Depending on who you talk, the placement is a marketing phrase that has many different meanings to many different marketing. I define the positioning as the way the customer in mind your maps produced comparable products available to them.
Let me explain further.
In the passenger car market (now remember I'm in Australia, so some of these brands or may not be familiar to you, but I will do my best to be universal), we map in our heads how to positionmight seem.
Status Symbol / luxury Mercedes Benz / Lexus Drivers serious: serious BMW Sports: Safety Porsche family Volvo and Ford Holden (6 cylinders) Affordable: Toyota Affordable Europe: Cheap Volkswagen, Hyundai Hoon: Anything with holes in the hood , large cutting wheels Mag and strong fumes. (Suburu seem very popular with this group.)
You get the idea start?
Of course not as simple as that card. We can add other variables to create a "position" for us.These variables can have sex, age, location, personal aspirations, budget and so on.
For example, women in Australia as a sedan (like a VW Golf Drive) as it simple to load the cart into the trunk (or trunk if you're in America).
So it could be the Volkswagen Golf Positioning:
"European women that convenient store"
We also illustrate how easy it is to damage your ranking and, look, I shall use one of my favoritesExamples of McDonald's.
What is McDonald's, the average person? Well, it used to be a burger place, and that's how we all saw in our heads. This was very powerful because McDonald's hamburgers were a popular food and takeout McDonald's was the first major hamburger joint and "felt" the situation in our heads. If you thought you thought hamburger - McDonalds.
The marketing department of McDonald's reinforced this perceptionto us - through television and other media. We did - and we attributed to the ownership of McDonald's hamburgers.
It was powerful because consumers do not want to think about anything - and if you do something as powerful as McDonald's and "own" place in the consumer, make it easy for the consumer. They only know what you do and you will go to the place.
McDonalds here in Australia is changing - one might think in reactionthe growing negative perception of the quality of food and general concerns about obesity community.
It 'was recently published rolls "Deli". But hey, says the consumer is that the subway? It has chicken nuggets on the menu. Hey, is not that KFC? And some of their subsidiaries have a McCafe sell coffee and muffins. Hey, is not that Starbucks?
So again, where McDonald's had a very clear position in consumers' minds and try to be all things to all menThe first rule when it comes to branding, which is not all things to all people can not - yes.
Ask the consumer to think of your brand and ask them to shift quantum leap in the perception of your brand (as well cared for, you in all the years) is a huge demand. From the website of Hamburg, around which everything from a place the children a place for adults, from a "junk food perception to tell us that they are healthy? McDonalds is in serious trouble.Consumers should not receive them.
The three steps to create and communicate a position.
Just think of your first product attributes. When you create positioning for your product, you need to think through the characteristics of the product of (car attributes include safety, durability, speed, comfort and so on to start).
The best way to find out what is the most important attribute is to ask questions of potential buyers. What do you think your customersQuestion? What is the most important attribute for them? What would compel or encourage consumers to buy the product through an alternative?
(If you are looking to advertise or promote your product, you might also ask where they search for information on these products, and what language they use when talking about it.)
According to Select the attribute that is best for your product. The rules are that if it is the first product on the market in your category, you can have a choice of "possession"each attribute that can be positioned against the product, and you know want to choose the most important attribute, refer to this product.
But if you're not the first product category, different rules apply.
The rule of the trailer is the opposite of the leader to be done to offer the consumer a real alternative. (Think black against white MP3 i-Pod).
It 'a very rare occasion that you copy your competitors and win.
Third time, tell the worldFinally, after the position is half the battle. The other half is how to communicate this position with consumers.
All brands and products have a personality. The elements of personality are the property of their names, packaging, price, its advertising and what it does and where it was purchased. His personality is ultimately his image.
Once selected, each element of your brand must be consistent with the chosen image. You do not have a logo on an old style "," modern product and not"Packaging a product Boring" interesting ... and so on.
Do Everything must be in harmony (and remain so), so the temptation to change your brand image regularly - you will only confuse customers.
What should I roll all promotional activities, each piece to promote the brand to be strengthened. Otherwise, it should not be issued or accepted by you does.
If you are the first product category, you must include a statement on leadership positions. "Thethe first (whatever) for (that) "" Fastest Growing (whatever) "is the largest supplier of (any)", "America's No. 1 for the election (whoever)".
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