Everyone wants to be rich. But not many people know that their definition of "rich" maybe a little 'to do. According to Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "Cash Flow Quadrant," a must-have "passive income" to be rich.
What is passive income?
In essence, the passive income is income you receive, even if you do not work. This means that you still earn residual income on your work, or you can stop working and liveFrom passive income you earn. For example:
A), if you were to invest in blue chip, you will be able to invest the equity on your investment without a lot of hard work and effort, made after the initial phase of the research on blue chips.
B) They offer a stable franchise such as McDonalds and leave the franchise system, to McDonalds, without working. (Did not the local franchise owners at the box office or serve breakfast BigYou?
C) are involved in any legitimate MLM (we should not even go to those illegal) and you try to convince people is enough to convince others, or to buy your products or services.
D) You're an insurance agent and your customers renew their policies each year.
E) that have properties and pay rent every month.
The list goes on but you get a vague idea, right?
So yes, now you know what is passive income, which is theExcitement, then?
What I want to emphasize is that, in his "Cash Flow Quadrant," said
CARDS! I know some of us (yes, including me) hate the graphics, but there is no easy way to explain the importance of passive income. The general idea is that when you click on the left side of the dial (if you are employed or self) are, then you deserve what is known as an "active income". In other words, you are trading time for money. You can have a job with high income, buthave the necessary trade off for your time and other priorities.
The right side of the dial, on the other hand, gives you an income even if you do not work. For those who are confused between the difference of a self-employed, entrepreneur, the simplest test is to ask, you are trading time with the money? If you have your food stall selling burgers, then you are self-employed. If you're a franchise that has a proven system for nature, you and your The companies (like McDonald's realize how much they train all employees with "Welcome to McDonald's after here or take away?"), Then you are one of the right side of the dial.
estimated to further illustrate my point of view, what is passive income people buy a residential property for rent for passive income! So do not underestimate residual income, even if the value is not as high as what you get with an active effort.
Why make passive income> Online?
So yes, the passive income is very important. But because the Internet? The above examples I can passive income.
The answer is easy if you are a "vehicle" to get the passive income, there will be one that gives you the maximum benefit that you want, and the Internet has the following advantages:
1. Do not have a lot of capital, as opposed to real estate, investment, or blue chips.
2. You can remain anonymous. No need for cold calling or harass theirFriends and family members, legitimate multilevel marketing, which are most often not sour relations.
3. You can go anywhere, anytime, provided you have a computer / laptop (or even a high-end phone) and an Internet connection to work.
4. Their target is the whole world of the Internet, so your business idea in the draft world, even if you're an introvert.
5. You can always check the search engine, forums, reviews, articles, to see if what you areplan, your efforts shall be made in a scam or not. If it complains, or there is no news about the program you feel is probably a scam. You can not close the opinion of the world of the Internet. Thus, contrary to popular belief, there is less risk of fraud on the Internet if you know how you do your research, as with the outside world, where you could have limited avenues to do your research, respect. (If someone comes up and I'll tell you, alegitimate multilevel marketing system, there are limited resources for your research, and just because someone does not ask, do not you know that means a scam, not just say that he or she does not know. On the contrary, if the whole world of the Internet is silent on the program line you are going to invest, then you know that he was ugly and not reliable)
6. Some online companies you can withdraw whenever you want, without limitations, meaning you can not sell yourBlue chips as you want without considering the price, which depends on the economy.
Having said above, one is that no such thing as easy money. Not to be confused with "passive income" with ease. In fact, most of which have a passive income streams you put in much effort early on.
http://practical-philosophy.blogspot.com Practical Philosophy
jamiefoodrevolution Indian Foods culinary institute
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