory Caron Microwave Laboratory 2.6" is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with tinfoil shielding, a ventilation system, emergency surge protectors, safety clothing, and many sexy microwaves. ** New Episodes Every Monday & Friday! ** +++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks to Craig for being the guest-introducer i And thanks to Logan Nolting for donating Inspector Gadget! +++++++++++++++++++++++ Support The Show! FAQ Video: Merchandise: Facebook: Live Show: Donate $$: Jon's Twitter: Jory's youtube: Riley's youtube: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Starring: Jory Caron, Riley mcilwain, & Jonathan Paula Filmed & Edited by: Jonathan Paula An ideo Production - © 2009.

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How To Create Gold From Water

Your mind is very powerful and yet many of us do not fully utilize the magic we can do. Everyday we are creating new experiences with our mind. Unfortunately a lot of us focus on our negative experiences and we are constantly in a stuck place.

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand that you could wave and make your problems disappear? Well you can by bringing your thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind.

This is the Creative Process of bringing subjective thoughts (ideas) to objective mind (results).

Life sometimes has challenges such as not enough paycheck at the end of the month, or meeting that special someone (or maybe just a date!), or finding a career that is fun, or dealing with co-workers or neighbors.

Believe it or not, you DO have the answers. The answer is to focus on the RESULTS and not the problem. If you focus on what you DO NOT want in a relationship, then that is all you will create. If you focus on bills and the lack of money, then your thinking will continue the cycle of debt. If you think about how people annoy you with constant complaining, then change yourself and stop complaining about your life.

There is nothing new here. But as humans, we tend to forget and need to be slapped in the head and reminded from time to time. To change the world around us, we must be willing to change our self first.

So what does that right relationship look like? What are the qualities you want in that person?

You can apply this Creative Process to any challenge you have. It only takes ten to twenty minutes a day to visualize and create a new reality. Now, sit quietly and clear your mind. Close your eyes and picture yourself with that special person. What are you wearing as you visualize this person? Where are you and what is the weather like - is it hot or cold? Is it a sunny or a cloudy day? As you create your picture utilize all your senses - smell, touch, taste and auditory. Continue breathing and relaxing, smile to yourself and really get your emotions charged to really feel and sense this picture.

Next, create a positive affirmation for yourself. For example, "I am in a happy loving relationship that fills more than my needs". Say this affirmation to your self ten times a day. Also, start a journal and write all the positive things about the relationship. Write this in present tense. For example, "Today we went dancing and afterwards we walked on the beach". Write five or ten sentences each night in your journal before you go to bed.

For the next 21-days read and speak aloud your affirmation. Do this for 21-days, saying your affirmation at least ten times a day. Write in your journal all the happy, loving, romantic and wonderful things that happened. Create in your mind that relationship that you want.

If you are starting to moan and complain about having to do some work, then ignore it. Our minds want to keep us safe. That is why we have all this chatter in our head. Our minds do not want us to get hurt again or have us be disappointed when nothing happens. Or even worse, what happen if we get into a relationship? If your mind is thinking "what if" this happens, then you are not living in the present or the now. What happens in the future is unknown and what the mind creates 98% of the time will never happen. And if the mind is thinking about the past, then that has already happened and it is old news and has no relevance on today. Live in the now and in the present moment.

Your goal is to create Water into Gold or to create thought into form. The Creative Process is based on scientific facts and the Laws of Nature. I would suggest you do this process yourself and NOT to share it with anyone else. Your mind wants to keep you safe and your friends will also try to keep you safe - why else would they be in you life. The Creative Process is about bringing thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind and to transform thought into form.

Yes, you can have a great, loving relationship. Yes, you can have abundance and prosperity in your life. Yes, you can have happy positive relationships with co-workers and neighbors. When you apply the Creative Process you must remember that you can only change yourself - not other people. People may stay the same, but we can choose how we relate to them and we can choose not to be bothered by their outer appearances of how they view the world.

Copyright 2005 Wayne McDonald

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Classic Mystery Writer, Ross Macdonald, Author Biographies

Ross Macdonald is the pseudonym for Kenneth Millar. He was born on December 13, 1915 in Los Gatos California. His father, John Macdonald Millar, was a sometimes newspaper editor, poet and athlete, and his mother, Anne (Moyer) Millar, was a nurse. Sometime after moving the family to Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, when Ross was about four years old, his father abandoned the family.

While he was growing up, Ross and his mother lived off and on with various relatives. Ross, even though academically inclined, was a troubled youth. He drank and smoked too much, fought with classmates, was a petty thief and enjoyed the pool hall and gambling.

Ross's father left an insurance policy that was enough to see him through four years at the University of Western Ontario where he obtained a teaching certificate. He also attended the University of Toronto for a year. He received an assistant teaching post at the University of Michigan where he also finished his schooling. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a PHD in Literature.

Ross Macdonald met Margaret Sturm, another aspiring author, while in high school. They reconnected and married in 1938. Their only daughter, Linda, died in 1970.

Ross joined the U.S Navy during WWII and was stationed in the Pacific off the coast of southern California. When Margaret came to visit him, she fell in love with the area and made the beautiful seaside town of Santa Barbara their home.

Ross Macdonald places his protagonist, the philosophic rough edged private detective, Lew Archer, in Santa Barbara, but changed the name to Santa Theresa. Many years later another mystery writer, Sue Grafton, did the same thing with her character, female private detective Kinsey Millhone. Sue Grafton wrote an introduction for the book, "Ross Macdonald, a Biography," by Tom Nolan.

Ross started his writing career under his given name. His wife was to become prominent as a suspense writer under the name Margaret Millar, so he started writing under the name John Ross Macdonald. Later he shortened it to Ross Macdonald because of possible confusion with another author, John D. Macdonald.

Although Ross earned good reviews throughout his writing career, it wasn't until the publishing of "The Goodbye Look" in 1969 that he became a best selling author in the United States as well as in Europe. In 1973 The Mystery Writers of America named him Grand Master.

In 1981, Ross Macdonald was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He died in Santa Barbara on July 11, 1983.

Books by Ross Macdonald:

Series: Chet Gordon (as Kenneth Millar)
The Dark Tunnel (1944)
Trouble Follows Me (1946)

Lew Archer
The Moving Target (1949)
The Drowning Pool (1950)
The Way Some People Die (1951)
The Ivory Grin (1952)
Find a Victim (1954)
The Barbarous Coast (1956)
The Doomsters (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) (1958)
The Galton Case (1959)
The Wycherly Woman (1961)
The Zebra-Striped Hearse (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) (1962)
The Chill (1964)
The Far Side of the Dollar (1965)
Black Money (1966)
The Instant Enemy (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) (1968)
The Goodbye Look (1969)
(The Underground Man (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) (1971)
Sleeping Beauty (1973)
The Blue Hammer (1976)
The Name is Archer (1955)
Archer in Hollywood (omnibus) (1967)
Lew Archer, Private Investigator 1977)

Archer at Large (1970)
The Lew Archer Volume One (1993)
The Lew Archer Volume Two (1994)
The Lew Archer Volume Three (1997)

Stand Alone Novels:
Blue City (1947) (As Kenneth Millar)
The Three Roads (1948)
Meet Me at the Morgue (1954)
The Ferguson Affair (1960)
Archer in Jeopardy (1979)

Strangers in Town: Three Newly Discovered Mysteries (2001)



DN MUGEN- All Stars #2: Colonel Sanders vs Giant Chicken

The Giant Chicken has been shutting down KFC restaurants recently. So, the next time that the Giant Chicken tries to shut down yet another KFC restaurant, the real Colonel Sanders came to fight the Giant Chicken... I play as Colonel Sanders... Colonel Sanders (Peg): Yes, this is Colonel Sanders, Giant Chicken's worst enemy! However, he speaks a mix of English and Japanese since he, like Ronald mcdonald, is made by a Japanese person. Colonel Sanders fights in a mvc style but in truth he is similar to Oswald from King of Fighters. He uses his fired chicken and cardboard representations of himself to attack his enemies. His cane is also his weapon (which seem to double up as a sword). Be careful! His reach is huge and he can quickly pull out powerful combos. Not to mention his AI can give Ronald mcdonald's AI a lot of pain! Note: he has a special intro with Ronald! I think you people should recognize The Giant Chicken made by Team SMRT. So I think he will not need any introduction... New site for download! View and Review!


Catalog Printing and a Call to Action Equals Sales

Your furniture business can reach more people by availing catalog printing services. Now you don't have to be contented with the sales that you're getting through a small store. Get your products known to many through this tool.

Catalogs can be an efficient marketing tool. But you have to remember one thing. Each piece must contain a call to action.

Call to Action

Actually, your every marketing tool must have this. You must motivate the recipients of your schemes to act upon what you're trying to tell them. You must not let each piece go unnoticed. You must create an impact.

This can be achieved though a lot of ways. Some of which includes the following.

o Include order forms with the catalogs and tell them the step-by-step ways that they can avail the furniture from you.

o Use promotional techniques like free delivery if they order within a period of time. A slash with the prices also works well in many occasions.

o State your complete contact details. You must be very clear on this part.

o Create excitement through your catalogs that people will be motivated to get in touch with you.

You can get ideas on how to do this through your own experiences. Think about your experience with catalog printing. Answer the following.

o What made you choose the printing company for such service?

o What are the factors that made that company unique from its competitors?

o What are the promos that the company told you about to make you agree to commit to them for the service?

Imagine yourself as the customer who wants to purchase fixtures from you. Try answering the questions above and relate it with your business.

In doing so, study the market and, of course, your competition. Look at the tools that other companies are doing, especially those who are leading the industry.

Be different from the leaders. Create your own style. You can copy but not the entirety. By doing the latter, you may be leading people towards those other companies. Instead of making a mark, you are only reminding the consumers about your competitors.

After including the call to action in your catalogs, you must watch closely if people do take the necessary actions that you want them to do. If not, think of other ways to spark up your promotional struts. If it's working, then continue doing so and add some more bit by bit.

You must always aim to beat the contemporaries and be the leader in the field. So be creative, be innovative and always help your clients be motivated to be swayed towards you.

Furniture is a good business but will be hard to sell if not so many people know about you. Other people buy because the makers of the products are known in the field. So if you are doing your products yourself, start creating a name of your own. Be your own brand. Don't forget to include such factor the next time you avail of catalog printing services.

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Blue Screen of Death - Diagnose and Repair the Infamous Windows Blue Screen

At some point or another, we'll all probably experience it - the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death." Unfortunately, most of the time we have no idea why it rears its ugly head. Luckily, there are now some great tools available that can diagnose and repair the infamous Windows Blue Screen.

It happens to the best of us. We're chugging along on our computer and things are running great and them BAM! - the "Blue Screen of Death" appears. You frantically try to hit keys or a combination of keys, any keys really, trying to get back to your normal windows desktop but ultimately you are left to simply turn off the computer, reboot, and hope that it doesn't come back.

The problem is that if it rears its ugly head once, it is almost certain to come back again and come back with a vengeance.

So what are you to do? How are you supposed to decipher the nonsense contained within the error message that usually appears - something along the lines of "Fatal Exception - 09F809900D897, blah, blah?"

Well the first thing I can tell you is that 9 times out of 10 the problem is related to your operating system's registry. The registry is essentially the blueprint of your computer's programs, files, and configuration, and it can become corrupt over time as you uninstall programs, add new ones, delete files, or run updates. It basically is inevitable that our computer's registry will get out of whack over time as our computer's never stay the same as when we got them.

And seeing as the only people who should ever manually edit your registry is a trained professional, you are left with two choices - you can either pay a hefty price to call in a computer technician to repair your computer's registry or you can invest $30 in a registry cleaning software that you can very easily install yourself and run whenever you need it.

Registry repair has come a long way in the past few years, with software becoming much more effective at finding and repairing all kinds of errors within your computer's registry. And not only will the software simply find and repair the errors, but in doing so it will speed up your computer immensely. I am talking about cutting the amount of time it takes to boot up your computer or load programs and applications in half.

So if you ever experienced the infamous "Blue Screen of Death", you'll definitely want to go out and get yourself the best registry cleaner that will not only fix your computer's errors, but will also speed it up almost to the point as if it were new again.

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Private Practice Season 3 Episode 11 PART (4/5) Another Second Chance Watch Private Practice Season 3 Episode 11 12 Another Second Chance abc full episode S 3 E 11 S03E11 s03e12 premiere Amy Brenneman Violet Turner Charlotte King Cooper Freedman Sam Bennett Pete Wilder Pete Wilder Addison Forbes Montgomery Dr. new tv show series Kate Walsh Audra mcdonald Timothy Daly Taye Diggs Kadee Strickland three nine 11 ep12 ep11 preview recap music Private Practise s3 e11 finale episodes online tim great barrier reef 12 2010 january 14th Mark follows Addison to Oceanside hoping she will help him with his pregnant daughter. Meanwhile, Dell and Naomi have problems raising their children in the same house; and Violet and Cooper disagree on the course of treatment for a patient, resulting in a large argument.

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Speed Painting with Ketchup and French Fries

What do you do with fresh mcdonald's French Fries and 10 packets of Ketchup? You paint with them of course. 50 min speed painting plays in 4 mins. Ketchup as paint and french fries as a paint brush. I had to remove the original song because of copyright infringement. Unfortunately the youtube audioswap beta also reduced the quality of the video. When I get a chance I will upload a new higher quality video. I am also in the process of having some limited edition posters and artist prints made. I will be selling these prints on ebay to raise money for the CARE World Hunger Campaign. Please check out my other videos where I draw with more traditional mediums. Coming in April I am starting a series of instructional videos on how to draw portraits. I am also holding a contest on youtube soon to win your own portrait. So subscribe to my channel to keep updated. Now to answer some questions.. The painting Measures 14x11 inches on foamcore surface. It is not permanent the video is the art. I do custom portraits in a variety of mediums. You can find some info at

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What Are The Causes Of Bloody Stool?

Finding blood in your stool can be an alarming experience. Regardless of how much you know about health care, everybody knows that bloody stool is simply not right. The appearance of bloody stool causes a whole range of possibilities to race through your mind, none of them good. What are the causes of bloody stool? What are the most likely possibilities and what should you do about it?

In very general terms, bloody stool means that there's some sort of injury or disorder located somewhere in your digestive tract. Unfortunately, that doesn't narrow things down very much, because your digestive tract can refer to almost any location between your mouth and your anus. One of the ways that you and your doctor can start to zero in on the likely location of the problem is by the color of the blood.

As a rule, the closer the source of bleeding is to the anus, the brighter red the blood will be. This is because the bacteria in your digestive system works to break down the blood as it passes through. So the longer blood stays in your digestive tract, the darker it will become. The color of the bloody stool can range from bright red through maroon and black, all the way to occult (or hidden).

There is a great deal of emphasis on the color because this is how your doctor will begin to diagnose the causes of bloody stool. If the bloody stool is bright red, then there's a good chance the blood was essentially added on the way out by hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Obviously, although these causes of bloody stool can be uncomfortable, they are relatively minor and easily treated. You might want to try a natural colon cleanse. Regular cleansing can practically eliminate constipation that lead to hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Even a one-time colon cleanse can help.

The causes of bloody stool that is more maroon in color lie farther up the digestive tract. If you have intestinal polyps, these may sometimes bleed and cause maroon-colored stool. The most serious possibility is that some of these polyps have begun to develop into colon cancer. That's why you should never delay contacting your doctor if you're concerned about the causes of bloody stool. Early action could conceivably save your life. Bloody stool that is maroon in color could also be caused by inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulosis. However, most doctors agree that diverticulosis causes significant bleeding and is therefore relatively easy to diagnose.

Some people have black and tarry stools with an especially foul odor. If the blood in your stool has turned black, that means it has spent a longer time passing through your digestive tract. The causes of bloody stool that is black and tarry (or sticky) may lie not in your colon, but rather in your stomach or small intestines. The blood has been turned black by the action of bacteria in your system. Doctors refer to black bloody stool as "melena."

There is a possibility that the appearance of your stool was changed by something in your diet. Some foods, supplements and medicines have a tendency to turn your stool black. Licorice, iron pills, Pepto-Bismol and blueberries can result in black-colored stools. Beets and tomatoes, on the other hand, have a tendency to turn your stools reddish on some occasions. However, this doesn't occur all the time and not everyone experiences this symptom. Most of the time when you see red, you should assume it's blood and act accordingly.

Although not all of the causes of bloody stool are serious, there's only one safe course of action if you spot bloody stool in your toilet. See a doctor. There's a good chance that the causes of bloody stool are relatively minor and easily treated. However, you should allow a health professional to make that determination. Self-diagnosis is not recommended, especially when there could be more serious causes of bloody stool. Colon cancer causes the second highest number of cancer deaths in the United States, but up to 90 percent of cases could be prevented with early detection and treatment.

Calling your doctor and discussing the color of your stool is not something that you would normally look forward to doing. However, don't let embarrassment keep you from doing the right thing. Don't take chances with your health.


Retro Saturday Morning Commercials 1988

Saturday morning commercials from 1988. -WTVR Channel 6 Station ID -Perfume Pretty Barbie -My Buddy/Kid Sister -Rice Krispies -Fruitjuicers Lifesavers -Oreo cookies -Kool Aid Coolers -Cap'n Crunch -Sunkist Fun Fruits -mcdonalds Pinball -Charles Fishburne Halloween PSA


Ronald mcdonald vs. Colonel Sanders

By Madmarkus Now I have a bigger hard drive, I can get back into the swing of things with MUGEN. But before I go Geese crazy again, here's something just for fun. (and to sort out my recording software.) Who is the Fast Food Lord? Ronald mcdonald by Kishio Colonel Sanders by peg NEW LINK! Thanks Crusnik4703! Dukeburger by ironmugen Homepage: That Stage: Yeah, it's down. I'm not sending it to you. Stop whining. Awesome Grabbag Cover (Duke Nukem Theme) by the Video Games Live performer Vertexguy. Youtube: Homepage: And no longer visit us at: Because we weren't updating. :P We'll probably stick to videos from now on. You can find my personal blog Enjoy!

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