
The History of Obesity

Obesity is simply fatness in a degree higher than being overweight. The energy intake coming from food is stored as fat because the body does not use it. Obesity has quite an impact in one's physical health that many degenerative diseases are directly and indirectly linked to obesity as observed in the history of obesity. It may even have a much worse impact on a person's mental health. Throughout the history of obesity, its reputation varies from appreciation and the opposite among cultures and in time.

Take a look in the history of obesity and we'll learn that this is truly an age-old health condition. Ancient Egyptians are said to consider obesity as a disease, having been drawn in a wall of depicted illnesses. Perhaps the most famous and earliest evidence of obesity is the Venus figurines, statuettes of an obese female torso that probably had a major role in rituals. Ancient China have also been aware of obesity and the dangers that come with it. They have always been a believer of prevention as a key to longevity. The Aztecs believed that obesity was supernatural, an affliction of the gods. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was aware of sudden deaths being more common among obese men than lean ones as stated in his writings. In certain cultures and areas where food is scarce and poverty is prevalent obesity is viewed as a symbol of wealth and social status. To date, an African tribe purposely plumps up a bride to prepare her for child bearing. Before a wedding can be set, a slim bride is pampered to gain weight until she reaches the suitable weight.

Throughout the history of obesity, the public's view and status of obesity changed considerably in the 1900's. It was regarded as unfashionable by the French designer, Paul Poiret who designed skin-revealing clothes for women. About the same time, the incidence of obesity began to increase and become widespread. Later in the 1940's, Metropolitan Life Insurance published a chart of ideal weights for various heights. They also advocated that weight gain parallel to age is not ok. The government and the medical society became more hands-on with obesity by initiating a campaign against it. This was preceded by a study of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases revealing obesity among the high ranks. Since then various diet and exercise programs have emerged. In 1996, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was published. This statistical calculation and index determined if a person is obese or not. At this time, obesity incidence have soared, led by children and adolescent obesity, tripling in just a few short years, greater than any number in the history of obesity.

Perhaps the most controversial is the independent film, Super Size Me. Released in 2004, Super Size Me was written, produced and directed by American independent filmmaker, Martin Spurlock in an exploration of the prevalence of obesity in the USA. He documented 30 days of his life in an experiment of eating only McDonald's food with completely no exercise. He began the project as healthy and lean but ended up overweight. It was later followed by several other documentaries and a few changes in the McDonald's menu. The history of obesity should be well studied so precautions can be practiced and thus prevent obesity from spreading.

Over the years and in the history of obesity, it seems to worsen despite growing awareness and combating techniques that it has been called an epidemic.

Cooking Network Foods Culinary for Health Meat Recipes Books

But I Don't WANT to Have That Conversation! Managing Conflict and Confrontation in the Workplace

For years the very thought of entering into a difficult conversation caused my face to flush, heart race and thinking to become about as clear as a mud puddle. It was always painful to carry (like a ball and chain) the misunderstanding, or feeling of being disrespected or let down. And then isn't it awful to be around that person you needed to confront about a performance problem or other complaint. There is nothing more distracting than that 'elephant' in the room? I lose. They lose. Our relationship suffers. And in work environments this can have a very negative impact on the bottom line.

And yet, I found I would prefer ALL of that pain and suffering over confronting the problem. And I thought, 'how sick is that?' and wondered 'how sick might it actually make me?' And still, it would feel too scary to take that step.

There are many reasons for developing a fear of conflict. Whatever the cause, we know that this fear can damage relationships. Where has it shown up for you and, what has been the impact? What would it be like to easily engage in these conversations? And how do we move past the painful paralysis caused by this fear of conflict, confrontation or simply letting our needs be known?

My process for overcoming this obstacle began with asking myself 'What is the worst that could happen?' This simple question is a great reality check for me. Those nagging voices in my head sometimes want me to believe a catastrophe is at hand. They would tell me that if I spoke my mind, shared my feelings or ask for what I want, someone would get really angry with me and that would be life shattering. When I check in with, 'what is the worst that could happen?' I realize there are no grounds for this type of thinking.

Opportunities to challenge this fear happen almost daily. As a manager, I would often have staff come to me complaining about someone's behavior. It is great when you can get this individual to manage the situation themselves; however, intervention is often required. On any given day, I might also need to inform an employee of a performance issue. I always found this easier if it was something I personally witnessed. There are essentially four areas of conflict managers' face with employees:

Individual Performance - tardiness, meeting participation, organization, timeliness
Professional Development - training and learning to stay current in one's craft, compliance with company policies and procedures, customer service, work related goals
Work Performance - meeting deadlines, quality output, meeting general expectations, exceeding expectations, errors/mistakes, process management, supervisory responsibilities
Work Relationships and Communication - understanding of the work culture, courtesy and politeness, engaging in appropriate conversations, attitude with others, demeanor, effective communication verbally and via email, managing conflict Whether the issue is large or small, the critical need in preserving and building business, work and personal relationships outweighs our desire to avoid personal discomfort. When a pending conflict, difficult conversation or desire to express your needs or feelings brings out the child in us (wanting to hide and stay safe), the adult in us can take control with a few simple steps.

Inner Thoughts: Check in on those sabotaging thoughts. Are you making a mountain out of mole hill? Has your imagination gone over the edge? Are you needlessly comparing this event to a past event? Change those thoughts and get back on the reality track. Use your strengths to support you. If you know you do better writing out your thoughts first, go ahead. Then have that conversation. If it works better for you to talk it over and practice with a someone you trust, do it.
Look at your attitude.

Get Curious: Can you suspend all judgment for the moment? What if you decided to become completely curious? How then might you approach the situation? How does that change your energy?
Decide to not be right: This is critical to a successful conversation. Your investment in being right means you cannot suspend judgment and be curious and the other person will have no choice but to defend their position in the matter.

Ask open ended questions such as:
'What happened from your perspective?' 'Tell me more about that.' 'What are your thoughts about that?'

Feelings: Respect the other person's feelings if they express them. Never tell them they are wrong to feel that way. Just accept it as their truth and try to understand.
Identity: Recognize and acknowledge the importance of the situation to who each of you are and how you want the world to view you.
Us against the problem: Join together as a team to solve the problem, learn from the situation and strategize for the future. You don't have to suffer the consequences of avoidance or reacting out of defensiveness. The price is just too high. Use these steps to practice a new way. Practice and practice some more. Each time it will become easier and more rewarding. If you fall back into old patterns of behavior, don't beat yourself up about it. Own it, ask for a do-over, learn from it and keep practicing. You won't regret it. Your relationships will grow and you will enjoy a life of integrity that allows you to sleep well. I don't know about you but I find it very difficult to relax and be myself with all those 'elephants' in the room.

Steak Books Meat Recipes Books


McDonald's Menu: New Items For a New You

McDonald's menu nutrition guide online that makes it very easy for people to see or rather to know their calorie intake, and the amount of total fat intake, the cholesterol level, the sodium level, the protein and a number of other things you are getting from the fast foods you buy. This makes it possible for you to choose an healthier diet plan and in the end a healthier you.

This information is in all kinds of foods, the chicken sandwich, the fillet or fish you have and even your favorite hamburger. McDonald's acknowledges the fact that having a diet that has high level of fat in the bloodstream of an individual increases the chances of that individual contracting atherosclerosis. This is a disease that results in the hardening of the arteries. It is on this platform that McDonald's prepares their meals to ensure the client are having a healthy lifestyle. They acknowledge the fact that when an individual has a cholesterol level that is not balanced either they have a high or low cholesterol level. Chances of contracting diseases of the heart and other diseases related to aging increases immensely.

McDonald's nutrition advices individual that being an overweight or when you are obese, your health stands at a greater risk and your health status is jeopardized a great deal. The additional weight tends to insert a lot of pressure on an individual's heart. On a general note being obese or very weighty tends to put too much stress on the major organs of the body such as the heart and thus chances of that individual contracting diseases related to the heart are high.

A great number of people tend to use the McDonald's guide because of the numerous beneficial options it provides that if followed ensures that you are living a healthier lifestyle. It is important to note that calorie content is not the only thing that matters. In addition, we should also note that to a very large extent a medium level of calorie is essential. They tend to be the basic energy requirements that the body needs so that the body cells can function well. Typically individuals that yearn to lose weight should take food contents that have minimal amount of calories and do more exercises so that the excess calories are burnt.

This famous joint ensures that their foods are watched so that they contain an average content in everything. This is geared towards ensuring that the their clients are leading a healthy lifestyle.

For more information, go to McDonalds Menu

Cookie Recipe


The All-Weather McDonald Hardwood Floors

McDonald hardwood floors are the products of the Colorado-based company named McDonald Hardwoods which was established in 1986 with the intention of capitalizing on the opportunity indicating the resurgence of wooden flooring. Gone are the days when people used to rely on ancient marbles and expensive granites for their floors as the latest trends which have gained prominence in the new era are the different varieties of wooden floors which are not only functional in nature but blend well with different interior decors as well.

Out of the various choices of floorings available in the market, the McDonald Hardwood Floors are considered to be the best and hence are commonly found in corporate offices as well as homes. Since the company prides itself on offering the best and the finest selections of premium hardwood floorings for more than twenty years, it is possible for the buyer to choose the variety of flooring which best suits his personal and unique requirement. Being the products of a reputable company, these floors are durable, long lasting as well as luxurious due to which they are considered as ideal long term investments which are cost effective as well.

McDonald Hardwood Floors are available in a wide variety of floorings like pine, maple, oak hickory and even ash and customers looking for more exotic varieties would not be disappointed as well due to the inclusion of hardwood floorings like the Brazilian cherry hardwood. One of the reasons which are attributed to the popularity of these floorings is that they add charm and appeal to the room in which they are placed in addition to being immune to the most extreme of climatic and weather changes. A particular highlight of the organization is the pre-finished hardwood floors which are offered by the organization at attractive discounted rates to interested buyers.

Meat Recipes Books Cooking Network Foods Steak Books


Understanding Triple Constraints and Their Impact in Project Management

This is one of the least understood, but most important keys to understand in project management. Without getting into the slightly-more-detail-required information for project management, we'll work through the concepts using an analogy.

Imagine for a moment that you need to have something to eat. Your first thought is that you would like it to be good, fast and cheap. Can you get something that is good, fast and cheap? You can try, but it's unrealistic. Why? Because you're fighting three competing requirements. Confused? Let's work through an easy example.

Your first available choice is McDonald's. (I did put first available.) You can get a meal quickly and it won't cost much. However, it's not really good for you. Good and fast are next to impossible to achieve.

Your next available choice is Outback Steakhouse. You can get a really good meal, complete with vegetables at a reasonable price. However, it's not going to be ready quickly. Your waiter will take your order and let the cook know it you want it rare, medium or well done. It takes time to prepare your steak to your preferred taste. Once again good and fast don't work well together.

So a stop at McDonald's will almost certainly guarantee a bite that's fast and cheap, but lacks goodness (proper nutrition). In fact, if we have to wait at a McDonald's we quickly become impatient. That's why there is a limited menu and value pricing.

A visit to Outback will almost certainly guarantee a good meal at reasonable prices, but will take time. In fact, if they brought out our food right away we'd be suspicious that it was really somebody else's meal. That's why there is a wine selection and an extensive menu with plenty of choices.

Just to clarify, this is not about McDonald's vs. Outback. These two restaurant experiences illustrate how good and fast almost always works. It's also important to know what is most important. Given little time may dictate that grabbing a meal-to-go at McDonald's is the prudent choice. Given more time you may enjoy the luxury of a leisurely-paced-meal at Outback.

In project management, with triple constraints, there is always a relationship like this in play. Knowing the triple constraints and the impact they have on each other is critical to your success in project management.

Cooking Network Foods Steak Books


Integration Marketing - How to Grow Your Business Like Microsoft and McDonald's Did

Microsoft is one of the most recognized brands in the world. Bill Gates was somehow able to get his operating system on almost every computer in the world from almost every manufacturer. How did he accomplish this?

McDonald's is the hands down champion of the fast food battle. Completely dominating all other fast food restaurants. They operate all over the world and have made billions in sales.

How where these two companies able to accomplish this? Is there some secret business formula that only a privileged few are privy to? Do they conduct business in a way that is drastically different than the way we think about conventional business?

The answer to both these questions is yes and the secret behind both there successes is integration marketing.

Integration marketing is the brain child of Mark Joyner. While not a new concept the term was coined by Joyner to describe the marketing practices that launched some of the biggest companies in the world to where they are today.

Mark Joyner has cracked the code and brilliantly brings these concept to life so that any business can use the same tactics for success. It doesn't matter what size business you have. According to Mark by utilizing these concepts businesses of all sizes are able to flourish and grow at astounding rates.

Mark bring to light exactly how to create deals. As well as find partners. There is a great deal of emphasis on learning and understanding the language of Integration Marketing so that you will be better equip to utilize the concept to it's fullest potential.

Mark's system is the fist time that business deals can be predicted with mathematical precision. Mark's concept of predictive mathematics is a little hard to grasp at first, however is fascinating concept in it's own rights that will move your business along with leaps and bounds once grasped.

To fully grasp and implement the concept of integration marketing is the one thing that will guarantee growth in your business year after year. Mark's book does a superb job at breaking down the concepts so that they can be applied to any business.

He doesn't stop there. Mark has built a community for all who understand this concept to be a part of. It is a place where business deal are struck and lasting relationships are made all utilizing Integration Marketing.

Food Recipes DVD The Food Revolution Culinary Institute Books


The Ronald McDonald House of Charities Gives $50,000 in Scholarships

On May 23, 2007, twenty five graduating seniors from El Paso and Las Cruces each received a two thousand dollar scholarship from the El Paso chapter of Ronald McDonald House Charities at UTEP's Tomas Rivera Conference Center. More then 200 students from the local area applied for these scholarships.

Erik Cigarroa who is going to school for business and plans to pursue law school afterward said that with this scholarship he will be able to pay for his education. He wants to do this so he can help his family.

An interview with Marcella Alvarado of Burges High School, one of the recipients of the scholarship described how this scholarship would help her take care of her expenses so she can become a biology major. Her life long dream is to become a doctor and with the scholarship, she now can not only experience college lifestyle but also fulfill her dream.

Grecia Heredia from Hanks High school spoke about how her dream was helping the sick. She has a full scholarship to The University of Texas at El Paso's pharmacy program for two years then she will transfer to UT-Austin to finish her education.

The Ronald McDonald House of Charities is a non-profit organization that gives scholarships to students that face restricted access to education and career opportunities. The program is eligible for high school seniors who show financial aid need, community and academic achievement. The RMHC has been giving away scholarship since 1985, and since then has given more then $24 million to help graduating high school seniors to attend college.

Baking Cookie

Michael Mcdonald If Thats What It Takes Rock Music CD Review

Not sure what's happening with me on this one, but it seems like the more I listen to it, the better If That's What It Takes gets. If That's What It Takes simply stated is one of Michael Mcdonald's best CDs to date.

Michael Mcdonald has been a heavy hitter in the Rock genre for quite some time now and If That's What It Takes is an excellent illustration as to why.

If That's What It Takes has a nicely varied, mix of 10 tracks that are very well written songs by this clearly talented artist. With many of the songs displaying a lot of the kind emotion that makes for a really great listen. Clearly drawing from what I can only imagine are him own personal experiences. At different points touching on the most real emotions like love, and the pain of failed relationships can certainly be heard.

If you're a Michael Mcdonald fan this is a CD your collection flat cannot be without. In fact, this is one of those CDs that you don't even have to be a fan of Mcdonald, or even Rock to know is good. This is just good music. Period.

While the entire album is really very good the truly standout tunes are track 1 - Playin' By The Rules, track 7 - If That's What It Takes, and track 10 - Believe In It.

My Bonus Pick, and the one that got Sore [ in "Stuck On REpeat"] is track 5 - I Can't Let Go Now. It's a great track!

If That's What It Takes Release Notes:

Michael Mcdonald originally released If That's What It Takes on October 25, 1990 on the Warner Bros. Records label.

CD Track List Follows:

1. Playin' By The Rules

2. I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near)

3. Love Lies

4. I Gotta Try

5. I Can't Let Go Now

6. That's Why

7. If That's What It Takes

8. No Such Luck

9. Losin' End

10. Believe In It

The Food Revolution


The 4 Main Types of Renewable Energy

As the world reaches its energy crisis we need to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources, and start generating renewable energy on a massive scale.

To date there are four main types of renewable energy that we can produce: wind power, solar power, hydro power, and geothermic power.

Wind Power:
Wind turbines have been around for millennia, further back than the birth of Christ. Over the years they have been used to pump water, drag boats and grind flour. But at the turn of the industrial revolution, wind turbines were made to produce electricity.

Although many people envision windmills as those ornate ones in Holland or the small wind-pumps on farms, they have been developed tremendously in the past decade. Now wind turbines are able to generate thousands of megawatts of power, and when used on a small scale at home, wind power can substitute conventional energy sources, helping households to get off the grid.

Solar Power:
The sun is the most readily available form of energy there is, so we should be using it to a larger extent. And as technology advances, households are provided with a number of ways to harness the power of the sun. These ways include solar electricity, solar heaters, solar dryers and solar cookers.

With solar electric and heating systems, they are both cost-effective, good for the environment, they require little maintenance and help you save on your utility bills. Solar cookers are very healthy way of cooking food, since they cook the food at a lower temperature-helping to retain its vitamins and minerals. They are also very portable, making them ideal for travelers and campers.

Hydro Power:
Initially hydro or water power was used industrially to rivers and waterfalls to power waterwheels that would then be used to move water for irrigation or grind flour.

Today hydro power is used in dams to produce electricity for households and businesses. Hydro-electric power is generate on a large scale where dammed up water is channeled through turbines, which spins a dynamo as it gushes through. The best example of hydro-electric power would be the Hoover Dam, which was built to provide electricity to Las Vegas. In fact hydro-electric power is efficient is popular nowadays that it accounts for over 90% of the worlds renewable energy.

There have been some social and environmental concerns about building dams for hydroelectricity since entire village and communities are flooded by the dam, and the walls prevent certain species of fish from swimming upstream to spawn.

Geothermal Power:
Geothermal power is typically produced in areas with ongoing volcanic activity, where magma is relatively close to the surface. One such area is Iceland, where a large proportion of its power is produced from volcanic geysers.

Here, large power plants are built over the geysers, where hot fast-moving steam from the geysers drives large turbines to make electricity. To speed up the process, water is sometimes pumped back into the geysers to make more steam, which is then used to drive the turbines once again, thus making it an endless cycle.

Well, this concludes our brief overview of the 4 main types of renewable energy. You can find out more in-depth information on each type by reading our other articles or browsing our website in the link below.

Steak Books Cooking Network Foods Culinary for Health

Edible Gifts to Have Delivered

There are a wide variety of edible gifts that you can have delivered for any occasion. Whether you want to smother a loved one with delectable chocolate or have a beautiful arrangement made entirely out of fruit delivered, the choices are almost endless. From a plethora of candy options to gift baskets that include fine wines and cheeses, you are limited only by your imagination, and perhaps your budget, when you have edible gifts delivered.

It can be expensive to have edible gifts delivered but if you are on a budget, you can almost always find a special. In addition, for many of the most popular companies that deliver edible gifts, you will find an abundance of coupon codes and special deals. Whether you want to have fine steaks delivered or a tin of gourmet popcorn, there is someone set up to do just that.

The Christmas season is a popular time to have edible gifts delivered but you can have a wide variety of treats delivered all year long. Do look at the amount of time it will take for your gift to be delivered if you are ordering around a major holiday or for an occasion such as a birthday. It will be so much more special if your gift is delivered on time and most companies are good about giving an accurate time table as to how long delivery will take.

If you don't know the recipient's likes and dislikes, try to keep your gift low key. After all, if the recipient can't eat sweets and your entire gift is made up of goodies loaded with chocolate and sugar, then they will be disappointed. Almost anyone can have fruit and there are many companies that put together samplers so that there is something in almost every gift that the recipient will like.

Caramel Recipe Books Cooking Network Foods


Is Three A Crowd? A Short Guide To Threesomes

For most people, the world of threesomes is an appealing fantasy. However, when it comes to bringing the fantasy to life, most people end up finding out that they get more than what they bargained for.

What happens during a threesome?

A threesome is a sexual relationship or event that occurs within a set of 3 people. Theres no concrete set of rules for doing a threesome the right way. The important thing is that there are 3 participants. Usually its you, your current partner, and another person (of either gender). The participants of a threesome could be friends, acquaintances, or even strangers. Sometimes, people even put up personal ads when theyre looking for a third participant. Threesomes can be composed of two males and one female, or two females and one male. Homosexual threesomes are composed of three people of the same gender.

Where do you get a third participant?

Some people get acquaintances and friends into their threesome, but for those who dont want to risk ruining friendships, there are other options. Online personal ads are a good way to attract likely candidates, although you may want to screen them first. Swingers clubs are also a good way to find people who would be interested to join you. Bars and parties are more straightforward ways of inviting a third person, but unless you can approach someone with unthreatening confidence, its not such a good idea.

Pros of having a threesome

* For those looking for a little variety in their sex life, having threesomes can be a wonderful experience. You can learn a lot about your sexuality, as well as your partners likes/dislikes in bed.

* Its a thrilling way to fulfill your sexual fantasies. This is especially true for those who are in their collegiate sexperimental stages, as well as for those who feel as if theyve missed out on these stages when they were younger.

* Bisexual people may thoroughly enjoy threesomes with partners from both genders.

* If youre the guest in the threesome, you may get a kick out of being the center of attention. After all, youre fulfilling a couples sexual fantasies!

Cons of having a threesome

* Feelings of jealousy and betrayal. The people who often have problems after a threesome are often the ones who are very deeply involved with their partner emotionally. Jealousy often arises after threesomes whether its because your partner is being intimate with someone else, or youve suddenly grown attached to the third person.

* Uncovering homosexual tendencies. Sometimes, your partner also discovers that he/she has homosexual tendencies, and this might put a damper on your relationship (clearly an understatement). If youre the one who uncovers your own tendencies, thats a whole other issue, which is more than what we can discuss in this article.

* If the third person involved is a friend rather than a stranger, the friendship could be effectively ruined.

* Some people permanently lose respect for their partners after a threesome. This is because some people refuse to think of their potential partners as sexually experimental. For example. you may see your girlfriend as someone you can introduce to your mom, but after the threesome, you may see them as slightly slutty.

Minimizing the cons

* If youre the type that gets too emotionally involved with your sexual partners, then threesomes are not for you. Unless, of course, you want to get your heart broken.

* Like with most sexual activities, its best to practice safe sex. Odds are, youre not too sure about the sexual activities of all the participants. While the act itself is a thrilling risk, neglecting to take care of your health is something that can have terrible consequences.

* It is a really bad idea to get into a threesome with people in your workplace. Office romances are difficult enough as they are, and expect threesomes to be even more awkward and difficult.

* If you and your partner are thinking of participating in a threesome, make sure that both of you are truly comfortable with it. There will be negative emotional repercussions if one partner is doing it merely to please the other. Communicate your expectations and fears with each other before you decide to have a threesome. Try not to sound too enthusiastic or excited about it, because your partner will have a harder time to let you down if he/shes not really up to it, or he/she might feel that youre being disrespectful.

* Make sure that no one feels left out. Everyone should be given sexual attention, and everyone should experience being both on the giving and the receiving end. Its not really a threesome if not everybody participates.

* Its ideal to pick a third participant that both you and your partner like. Nothing ruins a threesome like your partners disinterest or boredom.

* If you dont have bisexual tendencies, you should try to get used to being touched by a member of the same sex, especially if your partner is going to get off on it. Dont expect to have your partner fulfill your threesome fantasies while you ignore theirs.

A threesome can be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved, if done right.

Its very important to keep yourself informed of your partners feelings about threesomes, as well as the risks involved. Doing this will help you bring your fantasies to life, without the negative repercussions.

Cooking Network Foods

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - Before It's Too Late

Think about what you're doing each day and ask yourself -
"Is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to get
If the answer is "No" then do something different. Get out
of your comfort zone and change your habits.

An instructor was watching me use a piece of equipment in
the gym the other day. "Let me show you a different way to
do it" says he. As you'll guess, the "different" way was a
lot harder, somewhat more painful, however a lot more likely
to produce results.

The human body will always find an easy way to do things and
so does our brain; however as we all know - "no pain - no
gain." So if you want something different to happen - do
something different.

The psychologist Abraham Maslow said -
"If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of
being; then I warn you that you will be unhappy for the rest
of your life. You will be evading your own capabilities,
your own possibilities."

It's never too late to make that change.

Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds, was over fifty when he
started making money. Kroc was a paper cup salesman who
obtained the marketing rights to a multi-mixer invented by
Earl Prince. He criss-crossed the US for seventeen years
selling these mixers until he met up with the McDonald
brothers. Dick and Mac McDonald ordered eight of his mixers
and had them churning away all day. Kroc was entranced by
the effectiveness of the McDonald's operation and started
thinking about building McDonald's restaurants all over the
US. He thought he could then sell more multi-mixers. The
McDonald brothers weren't too keen to the idea so they
franchised the restaurants to Kroc. He ultimately bought out
the McDonald brothers and as they say - the rest is history.

Ray Kroc's belief in himself was unshakeable, as he noted
later - "I was 52 years old. I had diabetes and incipient
arthritis. I had lost my gall bladder and most of my thyroid
gland." Kroc didn't allow his age or his physical condition
to hold him back.

Think about the negative things you say to yourself and the
beliefs you have about yourself - don't allow them to hold
YOU back.

Change your beliefs

If you do have negative beliefs about yourself, here's a way
to change them.

Your subconscious will always attempt to move away from pain
and towards pleasure. So start to associate massive pain to
your negative belief. Think about how it will hold you back
and stop you achieving what you're trying to achieve. Think
about how miserable you'll feel if you don't even try.

Old people rarely regret what they've done in their life but
they do regret what they haven't done. So think forward to
when you're 75 or 80 years of age and imagine how you'll
feel if you've never tried.

Then start to think of the pleasure you'll receive in
fulfilling your beliefs. Think about how good you'll feel
when you achieve what you set out to do. If when you're
older you look back and think about things you didn't
achieve, at least you'll be able to say - "I tried, I gave
it my best shot and I didn't sit on the sidelines."

So think big - the size of your success is determined by how
big you think. If you think small you'll have small
achievements. If you think big - you'll have big success and
that's just as easy if not easier than small thinking and
small achievements.

Food Recipes DVD Cookie Recipe Meat Recipes Books


US Jobs and the Middle Ground Between McDonald's and Microsoft

Just last week, I wrote about AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson's contention that the telecommunications giant was having trouble finding enough warm bodies with the right qualifications to fill U.S. technical support positions, jobs AT&T announced in late 2006 that it was shifting from India back to the States.

During a recent presentation at a business event in Texas, Stephenson mentioned that AT&T found that, in some areas, high schools had trouble graduating even half of their students. I mentioned that the overall U.S. high school graduation was generally accepted to be about 70 percent - not that this is a number of which to be proud. Yet it turns out that, if anything, Stephenson's estimate may have been a bit optimistic. A study by America's Promise Alliance, which focuses on issues of children's education, safety and health, found graduation rates ranging from 25 percent to 77 percent in America's 50 largest cities.

The study, which is based on the Education Department's graduation data from 2004, illustrates an alarming gap between graduation rates in cities and suburbs. In a dozen cities on the list, the gap exceeds 25 percentage points, reports USA Today.

Maybe AT&T needs to follow the lead of some other companies and look to areas outside of large cities for its potential hires. Northrop Grumman and Dell are among U.S. companies establishing some operations in small American cities as offshore alternatives.

The performance gap between cities and suburbs is "unacceptable, especially now that 90 percent of our fastest-growing jobs require education or training beyond high school," Education Secretary Margaret Spellings tells USA Today. Gee, you think? As I wrote in August, an increasing number of U.S. companies want even assembly-line workers to have computer skills.

Much of the debate over immigration reform, including the hot-button issue of whether the issue should award more H-1B visas, revolves around either high-end positions that require an advanced education or the kinds of menial jobs often filled by folks without a high school education (including illegal aliens). People often seem to forget that there are lots of jobs in the middle of the scale, such as the types of positions AT&T is trying to fill. Many folks don't have the inclination or the financial resources to attend college. They need to know that if they apply themselves in high school, they can still get a decent entry-level job - albeit not one where they can expect to make six figures.

Writes an IT Business Edge reader in response to my article about AT&T's difficulties:

I know a lot of people don't like it, but mentally, in this country, we've become lazy. There is a higher dropout rate than what was the norm when I graduated 15 years ago. People are smart, but without even a high school diploma, how many companies do you expect to call you back for an interview?

Culinary Institute Books

Joker Halloween Costume

The Joker Halloween costume is possibly the most sought after outfit this trick or treat season. It's easy to understand why! It's a very fun outfit to create yourself, recognizable and scary! It's got all the appeal and potential of the perfect costume. Although this Joker Heath character will be seen everywhere, creating your own costume will give it a personality of it's own making it unique. That's what makes a character like this so much fun at Halloween. But why not take it a step further?

Actually, finding the props from this Dark Knight villain is getting tougher and more expensive as October 31st approaches. A lot of the reason for this buying frenzy is the fact that Halloween falls on a Friday this year. More adults than ever before are buying up the hard to find hexagon shirt, purple coat, vest and pants. Here are a few alternative ideas to consider:

The nurse costume is a good choice. The thought alone is quite freaky and the hospital scene with Two Face left quite an impact on many who saw the movie. The costume does not require nearly as much work. Nurses outfits are readily available at thrift stores or can be bought at a uniform shop. Maybe you even know a nurse who can lend you one! The makeup remains the same, grab a surgical mask or make one. A clip board or folding book would do for the additional prop. Although there was a gun in the scene, it's not really necessary. Possibly some white nylons and shoes but again, not really necessary. The nurse will definitely be popular but you won't see as many Joker nurse's as just joker's. But how about a real off the wall idea? Something really unique?

If you run with this next original idea you will likely be the only one at your party if not your town! You might even be the subject of the next viral video on youtube! Ok, I'll spill the beans. Why not make a Ronald McDonald Joker Heath costume? Finding clothes to resemble the famous golden arches mascot shouldn't be too difficult. It wouldn't have to be exact because you can carry a happy meal or just a take out bag in one hand to drive home the point. Just having those red stripes and golden clothing will do it. Some oversized red shoes would help too! Of course, the facial makeup will be the scary Batman joker makeup. Possibly a joker knife prop in the other hand. These knives are readily available, especially the plastic fake prop ones and they are cheap too!

So there you go. Two more ideas for you. Hopefully this will get your mind thinking of more ideas. Being a little unique is always a good thing for winning a contest or impressing your fellow co-workers at the company party. So get cracking! Halloween is right around the corner.

The Food Revolution Steak Books


Engaging Students in Learning - Tips and Ideas

A brain-based classroom is one in which students are actively engaged in learning. What exactly does it mean for students to be actively engaged? It certainly is not having students complete worksheets, answer basic questions, or take notes of a lecture. Take a minute to think about the definitions of these two words. The word active means moving, working, participating, full of energy, and causing action. The word engage means to require use of/occupy, to attract and hold attention, and to involve. So basically, when students are actively engaged, they are participating and working in a way that is active, full of energy and motion, and they are involved and interested in what is being learned.

Wow! That is a lot to ask from our students, or is it more that it is a lot to ask from us? This type of learning requires much more work and effort on our part in order to be more meaningful for students. It is much easier to read the chapter, answer the questions at the end, and complete a ready-made worksheet. However, there is hope! Many of the new textbooks available now include activities that actively engage students in their learning. Does your textbook have these tips and ideas in the teacher edition? If so, do you ever use those activities in your lesson plans? The next time you sit down to plan lessons, read through the activities provided and think about how you might incorporate them into your lesson. If you don't have a newer textbook or are simply looking for other ideas to get students actively engaged, the tips provided below are for you.


Have students create their own game that applies the concepts and/or skills learned for a particular unit. This activity also integrates writing since students will need to write out the directions. Take some time to look at educational games already available and analyze these with your students. Help them to see the elements found in a board or card game. Look at how the directions are organized and written so students have a model to follow. One of my students made a Colonies game as a project for our 13 Colonies unit. She was able to show all of her learning through the creation of this game.

There are also many excellent games available these days to help practice reading, spelling, math, science, and social studies skills. How might you use Monopoly, the Allowance game, Scategories, Scrabble, Mastermind, or Taboo in your class? While students may think they are simply playing a game, they are actually applying important skills/concepts learned in class. To take full advantage of this learning opportunity, afterwards, have students discuss the different skills they used while playing the game. Did they learn anything new? This kind of debriefing makes connections between playing the game and your curriculum. Without the debriefing students merely participated in a fun but meaningless activity.

Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt of clues, phrases, or questions, and have students read through the chapter to find the answers. It is more of a learning experience if the answers are not immediately visible, especially for older students. Make them read the chapter to be able to answer the questions or find the clue. Allowing students to work in pairs or groups adds an extra element of fun to this activity. Again, take some time to discuss the activity and results with the class when everyone is finished.

Another twist on this activity which requires further thinking on the part of the students is to have them read the chapter first and then create their own scavenger hunt. Students then swap the papers among themselves and have a partner complete their scavenger hunt. Allow the student pairs to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the scavenger hunt created. What was too easy? What was challenging? Were the questions/clues misleading or clearly understandable?


Again, this activity works great with textbook reading. Have students work in pairs or groups to turn a historical event, textbook chapter, or story into a play. You could also have students work together to explain a concept or skill through a skit or play. Writing out the script incorporates writing skills into the class and gives you an evaluation tool.

A twist on this activity is to have students rewrite the events or concepts read in the textbook or recently learned through direct instruction as a children's story. This type of activity requires students to think at higher levels. Comprehension, Analysis, Application, and Synthesis are all involved as students must understand what was read and be able to explain and apply it within a short fictional children's story.

Learning Stations

You don't have to be an elementary teacher to make learning stations work. Take your unit and think of five to six different stations of activities or readings for students to complete. Type out the directions for each station, and affix the page to construction paper. We laminate ours so they will last. Next, type out a checklist for students to use when travelling to each station. This will help them know what to complete at each one. To set up, simply put the directions and materials on a group of desks or a table for each "station." When you are finished, put the laminated directions in a manila folder and label it. Then, stick it in your filing cabinet for next year. I actually laminate reading passages, checklists, etc. so I can use them over and over each year. This type of activity is also a great way to integrate other subject area concepts and skills into your lesson/unit.

With all of these activities, it is important that you are walking around monitoring the entire time to keep students on track. Ask guiding questions to help students accomplish the task and get the most out of the activity. You will also need to take time to go over your expectations for behavior and academic outcomes prior to each activity. This reminder along with constant monitoring helps keep student misbehavior to a minimum. It is also very important that you take time to discuss or "debrief" with students regarding the activity. This type of discussion makes connections between the activity, overall goal, and lesson objective for your curriculum. Don't settle for time fillers. With just a little preparation and perspiration you can get your students up and moving, engaged in their learning, and loving every minute of it!

Copyright 2007 Emma McDonald

Culinary for Health

What to Do With Rolling Shoe Racks

A shoe rack is a great place where you can neatly put down your shoes and not worry about clutter after a long day of hard and tiring work. With the current needs that we have right now, there are a lot of racks available right now that may not fit your needs especially if you are living inside a small apartment.

With the countless things that you need to have inside your house, there might be no place for a shoe rack. You'd rather throw your shoes and let it lie down on the floor-that might be even more convenient and space-saving compared to using one.

In response to the needs of today where most people live in small apartments, shoe racks may actually be great space-saving devices where you can have your shoes neat and organized. One of the innovative designs that are available is the rolling shoe rack. What is great about this is the comfort it provides with its wheels. If you have things that you need to move and you want your shoe rack out of the way, it can easily be moved.

Another comfort provided by a rolling rack is its space-saving features. Whenever you need your shoes, you can easily access the rack and hide it when not in use. More recently, the type of racks that are becoming more popular are the ones that can be hidden underneath the bed which are probably one of the underused spaces we have in the house.

It may be a tad bit inconvenient to bend over just to have access to your shoes but rolling under the bed shoe racks are great storage spaces especially if you have shoes that may be out of season and won't be using it for quite a while.

The more convenient types are the free standing ones. You can easily place it right beside your door which is a very convenient and easy to access. If you have that everyday routine where you need to get out of the house as soon as possible and rush down to your work, the free standing racks might be the right shoe rack for you.

They are great must-have devices that will provide you with easy and convenient shoe solutions for storage. There are a lot more innovative designs that will meet the type of function you need to have in your household.

Steak Books Cooking Network Foods


Father of the Bride Speeches - Top Tips For Writing a Memorable Wedding Speech and Toast

If you are looking for inspiring ideas on how to write father of the bride speeches, you have found the right place. In this article, let us talk about topics that you can include in your speech to make it meaningful, enlightening, and memorable.

The Welcome Note

You must begin your father of the bride speech with a cheerful welcome note. First, you may briefly introduce yourself as not everyone who attends may know that you are the bride's father.

Next, welcome and thank everyone who attended this joyous family occasion, including your family, relatives, friends and acquaintances. Be sure to extend a special welcome to the groom's parents and family as well.

In your welcome note, you may also highlight one or a few of your favourite moments during the wedding ceremony, such as walking your daughter down the aisle, which you will treasure in your memory forever.

About the Bride

Of course, no father of the bride speech will be complete without the story about the bride. This is the part where you can share funny anecdotes that you remember about your daughter when she was a child, while she was growing up, or while she was in her teens. This is your chance to reminisce your precious bonding moments spent with your daughter.

You can also compliment the bride on how beautiful and blooming she looks on this special day. Everyone knows that the bride is the star of the event so she deserves all the best compliments. Let the audience know how proud you are that you are her father and that you are standing here today to give this speech for your daughter's wedding.

About the son-in-law

This is your opportunity to publicly express warm welcome to your new son-in-law. Tell the audience how happy you are now that he is officially part of your family. What particular traits do you admire about the groom that makes you feel he is the perfect partner for your daughter? Giving sincere complements to the groom will surely make your daughter's heart happy as well.

In crafting wedding speeches for the father of the bride, you want to show your wisdom and insight, dispensing valuable matrimonial advice to the bride and groom. Above all, you want to show your great, unconditional love for your little girl.

As father of the bride, you play a strong, vital role in the wedding of your daughter. That is why it is important to make all wedding speeches for the father of the bride the best that they can be; and luckily, help is available.

Cooking Network Foods

How to Repair an Underwire Bra

It can be aggravating - and expensive when your underwire bra breaks, either because the wire itself is broken or because it has come dislodged. However, you may be able to repair the bra and salvage what may be an otherwise good bra. If the entire bra is already worn out, skip this step and buy a new one but if your bra is still in good condition and if you are on a budget, it may be worth it to repair it yourself.

If the wire has broken, just throw it away. You can use the other wire in this bra to repair another bra so take out the other wire before you ditch the bra. You'll need a seam ripper, which you can find wherever sewing supplies are sold. You'll need to rip out the seam where the wire is encased and if you are going to throw the bra away anyway, you don't even have to be careful.

When you have a spare wire and need to replace one that has broken, take your seam ripper and open the casing where the wire goes. Remove the broken wire and then replace it with your spare wire. Then you'll need to sew up the wire casing so that your new wire doesn't come dislodged in the wash. Once you do this a couple of times, it will be easy and you'll save yourself mega bucks by not having to replace your bra every time the wire breaks. Good Bras can be expensive so this is a great skill to learn.

Cooking Network Foods


How Easy Is It to Take a Trampoline Enclosure Down?

Trampolines are delivered flat pack and require self assembly, as easy as they are to put together they can also be easily taken apart. This is just the reverse of the installing the Trampoline, keep the instructions as they will prove useful in the future.

Trampolines are a simple design really and only have a few different steps to taking them down. It is usually best to use a spring tool if you have one as this will save your hands and make your life a bit easier, if you don't have this you can use a pair of pliers, we have even heard of people using a dish cloth to undo the springs, anything is possible when you put your mind to it. If you can get away with not taking your Trampoline down this is always an advantage and remember trampolines can be used in the winter, they are excellent form of exercise and if you have bought a good Trampoline they are designed to be left out all year around. We recommend keeping all your springs in one box, they are easy to misplace and not so easy to replace, you can never use a Trampoline if you do not have all the springs fitted on the Trampoline.

When you start taking down the Trampoline start by removing the springs in a clock work fashion and then once all the springs have been removed the frame should simply come apart when you remove the attachments. You can then dismantle the frame. Not all the frame has to be dismantled if you have a large enough shed to store the frame. All that is left is to fold up the frame pads and you're finished. Hope this helps.

Cooking Network Foods Caramel Recipe Books

Premium Coffee is Expensive and it Does Not Have to Cost So Much

Is Starbucks coffee really worth $4.00 a cup? This is a question that many of us have pondered over the last few years. Starbucks practically invented the premium coffee genre. As Starbucks has expanded all across the world, the idea of paying more money for good coffee has taken root. We have been desensitized to believe that some coffee is worth the $4.00 or more that we charge on our Visas and MasterCards.

Some people today can barely function without their morning cup of Joe. Other retailers have taken note of this, and now McDonald's is introducing coffee in all of their stores. Burger King and Wendys are starting to offer coffee drinks too, and many gas stations are not far behind. Suddenly, many people are going to different restaurants to try their coffee, and Starbucks is no longer the only game in town.

I personally do not believe that Starbucks coffee is better than McDonald's coffee or even Dunkin Donuts coffee. I have had a chance to try all of these coffees, and I believe that McDonald's coffee is the best coffee available today. McDonald's has the most variety of all of the restaurants besides Starbucks, and the coffee is usually cheaper than Starbucks. I do not like everything that McDonald's offers, but my favorite Vanilla latte drinks are just as good as anything you can buy at Starbucks. I like their latte drinks hot in the morning, and cold in the hot afternoon sun. Starbucks Frapuccino drinks are better than McDonald's comparable cold drinks, but at over $4 for many drinks, I think McDonald's is a better value.

If you have a McDonald's, Starbucks, and Dunkin Donuts all in the same area, I would recommend going to McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts first. The coffee is just as good, and you can save money at the same time.

Food Recipes DVD Caramel Recipe Books


Marketing Strategies Adopted by McDonald's and Consumer Perception Towards Fast-Food


Over the past few years the Indian economy has undergone drastic changes- changes that have had the market flooded with multinationals and a variety of products. There has been a sudden upsurge in the Indian industry and exponential growth in specific industries. Today's companies work in a war zone of rapidly changing competitors, technological advances, new laws, managed trade policies and diminishing customer loyalty.

In today's world of cutthroat fierce competition, customer satisfaction is very essential to not only exist but also to excel in the market. Today's market is enormously more complex. Henceforth, to survive in the market, the company not only needs to maximize its profit but also needs to satisfy its customers and should try to build upon from there.

The project title "Marketing strategies and International Business strategies adopted by McDonald's" is the analysis of the service Quality level of fast food industry. This project involves the service level provided by McDonald's and its competitors. The survey was conducted so as to analyze the service quality prevailing in the current industry and the improvement that can be made upon it.

Market research study has been conducted in order to bring out the picture of service quality that exists in this industry and the difference in service quality that exists in the market. Like what are the customer's preferences about the hospitality provided by the fast food industry.

After this a comprehensive and comparative analysis has been made and conclusion has been made keeping in mind the detailed analysis of the findings, which has been collected through the market research.

Research Objective

The primary objective of study was Marketing Strategies adopted by "Mc Donald's". This objective is supported by four secondary objectives, achieving them will lead to the fulfillment of primary objective. They include:
* To understand the marketing strategy of McDonalds with respect to targeting, positioning and Marketing mix.
* To understand consumer perception and to find buyer behavior towards fast food.
* To Compare Service quality of Competitors vis-à-vis McDonalds
* To find out the ways by which McDonald's can improve upon its service quality and bring more satisfaction to customers and thus add value to its bottom line.

* McDonald takes the share on this attribute by providing the customer with fast and friendly services.
* At McDonald we get your order usually within 60-90 seconds from the time it is placed. Providing the customer fast and friendly services is the philosophy of McDonald's. This is the big advantage McDonald's is having over the other restaurants.
* The customer satisfaction levels are better than the other competitors McDonald's is having. If we compare the space management Nirula's is having better space management than McDonald and Pizza Hut.
* The advantage McDonald having over the other restaurant is I) Ambiance ii) Employee behavior iii) Cleanliness and iv) Price.
* There is a price and service quality factor today, which the customer is looking for. It is giving an edge to McDonald's over Nirulas and Pizza Hut.

Limitations of Study

1. Certain limitations were inherent with this project work.
2. 100% response rate was not found from the respondents. Some extent of biasness was found because of Brand loyalty while answering the questions.
3. Potential biases such as reluctance of consumers, executives etc.
4. Lack of interest of the respondent was one of the major problems.
5. The Geographic extent of this study was limited to the Delhi market only.
6. The research only tries to present a bird eye view of the entire gamut of Indian Small appliances Market.

Meat Recipes Books Cooking Network Foods


How to Release Anger

If you want to feel better or not has a lot to do with releasing anger. When you are angry and thinking about revenge, you are only giving the people that irritate you what they deserve. When doing this, you can clearly see when you look at your feelings that you have anxiety and tension in you, and this is stopping you from being completely relaxed.

When you decide to release anger and forgive others, there may be no tension, but this person is getting away with something. It is as if giving them what they deserve means that you have to be irritable in order to get even.

It appears as if this is not fair, no matter what you do it looks as if you are the loser. But that is not the truth. When you forgive you automatically win because you have released YOUR anger.

Anger That Is Held In

Keeping anger in your life without ever releasing it puts your personal health at risk. Not only so, but you also lose the ability to make your best decisions.

As far as your health goes, you need to be aware that anger that is not released can upset your circulatory system. People who are always angry often have heart diseases and hypertension. Angry people also need to be concerned about having strokes.

The recent past is showing us that enough people have had strokes on the same day that they were angry to make it something that the medical world has decided to announce.

Releasing anger is also necessary for you to do your best work. If you are angry at co-workers, family members or others, you will find that when doing things with these people, you do not do the best that you can.

Because of the anger that you hold for these people, as it relates to them, anger will cloud your decision making and the best will not be achieved.

Releasing Anger Is Sometimes A Hard Thing To Do.

Releasing your anger can also make you the more mature individual in life's interactions.

It is about recognizing that nobody is perfect. Not even the people that you thought were perfect, or the people who think that they are perfect.

It is this imperfection that leads you to release your anger even if the person you should be angry at is not apologizing for the way that they had wronged you.

Releasing anger is first of all for you own benefit. Suppressed or unreleased anger is likely to turn into rage at one time or another. This is when you act out on your feelings of anger, and rage is always harmful to somebody.

What Do You Need To Do About It?

You should make sure that you release your anger as a matter of urgency. And it is always better if you get someone to help you knows what needs to be done.

To sum it up, you are already finding out how to handle your situation. I thing that the good advice I can give you is to encourage you to do an anger management class before somebody is hurt.

Caramel Recipe Books Food Recipes DVD

Meet the New Look Ronald McDonald

In a global television commercial just launched (10 June 2005), Ronald McDonald energetically rides a bike. He deftly shoots hoops with basketball megastar Yao Ming. He even snowboards like a pro.

It's enough to make you choke on your super-sized Big Mac meal. Yes, McDonald's "Chief Happiness Officer" now has a new title: "Amabassador of Balanced Lifestyles".

But he won't be giving up his old job.

The McDonald's-owned website,, explains how Ronald juggles the two titles. "As McDonald's Chief Happiness Officer, Ronald McDonald is involved with anything and everything that makes people happy. He wants the best for everyone."

And it seems that when it comes to what's best for everyone, fatty junk fare (described by GoActive as "tasty, wholesome food") is just not enough any more. In a stunning revelation, the site tells us that we now also need "physical activity that seems like play" and "robust good health".

Enter Ronald in his new, ambassadorial role ... "Ronald believes in an active, balanced lifestyle. He lives one himeself. And he is the ambassador of active, blanced lifestyles for everyone."

So just what does this new diplomatic status entail? GoActive,com explains that Ronald considers physical activity a "critical component of the energy balance equation".

Wow, Ronald's starting to speak like an ambassador already! We ordinary folk would have said something low-brow like, "If you're going to eat fattening, junk food, you'd better try to burn it off with some exercise".

Like any good diplomat, Ronald's pretty vague about how he's going to achieve this goal, promising to work "with the people of McDonald's in various ways to help parents and children identify realistic, fun ways to incorporate fitness and exercise into their daily lives."

If Ronald's sounding ambassadorial, his boss, McDonald's Chief Executive Officer Jim Skinner, sounded positively Presidential when he announced his company's "It's what I eat and what I do ... I'm lovin' it" campaign.

"We will use our size and strength to set an example," he told the media. The campaign includes television adverts, new packaging, an updated Web site and a fresh series a videos featuring Ambassador Ronald teaching children how to eat well and stay active.

And like a true diplomat, Ronald will soon get to demostrate just how multi-lingual he is. The new commercial airs first in the United States and will soon be broadcast in Canada, Germany, Italy, Portugal, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina.

And that's only the beginning. The TV spots will be followed later this year with a series of "Go Active with Ronald McDonald" interactive community shows accross the US and in other countries.

Active he may be, but it's obvious even Ronald will need some help in this historic mission. Tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams, hockey player Wayne Gretzky and speed skater Bonnie Blair are among the sporting luminaries McDonald's has pressed into service.

CEO Skinner has declined to put a price tag on the mission, but perhaps the TV networks and sports stars will get with the public-spiritedness of the campaign and donate their services gratis.

Of course, the company is adamant that none of this has anything to do with all those unfairly-critical articles in the media, alarmist books like Fast Food Nation, and muck-raking documetaries like Super Size Me. Nor, its insists, has it anything to do with recent court actions in which money-grabbing litigants have won millions of dollars in settlements.

On the contrary, we're told, the latest campaign is just a natural evolution of previous efforts on Ronald's part to teach children how to keep safe, like fastening seat belts and wearing bicycle helmets - both very important things for kids to know, so we'll understand if Ronald forgot to warn them not to eat unhealthy food like burgers and fries.

"This is just another way we're communicating with our customers on the importance of energy balance," company spokesperson Lisa Howard said.

Hey, there's that "energy balance" term again.

Sounds like Lisa's been getting some lessons in diplomat-speak from Uncle Ronald!

Meat Recipes Books


What You Need to Open a McDonald's Franchise

The ability to run a franchise from the McDonald's group can present the investor with a truly life-changing business opportunity. For those who are able to meet the financial and other requirements, a McDonald's franchise comes with so many advantages that it is certainly worth considering.

Great opportunities never come cheap and this is true of the McDonald's franchises too. The capital outlay can be quite limiting for many people. To be considered for the opportunity to open a restaurant, the investor is required to raise a minimum of $300,000. Moreover, this money must be from personal sources - not money borrowed from a financial institution. McDonald's actually prefers to deal with people who are able to make a down payment for several restaurants and who therefore are able to demonstrate the ability to raise funds with ease.

While the ability to raise funds is important, other factors that play an important role in determining whether or not you obtain a franchise include the business experience of the applicant. It therefore helps if the applicant can demonstrate reasonable business management experience. This could be shown by the applicant's record of success in other business ventures. In addition, it is of paramount importance that an applicant demonstrates good customer service skills. Other factors that could aid in the application include the ability to manage funds, the ability to create and stick to a business plan and a good credit history.

Once the initial requirements have been met, the proprietor will have little in the way of additional expenses to keep the business going. McDonald charges a monthly fee equivalent to 4% of sales and, in addition, charges a monthly rent.

The business opportunity presented by a McDonald's franchise is really special when you take into consideration the head start it gives the investor. The company has a global presence and its brand is so well-established that it saves the investor so much in advertising and marketing expenses. Moreover, a new investor is unlikely to start a brand new restaurant. McDonald's actually encourages those starting out not to open new restaurants but to actually buy an existing restaurant. This has several advantages including the fact that the new investor is saved from the agony of developing a clientele which can be a daunting task for any new business. An established restaurant already enjoys some form of goodwill and the new investor could start to enjoy reasonable returns immediately.

Perhaps what makes a McDonald's franchise truly enticing is the fact that a potential investor has a wide variety of locations to choose from. Since the company has restaurants in over 100 countries, this opportunity breaks down geographical and cultural barriers in a really admirable way and could open the door for the truly adventurous investor to not only engage in business with people from far-away lands but also to get to learn new cultures.

Food Recipes DVD


Mother of the Groom Speech

Allow this page to give you the steps to complete a wedding speech to help you make your own mother of the groom speech an example. The list provided below consists of 5 simple steps which you can easily understand. Following those steps will complete the wedding speech you want to write.

The first step is to get help and assistance from professional wedding speech writers. You will be able to see a variety of wedding speeches like mother of the groom speech example. Most of these are in a package you need to get for free or with payment. It doesn't matter if you spend a dime or two because the information you'll acquire here is worth it. Seeking assistance from experts will guide you on how to prepare, write and deliver a good speech.

Secondly, you search for available templates where you have to choose the ones you like best. A list of possible choices can possibly help you determine in finding the right template. This will actually assist you on how to make a personal and unique speech. Finding templates will make it easier for you to finish your speech quickly.

Thirdly, you have to make the speech a lot more unique as possible. You can do this by adding some personal quotes, statements and real event stories about your son. The advice and matrimonial tips you're going to include within the speech must be also personal. Making the mother of the groom speech personal is only possible if you give your own words based on your thoughts and feelings.

The next step is to compose a few lines of precious memories and stories you've experienced with your son. Any real stories that happened during the childhood and teenage life of your son will be a great choice. You may add some touch narrating these stories with photos. Sharing past memories can add a delightful moment to the event.

Finally, you have to finish your speech with a toast. From speech samples, you can get wedding quotation that you can adopt when proposing a toast. Raising glasses of wine for a special toast is the perfect ending of your speech.

Following these steps strictly will enable you to write a unique and complete speech which might be included in the mother of the groom speech example list. When the time comes in to write a speech, be sure to follow those steps accordingly. Keeping this information in mind will enable you to provide a speech your son and his bride will appreciate.

Cooking Network Foods Culinary Institute Books Culinary for Health

Decluttering Your Wardrobe

Many of us have clothes in our wardrobe that we never wear. We tend to wear the same few items over and over again. However, we still leave the clothes that we don't fit into any more and the ones that we don't wear anymore, in our wardrobes. One great habit to get into would be to clean out these areas at least once a year.

So here's how to start. Take out everything that doesn't fit you any more, and fold them into a box to give away to your local charity, or to sell on eBay. Now, let's see how many items here are and the wardrobe that you don't like anymore. Take those items out and add them into the box. Separate your winter and summer clothes from each other.

You are bound to find clothing items that you love but never wear, for some particular reason. It may be that you don't want to wear sleeveless garments anymore. But if you bought a lightweight short cardigan or short-sleeved jacket you may just where that item over and over again. So get out a piece of paper and pen and write down items of clothing that you need, which will make out the garments already in your wardrobe come alive again. Also write down what color this garment should be.

Now let's look in your underwear drawer. Throw out all the old bras and get rid of the ones that don't fit properly. Look at the bra and if you would be embarrassed being seen in that bra then it needs to go in the rubbish. Do the same for your panties and at the same time right yourself a list of what you will need for the future. Doing these few things will freshen up your wardrobe and help you wear most of the clothes in it.

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You Are God!

Have you ever wondered where all these crazy people came up with the concept of manifesting your own world? The very idea that you are in control, not some divine being that you have never seen before. Where did they come up with that? It is true you know... you are responsible for yourself and for the outcome of your own life. No one else has the responsibility for your success or your failure.

It was interesting because few years ago I watched this movie called "What the Bleep do we know" and in it one of the speakers said this. "I am saying that you are God" I was lying on my couch and I sat up very quickly and thought, HUH?? But then I realized that what was said was correct. If you are a Christian, then think about what the bible says. It says we are made in God's image. This means that we are made in the image of God, not partially, but fully made in the image of God! Here is something else that will knock your socks off!!! My mother who is my partner in crime for all of the Lamplight messages, events, business etc sent me an email a few days ago that said "READ THIS". Of course being the person I am, I did not read it for a few days. Anyhow, it has a link to the online bible and quotes a verse in the bible that states the following: "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your Law, I have said you are gods" (John 10:34). WHOA! How come the modern day Christian Church missed this??? They did not think it was important to tell people this?? haha.... Now do not get me wrong, I know some of you are not Christian and that is okay, I am only speaking from my experience. Maybe someone could help me with other beliefs and what they say.

Wow, so we are god! Let's ponder this for a little bit. Does this mean we are in total control of our own life, free to make our own decisions in life, whether they are good or bad? Umm Yup!

Let's go on just a little more shall we??? The Universalists believe that we are in total control of our lives, that Jesus did not die for our sins but was a great Spiritual Master. Powerful stuff! Not only does this give us the power to make our own decisions in life without some huge powerful being hanging over us, and judging us, but more importantly we have the power to make our life happen!! We do not have to be afraid! We do not have to constantly judge ourselves, and think that we are inadequate! We are in control!

But wait, there is more!!! Dr. Candace Pert says in her book, "The Molecules of Emotion", that our minds, based on chemistry, are hard wired for feelings of bliss and pleasure. So why would we want to create so much fear in our lives that we cannot feel the bliss and pleasure that we were meant to feel? Here is the thing, the god, goddess, universe or spirit what ever you want to call the prime creator or wants you to enjoy life.

Say it with me, THE CREATOR WANTS YOU TO ENJOY LIFE!!! I have said for years that Fear and Guilt are the only Useless emotions. I want to change that just slightly. If Fear and Guilt take you out of balance then they are WRONG in your life. It is like anything else, WE NEED BALANCE PEOPLE! Yes, if we had no fear, then nothing would prevent us from going into a known bad neighborhood without some safety precautions. If we do something that hurts another individual then it is our guilt and conscience that pushes us to go make amends. However, if Guilt and Fear consume us and keep us from moving forward then it is wrong. Trust me, I have been there in life.

Anyhow, I just had to share such a powerful message, that we are God, we are a part of God and we are a part of the Universe. YOU are in control and you are the one that can make your life happen! You, and only you can make your life a priority. Only you can make yourself happy!

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Gilmour Foamaster II

The Gilmor Foamaster II is a foaming 'gun' that is designed to attach directly onto the end of a hosepipe, instead of a lance attachment that connects to a pressure washer.

The whole attachment is completely chemical resistant meaning that no parts will corrode and weaken which was a problem with the earlier model Gilmour Foamaster gun, therefore any kinds products at any strength can be used in the gun without having to worry about it getting damaged.

There is a quick select dial that helps to create custom ratios and make mixing very easy and the specialized fan shaped wand helps to disperse the foam so it leaves the gun at it most thickest before reaching your car.

A great feature of the Gilmour Foamaster II is that the handle can be quickly and easily detached, so after foaming you can thoroughly rinse off the vehicle with a powerful spray.

The foam gun seems to use allot of cleaning solution compared to other foaming attachments which means that you may eat through your chosen product fairly quickly. Even though it uses allot of product the Gilmour Foamaster II simply cannot deliver the thickness of foam that a designated pressure washer attachment can. This is due to the fact that the water supply is coming from a hosepipe and so is not as pressurized as water being pumped from a pressure washer. This means that you will not achieve the dwell time that is found in foams produced from a pressure washer lance attachment and subsequently you may have to reapply the foam a number of times - using even more product.

The Gilmour Foamaster II is a good quality product in itself though and if you do not have a pressure washer or require one but want to be able to effectively pre foam your car prior to washing then it may be the ideal solution. Although it may not produce as thick foam as other products it will still help to loosen and remove any dirt & contaminants before washing that may otherwise scratch the paintwork which is the important thing to consider here.

Not to be chosen over a designated pressure washer attachment but if a hosepipe is all you have or require then it offers an ideal solution for pre foaming your car.

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Summer Styles For Men

Italy is famous for housing the world's top fashion designers. The cool climate allows its people to dress up thus, making it the fashion capital not only for women's fashion but for men as well. The United States, on the other hand, has a different climate. During summer, the heat turns up that it makes you want to go out of the house and get naked for the rest of the season. Then again, the heat is not an excuse to look drab. There are a lot of things that you can do to beat the summer heat in your own cool and fashionable respect.

There are now sweat-friendly suits available in different shops all over America. One of the biggest contributing factors to sweat stains is the weight of the fabric that you wear. For instance, flannel and tweed are the worst choices that you can make for suits that you want to wear during summer. Both fabrics are really heavy and can literally make you sweat.

The best summer suit for summer is one that is produced using lighter wools. Flannel and tweed both come from the heavier side of the wool family. Tropical wool and light weave worsted wools are typically great ideas for suits that you can wear during the warm months. If you're not sure about these fabrics, you can always ask your tailor about them. They are popularly known as Super 100's in the fashion manufacturing industry, so just mention that and your tailor will definitely know what you want.

For non-wool options, you can always go for linen. Some style aficionados will definitely go for this fabric and tell you that it's way better than any old wool. Linen has a natural wrinkle to it which implies that you can wear this suit without it lying too flat on your skin. The wrinkle in itself also gives a laid-back yet very gentlemanly. Linen suits are just perfect for summer pundits.

Note though that the standard rules for wearing suits still apply. And I mean everything from matching ties, shirts and little touches like pocket square should still be given keen attention. You just have to switch to lighter shades like pastels or pale shades of your usual color preferences. These colors absorb less sunlight which means that less heat is also absorbed by your clothe. White and beige are really very summery. Wear them instead of your usual black and gray.

Men's fashion is commonly characterized by warm, casual style cotton. If you really dress up for summer, you definitely know why. Cotton allows your skin to breathe. More than that, it moves perfectly well with your body and any stain can be easily cleaned. If you have enough cotton in your closet, you can be sure that you're up with fashion until the leaves turn brown.

Style staples for men include khakis and chinos. They are appropriate replacements for the infamous denim as they are softer and less coarse. Obviously, they will feel better and lighter on the skin even when you're under the noonday sun. They are also more lightweight and their colors are perfect for summer.

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The "McDonald's-ization" of Education

McDonald's is astoundingly successful at purveying inexpensive fast food of consistently high quality.  They have achieved this primarily through standardization and quality control. If you purchase an "Egg McMuffin," or a "Big Mac" at an outlet in Seattle, or Milwaukee, Chicago or Miami, it will be almost exactly the same.

Standardization is increasingly making in-roads into education.  Once the realm of diversity (of opinion, thought, approach, teaching technique, classroom styles, etc.) and independence (academic freedom), the higher education classroom is being transformed into a "product" type delivery system.  The "products" in this case are the concepts, lesson plans, group exercises, assignments, etc. - indeed, the education itself.

The intent of this transformation is to provide a "standard" high quality student classroom experience  within disciplines, and across institutions.  With the student being the customer (consumer) of the educational delivery system, we want to make sure he or she is getting the highest possible quality product, and the key to this is "quality control" and standardization.

Instead of the after-the-fact quality control offered through instructor "evaluations," " classroom observations," and the like, the approach introduces a far more intrusive and directive model.  Lesson Plans, indeed, entire courses and curricula are loaded into pre-packaged modules, on thumb drives (USB) or onto computers, or servers. 

As in the fast food business, manufacturing, or other product producing sectors, the product creation and delivery process is developed to gain the efficiency and effectiveness obtained in industry.


Just like McDonald's where the customer can expect to enjoy a standard, high quality product, served in a clean, well-designed environment, the student consumer can expect convenient delivery of the educational product, for his consumption, and enjoyment - "satisfaction guaranteed."


First, a product team is assembled.  In this case it consists of academic experts, curriculum designers, course writers, technology experts, product representatives, trainers, content specialists, etc.  The product development process is based on outcome objectives, i.e., "what do we want the student to know?," "what should he learn during this course?" and "how do we measure that?"  This "beginning at the end" philosophy is crucial.  It keeps the spotlight on the product, promotes quality, and ultimately, "customer satisfaction."


Gen Y students have different expectations from their predecessors, and are less likely to indulge obsolete or dated instructional methods and techniques.  They demand to be engaged.  

Instructors are partially selected on their ability to "entertain" as well as "inform."  They are expected to be animated, humorous, engaging, and entertaining.  They are expected to convey knowledge in convenient, enjoyable, and satisfying, bites.


The more standardized the process becomes, the less latitude for the educator, the more prescribed the content, exercises and learning activities are, the more the business managers of the career and "for profit" colleges like it. This concept may, however, benefit the student as it concentrates on a quality, standardized, classroom experience.  


Once the instructor has mastered the technology, the whole instructional process is easier under this model.  Everything is pre-packaged.  No messy development of lesson plans - they're already done - and done well.  No thinking about creative learning activities and approaches -  they're already there.  You could almost do it in your sleep!  (if it wasn't for the requirement to be animated and entertaining.)  


Students in this new education model will be immersed in technology throughout their degree program.  This is the world of today, and the future.  They will participate and interact with SMARTboards, laptops, WiFi, simulations, business games, remote "clickers," interactive learning, real-world relevant projects, presentations, etc.  It's designed to match their learning styles and attention spans  It is preeminently designed to prepare them for their careers. Although many students are "comfortable" with technology, fewer are proficient, and fewer yet have an in-depth understanding. The curriculum should help them become more proficient and better prepared for the technology demands of the future business environment. The intensely technological nature of the classroom experience also addresses the various learning styles.  The auditory learner will have voice, music, and noise.  The visual learner will enjoy the videos, powerpoints, and other visuals.  The kinesthetic learner will appreciate the hands on components, especially the SMARTboard.  

Student satisfaction is, of course, a primary objective.  Education, especially for-profit education, exists to serve the student, while running a business.  And, through serving and satisfying the student, ultimately the student will stay in school, graduate, and learn valuable knowledge and skills in the process.  These graduates will benefit the business community, and society at large.  An advanced society like ours is critically dependent on an educated and productive populous.  


What do employers want and need?  The link to employer requirements is a vital one.  Businesses need educated workers.  They require technologically adroit employees who can meet the demands of a rapidly changing technological environment and a highly competitive situation.

Ours is a productive society.  Businesses spend billions of dollars training and re-training their employees.  "Business Ready" graduates will be more productive from day one and employers will appreciate this.


Purists would argue that the more traditional approaches are preferable, and that academic freedom is being infringed upon.  They would say that instructors should be hired based on their knowledge, quality of education, expertise, research history and contributions to their field.  They would undoubtedly prefer to see pure "academicians" and "scholars" in the classroom.  However, there is room for an interesting debate here.  Is it about the instructor or the student?  Obviously, we understand that it's about both, but whose needs take precedence?  The answer has to be - THE STUDENT!  After all, the whole educational system is in place to meet the needs of the student, and ultimately, society.  

Instructors with real-world, practical experience and without techno-phobia will be more adaptable to this new format, and perhaps better equipped to relate to the student.


In education there is always room for a broad range of opinions and approaches. Let's try this new one.  It works in business - why not education?  This is probably why Career Colleges are embracing the approach much more readily than their mainstream counterparts. The "for-profit" Career Colleges are definitely  the forefront of this initiative, and "early adopters." 

We all know that "quality " is an issue in education.  Graduates with virtually identical credentials can have vastly different skills, knowledge, and abilities.  This is, and always has been a concern. This standardized, quality-assured model addresses that issue.

Sure, this educational model is controversial, as it should be!  But the end result may very well be that students have a reasonably similar experience, learn comparable skills, and become better "fits" within the business world.  Employers can be better assured and confident that graduates have the knowledge and skill base they require to be successful contributors.  They will probably, at some point, wish to be full participants in the curriculum development process.  In the globally competitive market, this might just be what is needed.

When we're teaching Business we must be business-minded.  Let's transfer those "best practices" from the business world to academia, keep our students involved, and better prepare them for their future careers.  And, the lessons to be learned from places like McDonald's may be more applicable to education than we might have ever imagined. 

Copyright ©, 2009, Dr. Ben A. Carlsen, MBA. All Rights Reserved Worldwide for all Media. You may reprint this article in your ezine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, website, etc. as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, leave my name and bio box intact, and you follow all of the EzineArticles Terms of Service for Publishers.

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